Weird People Encountered at Lincoln Center 2009 Christmas

By V Hu

During 2009, Kaiying felt pretty down due to breaking up with her boy friend of more than 3 years. Bad things come one after the other. Both of her desktop and laptop had broken down. One day she called me and asked if I wanted to watch an opera in NYC. According to Kaiying, the 2 tickets were from her colleague, Wei Yang from ShenYang. Wei Yang and her husband couldn’t go because they had to visit her family in ShenYang, LiaoNing China. Her father in law was a lawyer and their family was pretty rich. She had given Kaiying expensive tea as a gift and invited her and Daner Lee to their house to eat lobsters. She and her sister in laws had tradition to watch operas in NYC during Christmas holidays.  

They bought the tickets 1 year ahead with the discounted price of $44.5. I was not that into Italian opera because I didn’t understand the language, but felt it could be a good activity to visit NYC with Kaiying during the weekend. It would help her to get over of her ex-boy friend. In addition I myself needed some outdoor activities, so I happily agreed to buy the ticket.

I bought the bus tickets online. We finally made the trip on December 25th, 2009. It was chill on the NYC streets in December, but was bustling with people. The excitement lifted me, once we got off the bus. Kaiying seemed cheered up too. We didn’t have time to stroke around, but rushed to the Metropolitan Opera in Lincoln Center. Unfortunately we were 10 minutes late and had to watch the opera on TV screen in a coatroom until the next intermission. We didn’t feel too bad because there were many people sharing the same room with us. LOL!

The title of the performance was IL Trittico. It consisted of three plays, Il Tabarro, Suor Angelica, and Gianni Schicchi.

The first one was a story of the wife having a fair and the husband killing the lover ( in today’s world, it seems totally different, the husband having a fair and the wife living with it).

The second one was about a suicidal nun. The young woman from an upper class family lived in a convent after having an illegitimate child and killed herself after heard from her visiting aunty that her son had died. The scene moved almost everyone in tear.

The third one was comedy showing how greedy relatives reacted when a rich old man died. It is pretty much the same as in today’s world.

There was a digital text displayer in front of every seat. The lyrics of opera were translated and displayed on the screen in English, German, or Spanish. My eyes were busy switching between the stage and the screen during the play. However I did enjoy the performance very much.

During the exit, I saved one old lady in front of me from falling down when she accidentally made false step. It was a great catch as the guy beside mentioned.

The trip backing home seemed much shorter as always. We had a great day!

One thing really bothered me was  that a skinny listless old man and an oval faced guy in 30s/40s standing aside staring at us when Kaiying and I waited in the line to use the rest room inside Lincoln Center after the opera was ended. Kaiying told me that she wanted to tour around the opera building, agreed to meet me at the entrance of the building at the first floor, and then left.

The old man was wearing old wrinkled dress suit acting like a zombie in a horror movie.

He looked alike Sean, a tall, long faced, tousle-haired, middle aged engineer sat next to Steve Marco in AAI Corp. when I was working for the 1st team. October 31, 2006, Sean insulted me by intentionally throwing a Halloween candy to my desk with a ghost printed on one side of the wrapper and a pumpkin on the other side and yelling, “Victoria, pumpkin or ghost? Ghost!”, then walked away toward the direction opposite to his working cubicle while laughing. I had never talked to him nor had any problem with him before. A little while later, seeing him walk back to his cubicle, I took the candy and walked over to his cubicle and asked, “Were you the one throwing this candy to me?” He looked at me quietly.  Steve Marco was in his cubicle, sitting face to face with him. Steve Marco was a mechanical engineer and had exchanged emails with me for developing products for our team. Then I continued, “You’d better give this to your kids.” I threw the candy to his desk and walked back to my own cubicle. If he was really trying to be friendly to me by giving me Halloween candies, there wouldn’t be only one with those specific patterns on the wrapper and he wouldn’t call me those names. 

However this old man was skinny having a lot of wrinkles on his face and his hair was grayish.

