Lime Green and Lemon Yellow

By V Hu

During working for the first team in AAI Corp., there was a project manager named Ken Vidmar. He was friendly, had married and divorced several times, then had a knee surgery and married to a nurse who had taken care of him. He was grateful to his wife and treated her very well.
我在 AAI Corp. 第一个小组工作期间,有一个项目经理叫Ken Vidmar,人很随和,离婚结婚一两次,后来做了膝盖手术,跟一个女护理员喜结连理。他对妻子抱着感恩之心,所以对妻子很好。

Then there was a white woman or a woman mixed between white and Asian. She was bad looking. In 2017, during my visit to my parents in Nanjing, I saw some pictures of my younger sister’s family in New York after she gave birth to a kid and noticed that my sister’s neighbor, a woman originally from Taiwan had same shape of eyes as Amy’s. Even their facial expressions were similar.
当时有一个白人(白人跟亚裔混血)女同事叫 Amy,长得不好看。2017年回南京父母家看到妹妹生完孩子后的生活照,发现Amy的眼睛跟妹妹的台湾女邻居的眼睛是一样的,那神情也接近。

Amy tried to be close to Ken. But Ken didn’t want to speak to her much. One time Amy went to ask Ken a question. Ken rushed to my working cubicle and stayed very inside of it while I was sitting in front of my desk and editing software codes. Once noticing the commotion, I stood up and turned back to face toward the entrance of my cubicle. Amy was standing at the entrance. Ken threw the question to me. I answered it. Amy walked away sulkily. Ken then took a deep breath and exhaled, appearing relieved and walked away.
Amy粘着 Ken。Ken 不愿意跟她多说话。有一次,Amy 找他问问题,Ken突然冲进我的隔间最里面,Amy 站在隔间进出口。Ken 把问题甩给我。我站起来回答了他们俩。当时他们俩的表情都是怪怪的。Amy 听到答案后就悻悻离开了。Ken接着也呼了口气,调整好心态离去了。

In 2007, the team members gathered together to have a crab feast in a restaurant. Ken joined in a bit late and first sat near the restaurant entrance, at the end of the long dinner table. At the near end of the feast, some colleagues left and couple seats in the middle of the table were available. Ken moved to a middle seat and chatted with us. After a little moment, Amy and a middle age woman walked in and stood behind Ken. Amy was wearing a tight scarlet low cut short sleeve. When she started speaking, she inclined forward from Ken’s left back side so that her chest became close to Ken’s left side face and shoulder. Ken looked uneasy. I looked at other colleagues and noticed that they all looked weird.
2007年,小组在一家餐厅组织了螃蟹晚餐聚会。Ken 来餐厅比较晚,坐在了靠餐厅进出口的长桌的位置。后来晚餐快结束的时候,一两个同事就离席回家了,靠里面的座位空了出来。Ken 就坐到里面的座位跟我们聊天。没一会儿,Amy 穿着一件紧身袒胸的鲜红色上衣,站在Ken 后侧边上,说话间,身体前倾,前胸靠近Ken的脸和肩。Ken 一脸不自在。我观察了其他在座同事的脸部表情,都有些怪怪的。

The middle age woman came along with Amy looked like Cathy Lopez, a software quality controller, but appeared older. I felt I met her once in the Bikram Yoga center. That was my first day of yoga classes. She stood beside reception desk and chatting with receptionists. I approached the desk to ask where the class room was. She appeared very hospitable and told the receptionist that she would lead me to the class room. She placed my yoga mat at the very first row nearest to the instructor’s podium. After the class started, the instructor showed me a spot at the back side of the room and asked me to move there. Later I hadn’t seen this woman at the yoga center. Students in the class increased rapidly from originally a little over 10, to around 30. Often there was a middle age guy with dark skin took the spot beside me and tossing around a damp dingy towel…Bikram is practiced in an insulated room with temperature above 100 Fahrenheit (38 degree Celsius). When the people are increased, the oxygen inside the room gets thinner. I felt often dizzy and other ill symptoms and stopped taking the classes.
陪着Amy一起来的,站在Amy后面的是一个跟软件质检员Cathy Lopez 很像,偏老一些的中年妇女。我感觉曾经在Bikram瑜伽中心遇到过这个妇女。那是我的第一次瑜伽课,她站在服务台旁边跟工作人员在聊天。我询问教室位置的时候,她显得很热情,带我进了教室,并且把我的瑜伽垫子放在靠老师示范的位置很近的地方。训练课开始后,老师在后排找了位置,叫我转移到那里。后来在瑜伽课上没再见过她。课堂里的学员越来越多,本来10来个,后来近30个,而且我旁边经常出现一个皮肤黑黑的中年男子甩来甩去一条湿答答的脏兮兮的毛巾……Bikram 是高温瑜伽,上课过程中,教室封闭,加温,人多后氧气稀薄,我感觉头晕等不适症状,就停止上课了。

