Most Weird Things in UPS STORE

The most weird things I had encountered during working at the UPS store in Cockeysville Baltimore is that for one identity there can be many different looking/shape/height persons.

The owner of another UPS store located at Towson, Peter appeared close to our store owner that visited our store more often than other store owners. 

After moving to the new location in July 2019, one day Peter talked on the phone with the senior associate Raj to borrow blank label rolls. He walked in with bright yellow polo shirt, skinny, small face, short black spiky hair. Raj recognized him right away and greeted him and handed him with the label rolls. He helped us on processing USPS packages little bit because at the moment one customer brought more than 40 packages to be shipped. This was my first time seeing him. 

Later there was annual regional stores online conference and for some reason, Raj couldn’t attend. So the store owner asked me to stay at the store for extra time to attend the meeting and report to him next day. There I saw a totally different person as Peter. He was with long face with narrow eyes, less hair volume appeared more soft…mostly totally different personality. 

One afternoon an average height middle aged white guy with little potbelly, long face, thin hair and an extremely short round faced guy with a lot dark eye circles walked in. I greeted them. The taller guy introduced himself as Peter although he looked totally different the Peter I saw before and the short guy as the owner of the other store. The other store owner once visited us to borrow label rolls as well, much taller and stout than this little guy. Both of them reminded me some colleagues in AAI Corp I encountered once or twice. They pointed the name cards on the register, saying they look good and asked me where they were printed. Those name cards are the basic ones (cheapest ones) ordered from UPS store market place. Every store owner and associate with little experience know it. They asked me if they could look inside the packaging room. Although I felt they were phony, but for the courtesy, I showed them in. Time by time we let some customers to see the packaging room to make them feel comfortable to leave their items with us. 

They looked around a little bit and left. Next day I told the store owner about it and expressed my concern. The store owner made phone call to Peter to verify if he did visit us previous day. To my surprise, Peter confirmed everything. 

Then another afternoon, Raj called in to inform me that Peter would bring a guitar to pack up because his store was short of guitar box. A tall, skinny, lush black hair, triangular faced white guy came to the store to pack up a guitar. I was packing some paintings with frames while he packed up the guitar and left. Newly hired associate Tarsha told me she saw him many times in the post office where she used to work for. He was not polite person.  

Next day our store owner told me he watched the surveillance video when Peter entered in the store and called him on the phone. But to my knowledge, the guy didn’t talk on his cell phone in the store. 

Bob is a tall, big white guy with thin light colored hair. He visited our store often to do notary services in 2019 . Our store owner stopped that. 

One afternoon in 2021 a guy looked similar to him, but much shorter and smaller than him with black hair came in, told us he was Bob and asked about a package. I told him to leave his phone number and if there was package, I would call him to pick it up. Karon, the associate was there as well. He left the store for a better job couple days later. 

Later we did receive a package for him and I informed him to pick it up. When he was arrived, I was at back office working on some paperwork. Tarsha greeted him. I heard the conversation and walked out. There was a younger guy with black thick hair, big body build…I showed the package to Tarsha to release it to him. 

I’m not sure what they were up to, but sure that was their games…We as commoners have to pretend not to see, basically ignore it. 

Weird Pat Down Search at Harrisburg Airport

By V Hu

2016/4/18 早上6:00am 多在哈里斯堡(Harrisburg)机场安检,通过360度旋转扫描,出乎意料被指定人手搜查(Pat search)。我穿着一件毛衣和牛仔裤,搜查起来应该只需轻轻拍击几下。搜查的女安检员却像机械手一样高速重力按压,好像要捏出我皮肤下的东西似的,在搜查右边大腿内侧时,手掌上下快速移动,猛烈撞击到了盆骨的耻骨下角。如果是一个得骨质疏松症的女人,被她这么撞击,估计盆骨会粉碎性裂开。5年来定向能波束经常辐射腹股沟,髋部,小腹。这次右腿内侧耻骨下角的猛烈撞击不得不让我觉的是刻意人身攻击。在哈里斯堡机场安检处我亲历过好多次怪异的搜查行动,但这一次是最可恶的。左手上一直戴着的金戒指,在美国哈里斯堡(Harrisburg)机场2016/4/18 早上7:00am 多上了飞往芝加哥的UA 4781飞机后发觉不见了!记得在住处清理后院的树枝时,还注意到戒指在手指上。

I took the flight UA4781 from Harrisburg to Chicago at 7:00 am on April 18, 2016. I entered in airport security check point around 6:00am. After having 360 degree full body circling scan, I was appointed to have a pat-down search by a woman in front of the scanning system while my carry-on handbag was going through the scanning belt. She searched from head to toe and pressed on my body very hard. When she moved her both hands up and down on my right leg, her right hand thumb even hit hardly on the pubis at the inner thigh of my right leg. It was painful. I think if some woman with osteoporosis was hit by that force, her pelvis would be fractured. During and after the search all I thought was about the pain at the pubis. Until I settled down on my seat on the flight UA 4781 and saw one passenger’s hand with a silver ring extending out from the front seat back, I subconsciously looked at my hand and noticed that the gold ring on my left hand was not there anymore.

