Weird Long Faced Tall White Guy and Others Encountered Since I Entered in USA First Time

By V Hu

During organizing some of documents, I found the email about my first day in USA sent to my sister.


Middle of May 2000, after waited in a room for 10 minutes also, while a custom officer who is a white guy, about 5‘4”,over-weighted, with a short rectangular chubby face, double chin, mustache, and thick glasses finished examining my entering paper, I finally passed and my nightmare started from then. (Someone with same looking of this officer appeared on the beach back of the hotel we stayed in Ocean City during my vacation in 2009. We were building a sand sculpture. He walked by with one woman. In front of the parliament building, the same looking guy appeared among the mass for the 4th of July celebration concert in 2010. I was sitting on the parapet at the left side of parliament building. This guy wearing dark green Polo shirt was standing in the passageway behind me. )


It was a disaster when I landed in the Detroit airport. All flights were canceled due to the rainstorm. The airport was crowded with passengers. Never been in such huge airport, I rushed around between different boarding gates while the gate for the same flight to Harrisburg had been changed several times. After settling down in one gate and expecting to depart, I heard the announcement that the flight was canceled at the last minute. I was so depressed for not knowing what to do for a while. There were 4 Philippine women sitting beside. I chatted with them and got the phone number of Northwest airline. I tried to rebook a ticket flying to Harrisburg next morning. All phone booths were occupied with long line of people. I made at least 10 times of AT&T collect calls to the destination and no one answered. Later according to the explanation, strangely the phone had never rung.

我订购的是西北航空公司(Northwest Airline)的跨国联票。我的噩梦从我到达底特律机场开始。因为狂风暴雨,几乎所有美国国内的航班都取消了。机场挤满了乘客。我乘坐去哈里斯堡(MDT) 的航班换了几个登机口。第一次进入这么大的机场,我匆忙的迂回于不同的登机口。后来终于确认在某个登机口等着航班出发,结果航班最后还是取消了。所有公用电话前都排满了长队。通过AT&T倒付我打了至少10次去目的地家里,没人接。根据后来的解释,电话没响。

I felt a little better after I got the ticket departing next morning 6:30am confirmed. I chatted with those Philippines. Back in China, we used to get free accommodation and meal if the flights were canceled for overnight. I was totally disappointed that everyone had to spend the night on the bench in the airport. Many passengers seemed used to this situation and lying on the floor. Luckily the airport gave out small pillows and blankets same as the ones used on the airplane. I got two blankets. Later I gave one of them to an old lady as I felt very sorry for her when she told me she missed chance to get the blanket. I couldn’t imagine if my grandma was in her situation.


Early next morning, from the information board I found out the flight I booked seat on was canceled. There was another flight to Harrisburg that day, which would depart around 9:00am, but no seat left and 42 persons stood by.

第二天早上在航班显示频上看到我订坐的航班(6点半)取消了。当天去哈里斯堡还有一个9点出发的航班,但是没有座位了,并且有42 个人等座。

I made many phone calls to the destination again and finally got answered. With the suggestions, I booked tickets on both flights to Baltimore (BWI) and Philadelphia (PHL). Eventually I arrived in the Baltimore airport that day. If I rebooked the tickets on both flights departing at 6:30am and 9:00am at the first place, I would have arrived at the Harrisburg airport with the 9:00am’s flight. I didn’t know that one passenger could rebook the ticket on more than one flight.  A fall into a pit, a gain in your wit! I learned my lesson.



At the airport, there was one slightly overweight middle aged white woman oddly following me every boarding gate I went. Time by time she turned her head back and stared at me with very weird expression on her face. I would look back at her and could hear some unpleasant comments in English coming out from her toward me. However there was at least 3 meters of distance between her and me. I used to be in the field of arts and crafts business and had traveled a lot domestically back in China. I don’t wear expensive clothes and jewelries, but do dress up fitly. I had met countless strangers in my life. Generally they all appeared friendly toward me. The only explanation for this woman’s odd behaviors  is that she might be part of mind control operators’ organization and the unpleasant words I heard from her might be not from her mouth, but microwave hearing effect (ultrasonic wave or radio wave induced voice), Voice to Skull assault.

Before all these bizarre phenomenon emerged, at the originally assigned boarding gate, there was a tall (more than 1.8m)white guy in middle age, with long face, appeared very tired and weary ( very painful looking)sitting at one end of a line of benches. He was in white military uniform from head to toe.  At least 5 women in civilian outfit surrounded him. They were very appearing that all passengers at the boarding gate turned head toward them. After informed for gate change, all passengers moved to the newly assigned boarding gate. Then I sat beside 4 Philippine women at the same line of benches close to the main walkway. That guy in white uniform and those women were sitting at a corner near the gate. He took down his hat and his slightly curly short hair appeared. Later some guys with similar looking appeared in my life frequently. 