Feeling there was something weird at the table, I said I would go home too. I asked the supervisor where the manager John Ellen was and was going to inform him that I was leaving. The supervisor said he was probably drinking in the bar. I said goodbye to all and left.
感觉餐桌气氛不对劲,我就说自己也要回家了,问小组经理 John Ellen在哪,准备打个招呼就走。主管说他可能在隔壁吧台喝酒。我跟在座的打了个招呼,就离开了。

On August 11th, 2011, inside my working cubicle, the spot at the left lower back of my head around Fengchi acupressure point was zapped by extremely strong focused energy and burned On September 18th, 2011, back of my left knee was zapped by focused energy and burned
2011年8月11日在工作隔间,我脑后勺左下方风池穴附近被定向能波束刺射和 灼伤。2011年9月18日,我左膝盖后面被定向能波束刺射和灼伤。

Since February 2012, I spent most of a year in China, and visited America end or early of a year. Since 2015, during visits to my home in Baltimore for house maintenances , I often encountered some white guys with their hair dyed in yellow (obviously not nature hair color), some time wearing lime green colored shirts.

End of 2008, I was assigned to another working team. One of the colleagues named Tom Conway told me that his favorite color was lime green and his smart phone was lime green. He also said that his Hong Kongese-American fiancée’s favorite color was pink and was a super fan of Hello Kitty, and they were planning a lime green and pink themed wedding.
2008年我被调离到新的工作小组。组员Tom  Conway跟我说他最喜欢柠檬绿(lime green),他的智能手机是柠檬绿的,他的香港裔的未婚妻最喜欢粉色,是Hello Kitty的超级粉,还说要举办柠檬绿和粉色的主题婚礼。

I always feel that these people saying and doing weird things in front of me are remotely controlled or influenced by directed-energy mind control handlers. The reason they kept telling or showing me that they love lime green is that I once picked a small half yellow and half green case of TIC TAC. Back between 2006 and 2007, one afternoon Ken brought a tray of TIC TAC to my cubicle and asked me to pick one. I picked one with the case in half yellow and half green color.
我一直觉得这些人在我面前的言行是受脑控操控畜牲影响而作出的,跟2007年我选TIC TAC 清凉糖有关。一天下午Ken  拿了一盆子小塑料盒装的TIC TAC清凉糖到我隔间,叫我取一盒。TIC TAC盒子五颜六色,我取了一盒一半黄色,另一半绿色的。

Don’t these dilettantish “psychiatrists” within the mind control operator organization think these 2 colors fit for anything and any occasion? Or do they think these 2 colors could provoke me?
这些脑控操控组织的半吊子“心理医生” 不会认为这2种颜色适用于任何东西和场合吧!还是认为这2种颜色可以刺激我?!

A similar case had also incurred between 2009 and 2010. I took pottery making class at Clay Work nearby my home. At the end of the class, every student was assigned to make a mug and pick a color of glaze for the mug. I picked burgundy. Next morning things got weird on the way to work that I encountered many guys wearing burgundy shirts and some of them were my colleagues.  I ignored it. As days go by, this situation disappeared.  
同样事情发生在2009-2010年间:我在家附近的Clay Work陶瓷作坊业余上培训课。结业测试是制作一个水杯,并且选一种颜色的釉彩涂上面。我选了暗红色。第二天怪异的事情就发生了,我上班途中遇到好几个男同事都穿起暗红色寸衫…接着去任何地方,我都会遇到穿暗红色衣服的人,忽略一段时间后,此情况消失!

Since 2000, my first time arriving in U.S., at Detroit airport I had been harassed by directed-energy and a white woman ; during my study in Millersville University, my head had been zapped by directed energy ; then since 2011, I have been tortured by extremely high directed energy and couldn’t sleep, work and live normally; and I encountered many weird people and incidents…as if I have been falling into a trap filled with psychopaths…the right and wrong in ethics are reversed!