Weird Experience at Clinics

By V Hu

During 2006 Christmas holiday, I caught severe cough and went to see the doctor in a closest clinic beside the Mars grocery store located on the Padonia Street. After waited around 40 minutes, I got my turn to see the doctor. He did some test and told me there was nothing serious. I tried to inform him how I got ill. I went to hike with my younger sister, Maggie Li, Wenbing Song and Maggie’s hometown friends, then had seafood buffet in a Chinese restaurant named TaiShan Hui in Rockville MD. Thought it would be helpful for diagnose. Anyway he didn’t care much, instead, he asked me which country was better, USA or China. To me it’s a very sensitive question.

2006 年圣诞节期间得了严重的咳嗽。去位于Padonia街的Mars超市旁边的诊所就诊。等了40 分钟总算轮到了我看医生。那个医生做了测试后告诉我没什么严重的。一个劲把得病过程跟医生说。我跟我妹妹,Maggie, Wenbing, 和Maggie家乡的朋友去爬了山,然后去位于马里兰州Rockville的一家叫泰山汇的中餐馆吃了海鲜自助餐。我妹妹和Wenbing 都拉肚子。我想这些信息有助医生确诊。但是那个医生并不在意,反而问我中国好还是美国好的问题。我觉得那是一个很敏感的问题。

If I replied simply that China was better, American people wouldn’t let it go. Just not long ago, Steven Palmer, an agent from Security Council came to our company and had interviewed me through email appointment for my background clearance again. He asked me if I said anything bad about USA on the phone calls to my parents in China. My parents sent two of their daughters to USA, why would we waste money and time on talking about that on international long distance calls. I was a little bit upset when I heard that question. However I hold back the anger and answered him calmly, “No, I didn’t.”  Later, I asked Hong Ma, another Chinese American employee if she had 2nd time background clearance interview similar to mine. She answered with no.

如果我说中国好,美国人过不去,特别是不久前收到预约电子邮件一个国安部的叫Steven Palmer的专员在AAI公司内做第二次背景调查面谈我,问我在与国内父母通话时有否说美国不好。听到这莫名其妙的问题我心里直冒火。我父母亲送两个女儿到美国,我们为什么要在国际长途中讨论这无聊的话题?但是还是忍着回答了:“没有。” 后来我问马红,另一个华裔员工有否经历过第二次类似于我的背景调查面谈。她说没有。

This agent’s rectangular shaped face reminded me a visitor to our office not long ago. I was standing at one corner of the shared office and making copies of some documents. This visitor approached me to ask for someone’s sitting location. I was then pretty new to the company and didn’t know the person he looked for. So I pleasantly told him that our office sectary might know and lead him to the sectary’s desk. After stating the situation to the sectary, I left for my own working cubical.


If I said simply that USA was better, Chinese people would hate me. Especially if the word was transferred to someone wasn’t engaging in honest work, good with creating and spreading rumors and spying on others for shortcomings and faults, it would create a lot of problems for me.


I figured it would take long time to give the comprehensive discussion about this topic. I coughed so much that I didn’t have intention or energy to analyze it. So I ignored the question. He told me to buy the over the count medicine Motran. That didn’t cure the breathing problem. I had to see the pulmonary specialist for half year and Chinese acupuncturists for almost 2 years to get me fully recovered.


This physician looked like a clone of Dr. Roger Webster, my Computer Science major advisor in Millersville University, except that the physician looked a little younger. Later I saw this doctor appearing in the Elena Zhang’s wedding. Elena Zhang’s father in law (Frank) and husband (Brian) were all physicians working for Johns Hopkins hospital. This physician also entered/exited from AAI Corp.’s building.

这个医生好像是我在Millersville 大学计算机科学的指导教授Dr. Webster的克隆。只是看起来稍稍年轻些。后来在张小姐的婚礼上见到过这位医生,张小姐的公公和老公都是约翰霍普金斯医院的医生。这个医生也曾经进出过我们公司大楼。

A middle aged woman doctor looked similar to this physician had stared at me from distance inside Patients First Green spring station. After the left side of lower back of my head was heavily zapped with energy pulse while I was sitting inside the working cubicle of AAI Corp., I constantly felt discomfort on my left side head, left side ear, and left side eye. So I went to see the doctor of Patients First on Dec. 3rd, 2011 expecting to get the prescription of MRI. The Patients First clinic doesn’t require appointment. The patient can register the name and arriving time and wait at the lobby. Then the receptionist calls the patient to fill the medical insurance information, the reason of visiting the doctor, and sign the agreements. Then the patient continues waiting for the turn to see the doctor. When I walked out from a small reception room into the hallway and sat down on the chair close to the hallway after I provided the information, this woman doctor stood inner side of the hallway (inside the diagnostic room) that facing to the entrance/exit of the clinic and stared at me for a while. Later the nurse led me inside the diagnostic room to get my usual physical information (height, weight, menstrual cycle, etc.). This woman doctor stared at me for a while again. I was then led to a small examining room to wait for the doctor. On 11:24am Dr. Stang, a middle-old aged doctor walked in. He checked my ears and eyes and concluded that I had Sensory Disturbance. I asked him to write me a MRI prescription. He didn’t approve. Instead he asked me to make an appointment to see a neurology doctor. There was no one available in this doctor’s team until couple months later. I didn’t see the neurologist.