在这怪异现象发生之前,在原定的登机口,有一个长脸,疲惫得显得颓废(很痛苦似的)的高个(1.8m左右) 的中年白人男人坐在同一排靠着带玻璃窗的面向停机场的外墙的座位排的另一头, 他从头到脚穿着白色的军队制服,被好几个普通服装的白人妇女围绕着,特别显眼,在座的乘客都在看他们。被通知更换登机口后,我们都转移到了另一个登机口,我那时就跟4个菲律宾女人坐一排靠走道的座位,而那个穿白色军队制服的高个男人及其陪伴左右的女人就坐到了靠里面的角落的座位上了。他把帽子摘掉后,稍微带卷的短发就显现出来了。长得跟这个长脸白人男人特别相似的男人后来在我以后的生活中频繁出现。


B hired a taxi from Joe’s Taxi located in Lititz, PA to Baltimore airport to pick me up. The driver was tall, with long face and short curly hair. His name is Jim, living in B’s neighborhood. His body shape, height, face shape, and hair style were all similar to the guy in white military uniform encountered at the Detroit airport, but thinner, not upright as him. However Jim didn’t look weary.

B雇佣了Lititz PA当地私人出租车叫 Joe’s Taxi的小巴来接我。出租车司机叫Jim,是白人中年男人,高个,长脸,短发有点卷。他跟在底特律机场遇到的穿着白色部队制服的白人男人体型,个头,脸型,发型都接近,只是稍微单薄一些,没有那么挺拔。Jim 没有颓废的神情。

Jim’s wife was an Asian woman, medium build, sturdy, wearing thick glasses. B told me she was from Shanghai first, then later told me she was from Vietnam. I told him that the woman with sturdy body must be from either Middle West or North of China. In 2010, Kaiying Duh took me to a Chinese grocery store located in Towson MD. The owner worked as a cashier there when we visited it. The owner looked exactly like Jim’s wife. I didn’t think deeply about this then. Since then I had never shopped at this store as it didn’t have much selection as H-Mart does.

Jim的老婆是亚裔,中高个,稍胖,脸肥呼呼的,戴近视眼镜。一开始B告诉我他老婆来自上海,后来又说是来自越南。我跟B 说长得那么壮实,她看起来更像是中国中西部或北方人。2010年杜凯英带我去了一家位于马里兰州涛笋(Towson)县的中国超市。店很小,离我巴尔的摩县的家很近。当时店主在做收银,长得跟Jim的老婆一模一样。当时我没去多想。我后来也没再去那店里采购, 因为跟韩亚龙亚洲超市比较,这个小超市的食品种类太少了。

After arriving in the USA, before getting my driver’s license, I called for taxi several times from Joe’s Taxi. One time they sent their daughter to drive us to the local clinic. She was tall with rounded square face and long straight hair with bangs. Her looking, height, and gestures resembled Lucy Li, a Chinese girl friend of my previous boss, Ali Akingilar who was the owner of A.K.International in Lititz, PA and its invested Quanzhou Artco Arts & Crafts Co. Ltd.

到达美国后,在我取得驾驶执照前,我叫过几次Joe’s Taxi的出租车,他们的女儿曾经送过我们去当地的诊所。他们的女儿高个,齐刘海,长直发,方圆脸,长相酷似我的前老板,美国位于Lititz PA的A.K.International 国际礼品公司和其在中国投资的泉州阿特肯工艺品公司的老板,Ali Akingilar 在中国的女友,李爱玲(Lucy Li)。她们的长相,个头,和举止是一模一样的。

Coincidently Lucy married with an American white guy named Jim and immigrated to the USA. That time she had already a daughter with Ali. However she divorced from Jim after she sued him for raping, then married with a rich old man in California.

蹊跷的是,听说李爱玲(Lucy Li)是跟一个叫Jim的美国白人结婚移民到的美国,当时已怀有Ali的小孩。后来因Lucy起诉Jim 强奸而离婚。Lucy接着嫁给了加利福尼亚的有钱老头。

During the early years in the USA, especially the school years I encountered many strange phenomena and people, i.e. heavy head, sudden depressed feeling, small red bumps appearing on my scalp over night, extreme tightness at the lower back of my head around medulla oblongata, and my car seemed bugged (for this I had called the local police to examine my car). I had a hunch of something abnormal was going on then.  Now I’m 100% sure that I have been targeted by directed energy emitted from some sort of mind control weapon system since then.

