Weird Pat Down Search at Harrisburg Airport

By V Hu

2016/4/18 早上6:00am 多在哈里斯堡(Harrisburg)机场安检,通过360度旋转扫描,出乎意料被指定人手搜查(Pat search)。我穿着一件毛衣和牛仔裤,搜查起来应该只需轻轻拍击几下。搜查的女安检员却像机械手一样高速重力按压,好像要捏出我皮肤下的东西似的,在搜查右边大腿内侧时,手掌上下快速移动,猛烈撞击到了盆骨的耻骨下角。如果是一个得骨质疏松症的女人,被她这么撞击,估计盆骨会粉碎性裂开。5年来定向能波束经常辐射腹股沟,髋部,小腹。这次右腿内侧耻骨下角的猛烈撞击不得不让我觉的是刻意人身攻击。在哈里斯堡机场安检处我亲历过好多次怪异的搜查行动,但这一次是最可恶的。左手上一直戴着的金戒指,在美国哈里斯堡(Harrisburg)机场2016/4/18 早上7:00am 多上了飞往芝加哥的UA 4781飞机后发觉不见了!记得在住处清理后院的树枝时,还注意到戒指在手指上。

I took the flight UA4781 from Harrisburg to Chicago at 7:00 am on April 18, 2016. I entered in airport security check point around 6:00am. After having 360 degree full body circling scan, I was appointed to have a pat-down search by a woman in front of the scanning system while my carry-on handbag was going through the scanning belt. She searched from head to toe and pressed on my body very hard. When she moved her both hands up and down on my right leg, her right hand thumb even hit hardly on the pubis at the inner thigh of my right leg. It was painful. I think if some woman with osteoporosis was hit by that force, her pelvis would be fractured. During and after the search all I thought was about the pain at the pubis. Until I settled down on my seat on the flight UA 4781 and saw one passenger’s hand with a silver ring extending out from the front seat back, I subconsciously looked at my hand and noticed that the gold ring on my left hand was not there anymore.

Last 5 years (Since July 2011), my body has been targeted, zapped, burned with directed energy pulse coming from mostly unidentified sources ( In 2011 and early 2012, I’m sure there was directed energy pulse emitting  from  left side wall between my house and left side neighbor in Baltimore)。Frequently the pulse zaps and radiates at my groin, pelvis, and lower abdomen. I’ve experienced weird search for several times at the Harrisburg Airport security check point, but this time’s pat-down search and hitting on my pubis at the inner thigh of my right leg was likely an violent personal attacking. 

上了UA 835,一开始我的座位是43K,网上选座时我刻意选了后排指望3座一排的座位只有我一人,不过很不幸,坐满了人。更倒霉的是一入座就闻到强烈的狐臭味,待到飞机上升致制定高度后可以自由活动的时候我立即转移到了57排座位,这样可以躺着睡。一躺下睡觉,波束就开始辐射身体,特别是小腹上,所以翻来转去一刻也没睡着。

My seat number was 43K on the UA834 flying from Chicago to Pudong Shanghai. I intentionally picked online the seat located at the rear of the airplane expecting there was only me sitting in the role of 3 seats. Unfortunately all three seats in the role of 43 were occupied. It got even worse that I smell intense hircus after I sat down. After the airplane ascended to designated altitude and passengers were allowed to move inside the cabin freely, I right away moved to the role of 57 where all three seats were unoccupied and I could lie down. But once I lay down, the directed energy pulse started radiating at my body, especially my lower abdomen. I tossed and turned and didn’t sleep at all.

航班的午饭时间,我选了意大利番茄酱方饺(Ravioli )。配菜是带柠檬草香味的南瓜芝麻菜麦粒。味道真的很好!乘务员态度也很好。感觉随着油价下跌,美联航班机提供的食物和服务质量都提高了!


The flight encountered strong turbulence when it was landing on the Shanghai Pudong airport and bumped tremendously.  I got nauseated and threw up everything I ate for the breakfast.  After that I felt very dizzy and sleepy.  Inside the Pudong airport and on the China domestic flight I didn’t get harassed by the directed energy pulse from unknown source, so I slept deeply on the China domestic flight all the way to the destination.