The oval faced guy in 30s/40s later entered/exited into/from the ChuangYe building of ChuangYe Industrial Park in Xiamen between April and May of 2012 after I had been suffering from the electronic torture, moved to Xiamen China and located a software programming job in Tainetech Technology Co., a website and POS software developing company. I started working for this company on March 8, 2012. Tainetech was located inside the ChuangYe building. After this guy had appeared in the building I started feeling intense electronic pulse shooting/zapping/burning me while I was sitting in front of the desk at work.

The oval faced guy in 30s/40s with large body build also appeared as flight attendant on the flight UA624 from San Francisco Airport (SFO) to Chicago O’Hare Airport (ORD) on 2017/2/28. I was sitting on 48G and zapped extremely severely by the energy pulse from the above. The left side of my neck had been already burned badly. I had smeared burn ointment on the wound and covered it with gauze. I used my palm to cover the wound area, but didn’t help much. On the same role 48, but far left, there was a white woman with glasses. This oval faced large male attendant brought beverage and food to her several times.

2017/2/27-28(USA 2/27),UA858 PVG-SFO,37A,脑后勺左边风池穴被连续波束刺射,接近SFO后停下,接着往我膝盖后面刺射一阵,比起在以前的国际航班上,强度要低很多。UA624 SFO-ORD,48G,波束从上一直猛烈刺射下来,身体被刺射,主要灼烧颈部,到达目的地后掀开创面敷贴,增加了很多灼伤疙瘩。UA4545,ORD-MDT 15A,冷空气和波束刺射混在一起,刺射膝盖疼痛。这次 旧金山(SFO) 到芝加哥(ORD)的航班上我被波束刺射 最严重;以前是在上海(PVG)(香港 HKG )到芝加哥(ORD),或芝加哥到上海(香港)之间的航班上被刺射特别严重。在芝加哥机场登机口等待上前往香港,上海,或北京的国际航班时也经常被波束猛烈刺射灼烧。

I recalled that this skinny listless old man had also appeared in the living room of Jill’s house in Baltimore county MD, USA. Jill was a belly dancing instructor. I took her classes after work. One evening I entered in Jill’s house, this old man was sitting beside a table facing toward the entrance. Jill’s husband was sitting beside as well. I had chills down my spine when I saw his face and walked straight to the dancing room at the basement.

I met a skinny old guy with a similar looking to this listless old man at the boarding gate of #501 for Dragon Airline in the HK airport on May 28th, 2012. I arrived in HK airport from USA and waited to board on the airplane flying to Xiamen China. This guy came and sat down at the seat beside me. There was a squat Asian young guy sat two rows away facing at us and constantly stared at us. I stood up and got into the check-in line. Then this guy followed and stood behind me. During the check-in process, one stewardess told me that there were some issues with my ticket and let me stand aside while she was verifying my ticket. Another stewardess checked in this guy and couple people behind me. I felt instantly relieved then.

2009年期间,由于她谈了3年以上的男朋友跟她分手了,朋友凯因心情很不好。坏的事情接二连三。她的台式机和笔记本电脑都坏了。有一天,她打电话给我,问我是否希望到纽约市看歌剧。她来自沈阳的女同事,杨威,不能去看,因为这对夫妻需回中国辽宁省沈阳。他们1年前就预订了入场券,价格相当不错,44.5美元。我对意大利歌剧不是太感兴趣(听不懂语言),但觉得周末跟她一起去纽约是一个很好的活动– 帮她忘了心痛,我自己也需要户外活动,所以我愉快地答应了买那歌剧票。




一次在香港机场港龙登机处遇到跟这个颓丧的老头长得很接近的老年白男人,瘦高,蓬松的头发。 2012年5月28日我从美国回中国途径香港机场,在港龙航空的登机口501,等候班机飞往厦门。这个瘦高个老人在我旁边坐下。当时有个稍胖的亚裔年轻男人坐在隔着的两排座位外,面对着我们,并不断观望。我提前排队检票,他也跟着排到我后面。检票时,空姐说我的机票信息有问题,让后面的人先检票入舱。等了两三个乘客通过,另一名空姐查询完我的机票后,我才通过,如释重负。当时心里很感激这两位港龙航空的小姐在查询我机票时出错。