在美国的最初几年,特别是上学期间,我遭遇很错怪异现象和人物,比如头重、突然性的压抑感、一夜过后头皮上出现红包、后脑勺底部,延髓处 (风池穴)紧绷感、我的车子被跟踪(为此我还叫当地警察检测我的车子)。我感觉事情不寻常。现在我百分之百确定从那时起我就被某种脑控武器系统发射的定向能波束瞄准刺射了。

In summer of 2004 I visited my family in China. One day after finishing shopping, I went with my mother to the property management office of my parents’ house.  My mother went inside the office. There was a roofless courtyard in front of the office. Inside the courtyard, there were several stone tables. Along the tables, there were many stone stools. So I sat at one table. Then a real-estate agent like Chinese guy lead a middle aged tall white guy and a squat Chinese woman into the area. The white guy walked toward the middle of the courtyard and sat at the nearby table. The Chinese man and woman were standing at the side of entrance and discussing. My mother came out of the office and sat beside me to wait for the property manager giving out certain information. This white guy was more than 1.8meters in height and had long weary face and messy short curly hair. He looked almost same as Sean, a male colleague insulted me with one Halloween candy in AAI Corp on October 31st, 2006.  He looked similar to a white guy companied with a Chinese woman with wheat skin tone, plump awl face and bob hairstyle appeared beside swimming pools in Baltimore Towson MAC gym in 2007.  He also looked like the white guy dressed in white military uniform appeared at the boarding gate in the Detroit airport when I entered in the USA first time in 2000. He also resembled to Jim from Joe’s Taxi in body shape and facial shape.

2004年7月回中国探亲。一天逛街 结束后母亲到物业管理中心办理事务。我也跟着去了。这是第一次去那里,也是最后一次。物业管理处的门面装修得很上档次,接待大厅很宽敞,还有庭院,给我留下了深刻的印象。当时一个中年白人男子带着一农村长相的微胖的中国女翻译站在接待大厅门口偏左拐角处跟貌似房产经纪人的中年中国男人商量事宜。母亲进了大厅后出来和我一起坐在接待大厅外庭院内的围着小桌子的凳子上等回应。那个白人男子走过来坐到靠近的桌边等候。这个白人男子长脸,头发微微卷曲,蓬乱,脸部显得特别颓废,高个(1.8m多) 。他长得跟AAI Corp. 公司里的在2006年10月31日甩给我一颗万圣节糖侮辱我的男同事Sean极其相似。他和那个2007年出现在Baltimore Towson MAC健身房里,伴着高个锥圆脸小麦色肤色的留着bob发型的华裔女人的白人男子和2000年我初次到达美国在底特律机场登机口看到的穿着白色军装的白人男子很接近。他跟Joe’s Taxi的Jim 身材和脸型接近。

After starting working for AAI Corp. in 2006, I had encountered many guys resembling to the white guy in white military uniform encountered in the Detroit airport in 2000, Jim from Joe’s Taxi, the white guy appeared in the property management office of my parents’ house in 2004, i.e.
Sean and Peter from AAI Corp, a white guy accompanied with a Chinese woman with wheat skin tone, plump awl face and bob hairstyle appeared beside swimming pools in Baltimore Towson MAC gym in 2007, guys following us to scenic spots, a guy sat beside me at the boarding gate for the flight of KA616 (CX6740) of Dragon Airline in the HK airport on March 19th, 2013 and etc.

2006年到AAI Corp.工作后,在公司内遇到的几个男员工 (Sean, Peter…) ;
2007年在MAC 健身中心游泳池旁,伴随一个高个,深肤色,短锥圆脸的留着bob发型的女人的白人男子;跟一个华裔女人一起跟踪我们到不同景点游玩的男子;2013年3月19日在香港机场等候港龙航空KA616(CX6740)班机前往中国厦门时坐在我旁边的白人男子等多人长相和个头接近于2000年在美国底特律机场遇到的穿白色部队制服的白人男人,Joe’s Taxi的出租车司机Jim 和2004年出现在我父母家物业管理处的白人男子。