长得跟这个医生相似的中年女医生曾经在Patients First (约翰霍普金斯医院的门诊部)远远地观望我。我在AAI Corp.工作隔间内脑后勺被能量波重重地击中后,左半边大脑,左耳,和左睛一直不舒服,所以在2011年12月3日去Patient First看医生开MRI处方。Patients First 不需要预约。病人登记后在大厅等候。然后工作人员叫名填写医疗保险信息,就医原因,和签同意书。然后病人继续等候。在我填写完信息从小接待室出来坐在靠走廊的椅子上时,这个女医生站在走廊里端(诊断厅内)里面对门诊进出口的位置观望我一阵。后来护士带我进诊断厅做例行身体状况(身高,体重,月经周期等)信息采集时,这个女医生也观望了一阵。我被领进一个小隔间等待医生。11:24am一个中老年男医生Dr. Stang走了进来,他检测了我的眼耳,确诊为视感觉障碍。我请他给我开MRI处方。他说不行。他让我约见神经科医生。但是打电话询问,最早可见医生的时档也要到两三个月后。我没去神经科医生做诊断。


After visiting my parents in China in June, I’ve been experiencing poisonous air and directed energy wave (i.e. electromagnetic pulse) emitted into both my working cubicle in AAI Corp. (sub-company of Textron In.) and the house I reside since July 2011 in USA. I’ve reported to the company’s HR, Baltimore County labor department, and Baltimore Police department. But nothing seems helpful to stop the electronic torture. I quit the job early January 2012, as I couldn’t stand being zapped/burned/pulsated by the directed energy while sitting in the cubicle to work.

Since February 26, I moved to Xiamen China. After staying in one rental apartment for about a month and the right side apartment was occupied with a oval faced white guy from Colorado, the same kind of energy was emitted into the apartment. I moved to a different apartment located at the different district.

On March 8th I started working for a Chinese Website and POS software development company in Xiamen. Around one month later, my feet and legs became swelling at the end of each working day. On May 10th, and 11th I experienced the strong energy pulse shooting at my chest and back. Same time the pulse has been shooting into my new rental apartment in Xiamen China. I noticed that some people seen in Baltimore appeared vicinity of my work place and rental apartment complex area in Xiamen. By the early 2013, the stalkers were disappeared, but the high energy pulse had never been stopping zapping me.


2011年6月回中国探亲,7月回美国后在AAI Corp.(Textron Inc.下属公司)公司内,脑后勺被重重地击中,手脚颤抖,大脑发胀,思维迟缓;第一次以为是神经节痉挛,第二次找医生拍了颈椎X光片,大脑磁共振成像(MRI),查了耳朵,眼底,查到眼底毛细血管破裂;一开始每天早上9-10点钟后就觉脑袋跟铅一样重,不得不把头放在桌上,当时不知是定向能波射到头上;接着胸部感觉几个穴位被压住,胸痛,胸闷,但是我没有心脏病和高血压,我按照中医按摩学位得以缓解,但还是不知道是啥;接着感觉明显的 无形波束从背后 刺进/穿过我背部,腰部,这时我开始查阅电子武器知识,得以解释我的感受。跟AAI 公司人事部的负责人谈在公司遭受的电子酷刑和能否制止时,得到的回应:那不是公司领导带头的, 制止不了。

公司内员工及其直系亲属死亡,其死亡讣告会以电子邮件方式发给所有员工,自2010年到2011年间,接二连三有男员工死于突发性心脏病,年龄都在20,30,40 多岁段,等我自己经历无缘无故的胸痛和无形波穿过胸部后,我终于明白那些人死于非命。2008年初,我先前的工作小组内一位中年男电气工程师Doug突然持枪自杀,自杀前那天开会还开开心心的,说是要被调迁到边防服役,之前一起出差偶然几个人聊天中,他说他和老婆都头痛难忍,吃很多止痛药都无济于事,我还建议他们试试中医针灸。现在我怀疑那夫妻俩是不是也受到电子酷刑。
