Andy and Bill Wood

By V Hu

In February 2010, one of my cousins and his wife came to Las Vegas to attend fashion show. B and I went to give a hand. One day a tall white guy, more than 1.75m in height accompanied a very short guy, around 1.30m in height to our booth to choose items and get prices. The tall guy was standing and leaning to the right side of the entrance and watching the inside of the booth. The short guy looked very droll. His hair was dyed in moss color and parted in the middle (runway hair) similar to the hair style that actress Ziyi Zhang’s ex-boyfriend, Vivi Navo had. He seemed to follow the direction of the tall guy and mechanically picked up the samples and didn’t really know what he was doing. He chose a lot of samples and asked for the prices. But they could not be reached after the show.

2010年2月,我堂弟到拉斯韦加斯参加服装展。我和B 一起去帮忙。一天一个高个的白人男的,超过1米75,陪着一个很矮的白人男的,大约1米30 来展位选样报价。高个站摊位进口边观望。矮个很滑稽,头发中分,染成了黑绿色(发型有点像章子怡前男友Vivi Navo的发型)。那情势,高个指挥着矮个。矮个机械性地选了很多款式让我们报价,但是他看起来并不知道为啥要这么做。展览结束后都联系不上。

The tall guy looked very like Bill Wood, one manager of a functioning team in AAI Corp. Because our team and his team had a lot of cooperative work, I had attend their team meetings as well. In one meeting, Bill Wood asked if anyone was willing to teach a lab guy, an overweight white young boy team-working with Tom Conway (his wife is Hongkongnese) how to use the software version control system.  His team member Kasandra actively volunteered to do so. Kasandra was responsible to test software programs our team developed, so she contacted me often for the work.   She was pretty reserved and worked earnestly. She came from Canada and rent an apartment nearby the company like I did.  One time her apartment was on fire inexplicably and all of her belongings were burned away.  Their team started collecting donations for her. I felt the fire accident had struck her really hard. After the incident, her character changed a lot. She appeared very close to Bill Wood and was often frivolously talking and joking with him in her working cubicle, so did with new male employees.   My working cubicle was on her right side.

高个看起来很像AAI公司里另一个工作小组的经理 Bill Wood。因为两个小组经常有合作,所以我也参加过他们组的会议。那次会议Bill Wood 询问大家有否人愿意教 实验室里跟Tom(他老婆是香港移民) 一起工作的胖男孩使用软件版本储存系统。Kasandra 自告奋勇答应了。他们组员Kasandra 经常要测试我们组开发的软件,跟我经常有工作上的接触。她工作很认真,不苟言笑。她来自加拿大,跟我一样在公司附近租房暂住。一次她的宿舍莫名其妙起火了,所有的私人物品被烧掉了。他们组发起给她捐款捐物的活动。我想那次火灾事故给她的打击挺大的。后来她一反常态,她跟Bill Wood经理关系很密切,经常在她工作隔间说笑。她跟新来的男员工大声说笑。我的隔间就在她的右边。

One day in 2011, I walked in the break room. Suddenly the manager Bill Wood who was standing inside the break room shouted someone’s name, “Andy”. I got startled, glanced over the room and saw a craven old man standing in front of the vending machine.  He was puny, but had extra puffy meat on his face; he appeared inarticulate, but had resentment in his eyes; he was a white people, but had a lot of Asian features in his appearance.  I’ve seen this guy on several occasions. It looked like he had stalked me.

2011年的某一天中午当我走到休息室入口时, 突然经理Bill Wood大喊某人的名字,“Andy”。我吓了一跳,往休息室扫了一眼,一个畏畏缩缩的老头站在自动零食售货机旁。他虽然瘦小,但是满脸泡泡肉;虽然不善言语,但眼神里透出怨恨;他虽然是白人,但外表有很多亚裔的特征。在很多不同的场合我都见过这老头,感觉是跟踪我。

This “Andy” reminded me an accountant named Andy once worked for Artco Arts & Crafts Co., Ltd in Quanzhou China back in 90s. They had same overall build or body type. Boss Ali took the accountant Andy to negotiate with a local polyresin figurine factory owner named ZiQiang Cai (Eric Cai) to buy his factory. Boss Ali came back with anger and blamed Andy that he helped Eric Cai to take advantage from him. With my translation, Ali fired Andy. However Ali didn’t buy the factory from Eric Cai at the end.

这个“Andy” 让我想起泉州阿特肯(Artco)工艺品公司里的叫Andy的会计。两人身材和气质是一样的。老板Ali 带着会计Andy他去一家当地的树脂工艺品厂的厂长蔡子强(Eric)那里谈判收购他的工厂一事。Ali 生着气回来,抱怨Andy 帮助蔡厂长占他的便宜。 Ali 开除了Andy。我帮助翻译的。Ali 最后也没有购买蔡厂长的工厂。

In May 2011, my third aunt joined the tour group to USA. She called me upon her arrival.  My father was then hospitalized for the treatment of prostate cancer. I planned to visit the Visa office of China’s Embassy in Washington DC next day to get the visa visiting China.  My aunt would arrive in Washington DC next day and stay there for one night. So I discussed with her about meeting her next day. I asked her to inform me ahead the hotel information and arrival time. After finishing the process with my visa I would visit her in the hotel she planned to stay.   During the phone call, there was a tall and chunky middle aged white woman with black curly short hair, wearing black outfit walking through the gap on the fence into the back yard my house. The fence between our community and rental apartment community was newly renovated. For some unknown reasons, small section of the fence just facing to my house was still not installed.  Through the sliding glass door, I saw her puttering around and walking away while I was on the phone call.


Several days later when I parked my car in the company’s parking lot early morning, I saw, not far away, the same woman wearing black outfit walked out from a car. Then the guy named “Andy” walked out from the same car. He carried a bunch of sun flowers and walked excitedly toward to the company’s elevator, while the woman in black outfit was standing beside the car and watching. Once “Andy” entered in the elevator, the woman entered in the car and drove away.

几天后早上上班到达公司停车场,刚停好自己的车子,就看到不远处,那个在我家后院出没的壮实白人中年妇女,穿着同样的一袭黑色的衣服下了车,并且那个被Bill Wood 称作Andy 的老头也从同一辆车子下车,手拿一束鲜花(太阳花)兴匆匆地走进了办公大楼电梯。穿黑衣的壮实白人中年妇女站在车旁看到Andy 进了电梯后就钻进了车子开走了。

During my aunt touring Hawaii, she called me and told me that she met two guys from Shanghai telling her that they would buy solar power panels. That time my cousin (aunt’s daughter) and her husband were running a factory manufacturing small size solar panels.  I suggested her not to discuss too much with them except getting the name cards and contacting information, but take further actions after discussing it with my uncle and cousins.


Since July 2011, at both the residence and workplace I got zapped and burned severely by directed high energy pulse some coming from the left side neighbor while some from satellites in the sky (electronic torture).  After quitting the job in January 2012, I called the supervisor Ralph mentioning the above weird incidences. He told me that Bill Wood had left the company.

自2011年7月开始在住处和工作隔间内都被定向高能波束刺射灼烧(电子酷刑),有的来自空中的卫星,有的来自左边的邻居房子里。2012年1月辞职后,我打电话给主管 Ralph 提到这些怪异的经历。他跟我说 Bill Wood 已经离开了公司。

I felt there must be something to do with Bill Wood for the cause of me being zapped by directed high energy pulse.  The female employees being attacked, especially those living alone, won’t be only me.

我被定向能波束刺射肯定跟这个叫Bill Wood 的人有关!被打击的女员工,特别是孤身一人的,不止我一个。