On October 31, 2006, while I was sitting at the desk inside the working cubical in AAI Corp. I heard one guy calling, “Victoria, pumpkin or ghost? Ghost!” I turned my head to the cubicle entrance and saw an engineer named Sean who then sitting 2-3 cubicles away opposite side of the same isle, neighbored to Linda Zimmerman, standing there. I’d never talked with him before. In a flash of second, he threw one shinning object to my desk and walked away toward the opposite direction to his cubicle. I turned eyes to the object on the desk and realized that it was a candy wrapped in shinning material with an animated pumpkin graphic on it. I turned the candy to the other side and saw the animated ghost graphic. Then I heard some people’s laugh, his and couple others. In America pumpkin infers slut and ghost infers sneaky. I thought over a little while and decided to fight back. Seeing him walk back to his cubicle, I took the candy and walked over to his cubicle and asked, “Were you the one threw me this candy?” He stared at me quietly.  A colleague named Steve Marco sitting next to his cubicle was also in his cubicle and sitting face to face with him. Steve Marco was a mechanical engineer and had exchanged emails with me for developing products for our team. Then I continued, “You’d better give this to your kids.” I threw the candy to his desk and walked back to my own cubicle. If he was really trying to be friendly and handing me Halloween candies, there wouldn’t be only one with such specific graphics and he wouldn’t call me those names. 

2006年10月31日当我在工作隔间伏案工作时突然听到一个男人的喊声,“维多利亚,南瓜还是小鬼?小鬼!?”我转过头朝隔间进出口看去,一个叫Sean的男工程师站在那里,他坐在同一个走廊对面的两三个隔间外,与Linda Zimmerman相邻。我从来没跟他说过话。紧接着他往我工作台上摔了一个亮晶晶的东西就往他座位的反方向走掉了。我朝台上的东西看去,才知道是一颗包的亮晶晶的糖,上面印着卡通南瓜图案。我把糖转了个身,看到卡通小鬼的图案。我听到一些人的笑声,他的和其它人的。在美国,南瓜含有浪的意思,小鬼有偷偷摸摸的意思。我想了一会,决定对抗。看到他回到自己的隔间,我拿起那颗糖走到了他的隔间,问“是不是你给我的这颗糖?”他看着我愣着。当时他隔壁的男员工 Steve Marco也坐在他的隔间里,面对着他。Steve Marco 是机械工程师,为了开发我们组的产品,曾经跟我有邮件来往。我继续:“你最好把这给你小孩。”我把糖扔到他桌上,转身走回了我的隔间。如果是真心实意表示友好给我鬼节的糖,那将不会仅一颗印有那特别图案的,他也不会喊我那些名称。

During 2006 I enrolled in a belly dance class instructed by Jill in her home located in Timonium MD. One day after work, when entering Jill’s home, I saw a skinny weary old man sitting in the living room. Except many deep wrinkles on his face, the old man looked very close to the guy in white military uniform encountered in the Detroit airport back in 2000 and a white guy companied with a Chinese woman with wheat skin tone, plump awl face and bob hairstyle appeared beside swimming pools in Baltimore Towson MAC gym in 2007.

2006我上了Jill教的肚皮舞课。Jill在Timonium的家里教肚皮舞课程。一天下班后我走进JIll家门的时候,就看到一个干瘦颓丧的老头坐在她家客厅。除了脸上布满深深的皱纹,这个老头长得很象2000年在底特律机场遇到的穿着白色部队制服的白人男人和和出现在Towson MAC 健身中心游泳池旁,跟一个华裔女人在一起的白人男子。

In 2007, Maggie suggested to excise in Mac gym at Towson. We applied for the membership.  Maggie received a discount for the referral. With the agreement between AAI Corp. and Mac, I received a big discount on membership fee.

One night I came out of the warm water pool and headed to the hot Jacuzzi. I saw a tall white guy and a Chinese woman sitting on the side of the pool. The guy resembled to the white guy dressed in white military uniform appeared at the boarding gate in the Detroit airport when I first time entered in the USA in 2000, and looked close to the white guy appeared in the property management office of my parents’ house in 2004, Jim from Joe’s Taxi and Sean from AAI Corp. The Chinese woman was with wheat skin tone, plump awl face and bob hairstyle. Then the guy jumped into the pool to swim. While swimming, he chatted with the woman on the side of the pool. The woman stood up, appearing pretty tall, at least 1.65m in height. A little while later the guy came into the hot Jacuzzi and sat diagonally opposite to me. Oddly the woman didn’t come to the Jacuzzi, but stayed at the side of pool the whole time I was there.  They were very appearing that drew attention from everyone present.

2007 年李玲( Maggie Li )建议去Towson 的MAC 健身房锻炼身体。我们俩一起去办了健身卡。AAI Corp. 公司跟MAC 有协议,公司员工享受会员特价。一天晚上我从温水游泳池出来,准备进入高温的冲浪按摩浴缸(hot jacuzzi),看到一个白人男人跟一个华裔女人坐在泳池边上。白人男子长得跟AAI Corp.公司里用Halloween 鬼节糖侮辱我的男同事Sean 和2004年7月在我父母家物业管理处出现的白人男子一模一样。而华裔女子脸型是饱满的锥圆脸,小麦色的皮肤,留着bob型短发。后来这个男的下水游泳,一边游,一边跟岸上的女的攀谈。女的站起来,个子挺高的,1.65m 以上。后来男的也进入高温的冲浪按摩浴缸,坐在我斜对面。那个女的一直呆在游泳池那边,至少我在场的时候,她没有靠近高温的冲浪按摩浴缸。他们俩很显眼,在场的人都不时看他们。

I strongly believe that this tall, wheat skin toned, plump awl faced young woman with bob hairstyle is one of Elena Zhang’s best friends from Philadelphia. She and her husband, a white guy with medium build had attended the house warming party hosted by Elena and Elena’s wedding back in 2007.


Elena had once asked me to be her bride’s maid. Not long before the wedding, Elena phoned me that she would hold her wedding ceremony in California where her close relatives resided at and her best girl friend from Philadelphia, the tall, wheat skin toned, plump awl faced young woman with bob hairstyle would accompany her there. I told her that I had to work and couldn’t go. After that I stopped concerning about being her bride’s maid. However she held her wedding ceremony in Baltimore at the end. Eric Nie’s girl friend, Jia Chen and several girls I had never met were her bride’s maids. Her best girl friend from Philadelphia, the tall, wheat skin toned, plump awl faced young woman and her husband attended the wedding as guests just like me.

张鸿雁曾经邀请我做她的伴娘。婚礼举行前不久她电话给我说她要在加利佛尼亚举行婚礼,因为她的亲戚住那里。她的费城的闺密,这个高个,深肤色,短锥圆脸的留着bob发型的女人会陪她一起去。我跟她说自己要上班,去不了。这以后我就没再把做伴娘的事放心上了。不知咋的,最后张鸿雁的婚礼还是在Baltimore 举行。聂驼的女友,陈佳和几个我没见过的女孩做了她的伴娘。跟我一样,她费城的闺密和她老公一起受邀参加了婚礼。

One Friday afternoon before Elena’s wedding, I was on the way back home from a business trip, Elena phoned me asking me to accompany her to try out wedding gowns next day (Saturday). I replied with “OK”. After arriving at the residence, I carefully check my schedule and noticed that I had an appointment with an auto body shop to fix my car on Saturday. The left front of the car had been collided into a big dent. It had been like that for a while and must be taken to auto body shop to have the front bumper replaced. I made phone call to Elena. No answer. I left the message on her phone to inform her that I wouldn’t be able to accompany her on Saturday and explain the reason.

婚礼前的一个星期五的下午,我出差回家途中, 张鸿雁电话给我邀请我第二天(星期六)陪她去试婚纱。我答应了。可是回到住处,仔细察看了日程安排,我星期六约了修车子。车前侧处被撞,凹陷变形有一段时间了,必须去车体修理店更换保险杠。 我就电话给张鸿雁 ,跟她说星期六不能陪她去试婚纱,但是没人接电话,我就留言说明了情况。

In 2013, while I was in Xiamen China, one day I went to Metro located at 8 Changhao Rd., I encountered the same Chinese woman as the one companied with the tall white guy encountered in Towson Mac gym.  She was companied with a middle aged woman and a middle aged man as if they were her parents. Both of the woman and man were around 1.7m tall, with chiseled rectangular shaped faces. The man was very dark in skin tone.


One afternoon in 2017, B and I were standing outside the entrance of the building where our rental apartment was at. The right side neighbor, a short old woman with plump rectangular face, around 1.5m in height, between 60 and 70 in ages, retired stay-at-home walked toward the entrance side by side with the same Chinese woman as the one encountered in Xiamen Huli Metro  and  Baltimore Towson Mac gym. The young woman was pushing a baby scooter where a little boy was riding on. The right side neighbor told us the little boy was her grandson. The young woman didn’t say a word.


On July 9th, 2017, the right side neighbor hired XiaoYuJia moving service to move their belongings to another apartment at the phase II housing complex they newly bought. The woman told us that they were going to rent out the current apartment.

On July 16th, 2017, at 9:40am, I was walking down the steps with our dog. A young woman with a lantern jaw, thin face, extremely pale skin tone, and bob hair were walking up, followed by a lanky old woman. The young woman called the old woman mother. They entered into the apartment right to ours. This young woman had exactly same hairstyle as the woman encountered in Towson MAC gym, Xiamen Metro and in front of the current building, looked similar as well. But they were obviously different persons. This mother and daughter came to the right side apartment once again later, and then had never appeared. This  young woman resembled to the host of the right side apartment, a lanky light skin toned old man, with a lantern jaw, around 1.7m in height.


A tall, wheat skin toned, plump awl faced young woman with bob hairstyle has also appeared in a one-day tour group to Yunshui Yao Zhangzhou Fujian province that my elder sister and I enrolled on September 7th, 2017. It was extremely odd that all young women and sister pairs in the group have been arranged sitting at the same dining table with a foreign white couple during lunch time so that one tall(more than 1.8m), long faced, white guy wearing glasses ate lunch with 11 women at one table.  One fair skin toned, square faced young woman with pony tail and light blue blouse sat beside the white woman and accompanied the white woman rest of the trip. The dark skin toned, plump awl faced young woman with bob hairstyle sat beside the white guy. The other side of the dark skin toned young woman was a middle aged woman who accompanied the young woman. After we arrived at the Yunshui Yao village, the middle aged woman left the group and was replaced with a younger woman who accompanied the dark skin toned young woman back to Xiamen.

相似的高个,深肤色,短锥圆脸的留着bob发型的女人还出现在 2017年9月7日,我和姐姐参加漳州云水谣一日游团队里。非常怪异,团队里大多数年轻女人和姐妹对被安排跟一对白人夫妇同坐一张桌子吃饭。这样,一个高个(1.8m多),长脸,戴眼镜的白人男子和一群女人围坐一桌。一个单独参团的穿着淡蓝色上衣的扎着马尾辫的方圆脸的女孩坐在在白人女的旁边,后来一直陪伴左右。而高个,深肤色,短锥圆脸的留着bob发型的年轻女人坐在白人男子旁边,年轻女人另一边坐着中老年妇女, 后来中老年妇女不知去向,一个长脸中青年妇女陪伴这个年轻女人。

The white guy looked similar to the white guy dressed in white military uniform appeared at the boarding gate in the Detroit airport when I first time entered in the USA in 2000; the white guy appeared in the property management office of my parents’ house in 2004; the white guy companied with a Chinese woman with wheat skin tone, plump awl face and bob hairstyle appeared beside swimming pools in Baltimore Towson MAC gym in 2007; Sean and Peter, colleagues in AAI Corp. and Jim of Joe’s Taxi and etc. They seemed descended from the same blood line.
白人男子跟在美国底特律机场,南京我父母所住小区物管办公室门前,Baltimore Towson MAC 健身房里,AAI Corp.公司里等地遇到的头发微卷,长脸的男子,Sean,Peter, Joe’s 出租车公司 的Jim…都长相接近,好似一个家族成员。 �

The tall, dark skin toned, plump awl faced young woman encountered in Towson MAC gym, Xiamen Metro and in front of the current building was more likely the sibling of tall awl faced Chinese guys encountered in both USA and China.

There was a tall, sturdy, dark skin toned, awl faced young Chinese guy sitting on the aisle seat along the right side of the flight from Chicago to HK while I was sitting on the window seat on the left side of the flight.  He kept staring at my sitting area. Beside me there was a Chinese woman and an empty seat.

The woman told me she and her husband used to own a Chinese restaurant. After the restaurant was closed, she started working for a Hair air-conditioning factory. She was originally from Guangzhou and planned to visit Suzhou expecting to meet with her first love. When she was young, she had met a handsome guy during her touring trip with her female friends there. She asked me to publish her love story in my social media account. I didn’t agree, instead,  instructed her to setup an social media account and publish her story herself.

This same young Chinese guy also stood beside the entrance of the Chuangye building where Tainetech Technology Co. Ltd I worked for was located at in Chuangye Industry Park Xiamen China in April 2012.

There was a tall, very skinny, sallow skin toned, awl faced young Chinese guy appeared in the little park inside Boshi ShanZhuang residential complex where I rent the apartment at between 2012 and 2014. On March 13th, 2017 around 11:30am, in Lititz Pennsylvania, at the first crossing after I drove out from the residence, I stopped. There was the skinny sallow skin toned Chinese guy sitting inside a car crossing the road in front of me.  I kept driving and stopped at the end of the road and was ready to turn right. The engine of my car suddenly stopped itself that I didn’t even realize it at the moment.  Because the road was slopping, once my foot released the break pad, the car moved back down itself.  It stopped when it hit on the curb and stuck beside an ambulance station.  Luckily there were neither pedestrians nor vehicles behind me.  A police car came right away. The policeman recorded my driver’s license and questioned me about the incidence. Then another police car arrived at the scene as well. The 2nd police had round Asian face, round eyes with double eyelids and looked similar to the host of my left side neighbor in Baltimore.  He exchanged some information with the 1st policeman and drove away. The 1st policeman called a tow truck from a garage. The technician examined my car and moved it away from the curb. He drove my car around and told me there was nothing wrong with my car.

而先前出现的锥圆脸深色皮肤的高个女子更像是在美国和中国都经常出现的高个深色锥子脸的华裔男人的姐妹或女儿。比较壮实的高个锥子脸深肤色的华裔男人在我乘坐的美国芝加哥到香港的航班上出现过,还盯着我;于2012年4月某天下班的时候,在我所就职的厦门Taine Tech.公司所在创业大楼门口站着。非常瘦的高个锥子脸蜡黄色皮肤的华裔男人(病态的感觉),于2012-2014年间,在我租房所在的厦门博士山庄小公园里出现过;于2017/3/13,美国宾州,11:30am左右我开车出门经过第一个十字路口时,他从我右侧的路口开车从我面前通过。我车子开到路的尽头踩刹车等待时,车子突然歇火。 高瘦的锥子脸深肤色的华裔男人于2011年6月底某个雨天,站在南京我父母家附近小店门口观望;于2017年1-2月间,在租房的楼栋铁门外斜靠在电动自行车上歇息,看到我们走近,他立刻闪进楼栋铁门,我进门后看到203室的防盗门关闭。

In June 2007, at the beach of Atlantic City New Jersey, I encountered a younger version of the white guy dressed in white military uniform appeared at the boarding gate in the Detroit airport when I first time entered in the USA in 2000 and the white guy appeared in the property management office of my parents’ house in 2004. He and a plump Asian woman with oval face walked close to us and settled nearby. They asked me to take joint photo of them.

2007年6月在美国新泽西州的大西洋城的沙滩上,长相和个头酷似 Jim的青年白人男的伴着一个胖胖的椭圆脸的亚裔女的跟随着停歇在我们附近。还拿了相机让我给他们拍照。

End of 2008, software department manager named Pat Smeaton approved me to be switched to a different working team, but asked me to talk to an upper level manager. The manager resembles to the white guy dressed in white military uniform appeared at the boarding gate in the Detroit airport when I first time entered in the USA in 2000 and the white guy appeared in the property management office of my parents’ house in 2004, but much younger.


In September 2009, at different scenic spots of Puerto Rico, a younger version of the white guy dressed in white military uniform appeared at the boarding gate in the Detroit airport when I first time entered in the USA in 2000 and the white guy appeared in the property management office of my parents’ house in 2004 followed us around.  He was companied with a woman.

2009年9月在波多黎哥的景点,长相和个头酷似 出租车司机Jim的中青年白人男的伴以不同的女的跟随我们走动。

On December 25th, 2009, when Kaiying Duh and I waited in the line to use the rest room after the opera was ended in the Lincoln Center, a skinny weary old man and an oval faced guy in 30s/40s standing aside staring at us. The old man was wearing old wrinkled dress suit acting like a zombie in a horror movie. Except many deep wrinkles and weary looking on his face, the old man looked almost same as the guy in white military uniform encountered in the Detroit airport back in 2000 and the white guy companied with a Chinese woman with wheat skin tone, plump awl face and bob hairstyle appeared beside swimming pools in Baltimore Towson MAC gym in 2007.


The oval faced guy in 30s/40s entered/exited into/from the ChuangYe building of ChuangYe Industrial Park in Xiamen in April and May of 2012. I worked for Tainetech Technology Co. Ltd to develop website and POS software since March 8, 2012. The office of Tainetech was located inside the ChuangYe building. After this guy appeared in the building, I felt strong electronic pulse shooting/zapping me while I was sitting at the computer desk beginning of May.


One morning in 2010, when I drove to work, an old style car cut in and blocked me with slow speed. Looking through the rear window of this car I noticed that the driver resembled to the weary old guy encountered in belly dance instructor, Jill’s house. The most eye-catching part of this car was the bumper sticker stating: “Army beats Navy.”

2010年某个早上我开车去上班,一辆老款的旧车插到我前面,开得很慢挡住我。从此车后窗往前看,我觉察到那个驾驶员特别像那个在肚皮舞老师 Jill 家遇到的颓废老头。车子最醒目的部分是贴在汽车后保险杠上的贴纸,写道:“陆军战胜海军。”

On May 28th, 2012 I arrived in HK airport on the way from USA to Xiamen China and waited at the boarding gate of the Dragon airline’s flight from HK to Xiamen. A skinny old man sat down at the seat beside me. There was a squat Asian young guy sitting two rows away facing at us and constantly stared at us. I stood up and got into the check-in line. Then this old man followed and stood behind me. During the check-in process, the stewardess told me there was an issue with my ticket and let me stand beside the counter while she was verifying my ticket. Another stewardess checked in this old man and couple people behind me. I felt relieved then. This old man resembled to the old man seen in the Lincoln Center back in 2009 in body shape and temperament.


Since 2009, I started working for a new team. There was a very tall guy named Peter looking very like Jim from Joe’s Taxi. Peter left AAI Corp. early 2011.

自2009年我换到新的小组工作,新组里有一个叫Peter 的男员工跟Jim 长得也很相似,2011年早期离开了AAI Corp.。

On February 9th, 2013, I took flight from HK to Chicago. On the plane, a white guy looked exactly like Sean, a male colleague insulted me with one Halloween candy in AAI Corp on October 31st, 2006, sat at a seat front of me. Time by time he stood up to get his bag from the overhead luggage compartment and took some pills out from it and ate. In this flight, I felt strong electro-magnetic pulse zapping from the left back side, hit some time on my left shoulder, some time left side of  my waist, and some time my  left leg.


I sat at window seat 34K. Seat 34J was empty. Most middle seats (J) of the 3-seat (IJK)  along the window side of the airplane were empty. At first an Asian guy with glasses occupied the aisle seat 34I. He was very skinny and weak. His legs were trembling when he started to walk as if his brain couldn’t control his legs. He pulled a middle size suitcase and carried a fully loaded backpack. He couldn’t push his suitcase into the overhead luggage compartment. A tubby black guy sat behind our seats helped him. This Asian guy sat on 34I for a while, and then left for a back seat. A tubby white guy took the seat 34I after the Asian guy left. After the flight landed at the Chicago airport, the black guy walked behind the Asian guy to the exit. Before getting out of the airplane, the black guy stopped and chatted with a black stewardess for a while as if they knew each other.

34J空着,大部分靠窗的三列座位(IJK) 中间的座位(J)基本都空着。


One day in March of 2013, two helpers and I were loading furniture to the truck and moving them from my Baltimore home to the residence in PA. I saw a white guy exactly same as Sean, a male colleague insulted me with one Halloween candy in AAI Corp on October 31st, 2006 delivering mails to the cluster mailboxes of our street.

2013年3月装卸家具到货车上准备搬家,我看到长得跟男同事Sean几乎一模一样的人在我Baltimore 家门前的邮箱旁递送邮件。

On March 19, 2013, at the boarding gate 507 in the North Satellite Concourse building of HK airport, couple familiar faces popped in. I took the flight of American United Airline and arrived in HK airport and waited to fly to Xiamen China. The boarding gate for the flight KA616 (CX6740) had been changed several times and the boarding time had been delayed until next day (20th) early morning. A guy resembled to the white guy in white military uniform encountered in the Detroit airport back in 2000 and a white guy companied with a Chinese woman with wheat skin tone, plump awl face and bob hairstyle appeared beside swimming pools in Baltimore Towson MAC gym in 2007, approached me and sat on the seat left to me. He started chatting with an Asian woman with short hair in a black short coat sitting on the seat two rows front of us. I sat for a while, and then left for the rest room. When I came back, all passengers had already lined up for boarding the flight.

At the luggage pick-up belt of Xiamen airport, 4 to 5 white guys, old and young that appeared at the 507 boarding gate of HK airport,  picked up their belongs. All of their suitcases were similar, small size of Samsonite Oyster Cartwheel, grayish black hard side, sleek at both wide sides, with a handle located at the top corner of one narrowed side.

2013年3月19日我乘坐美联航班机到达香港机场,等候乘坐港龙航空KA616班机前往中国厦门。飞机误点到20日凌晨出发,登机口更换了几次,最终定下在北卫星客运廊的507登机口。好几个面熟的白人男人(在Baltimore见过)也到了登机口。一个长相和个头酷似Jim的中青年坐到我的左边,跟坐在前面隔着一排的穿着黑色棉袄的短发亚裔女人笑谈。我坐一会儿就去了卫生间,回来时大家一排队登机。到达厦门机场后在行李领取输送带旁边,我又见到这4/5个白人男人,有老有少,箱子是同一种的,类似小型的Samsonite Oyster Cartwheel,灰黑色硬塑箱子, 两面平滑, 侧面上方有拉手。