Last 5 years (Since July 2011), my body has been targeted, zapped, burned with directed energy pulse coming from mostly unidentified sources ( In 2011 and early 2012, I’m sure there was directed energy pulse emitting  from  left side wall between my house and left side neighbor in Baltimore)。Frequently the pulse zaps and radiates at my groin, pelvis, and lower abdomen. I’ve experienced weird search for several times at the Harrisburg Airport security check point, but this time’s pat-down search and hitting on my pubis at the inner thigh of my right leg was likely an violent personal attacking. 

上了UA 835,一开始我的座位是43K,网上选座时我刻意选了后排指望3座一排的座位只有我一人,不过很不幸,坐满了人。更倒霉的是一入座就闻到强烈的狐臭味,待到飞机上升致制定高度后可以自由活动的时候我立即转移到了57排座位,这样可以躺着睡。一躺下睡觉,波束就开始辐射身体,特别是小腹上,所以翻来转去一刻也没睡着。

My seat number was 43K on the UA834 flying from Chicago to Pudong Shanghai. I intentionally picked online the seat located at the rear of the airplane expecting there was only me sitting in the role of 3 seats. Unfortunately all three seats in the role of 43 were occupied. It got even worse that I smell intense hircus after I sat down. After the airplane ascended to designated altitude and passengers were allowed to move inside the cabin freely, I right away moved to the role of 57 where all three seats were unoccupied and I could lie down. But once I lay down, the directed energy pulse started radiating at my body, especially my lower abdomen. I tossed and turned and didn’t sleep at all.

航班的午饭时间,我选了意大利番茄酱方饺(Ravioli )。配菜是带柠檬草香味的南瓜芝麻菜麦粒。味道真的很好!乘务员态度也很好。感觉随着油价下跌,美联航班机提供的食物和服务质量都提高了!


The flight encountered strong turbulence when it was landing on the Shanghai Pudong airport and bumped tremendously.  I got nauseated and threw up everything I ate for the breakfast.  After that I felt very dizzy and sleepy.  Inside the Pudong airport and on the China domestic flight I didn’t get harassed by the directed energy pulse from unknown source, so I slept deeply on the China domestic flight all the way to the destination. 

People From World Financial Group(WFG)

By V Hu

During 2006 Christmas holiday week, my younger sister visited me. One afternoon, we went together to H-Mart, a Korean grocery store selling Asian food located at route 40. There was one Chinese lady named Min Fang approached us and asked if we were interested in learning personal financial management. She told us that they had been educating Asian Americans about financial management and giving out training lessons every couple weeks. Min had her high education in one of HongKong universities. Min’s husband taught in University of Maryland. They came originally from Shandong and had 1 daughter. We exchanged phone numbers.


Couple weeks later, Min called me and asked me if I wanted to attend the meeting/training lesson hosted that week. I drove to her home and attended meeting with her in their office in Gaithersburg. Min’s recruiter/leader, Lucy Luo, made a speech, then couple other people reported what they’d done. I learned that their company was named as World Financial Group (WFG) Multi-Level Marketing insurance products. Its sales scheme was similar to the one employed by Avon or Amway. After I told her I was from Nanjing, Jiangsu China, Lucy Luo told me that she was born in Shandong, but lived in Nanjing military family residential complex most of her life. She used to a physician back in China. In the USA, she specializing in marketing/selling insurance products for WFG. Her husband taught in a University. They had 2 sons.

两三个星期后,房敏告诉我那个星期有讲座。我开车到了她家,然后跟她一起去了他们在Gaithersburg的办公室。她的上级一个叫Lucy发表了演讲。还有一些人汇报了他们最近的销售或吸收成员的业绩。我了解到他们公司叫World Financial Group (WFG),传销保险产品,跟雅芳和安利的销售模式一样。她们说他们做的不是传销。

After that, Min visited me and my neighbor to persuade us to become member of their marking team. I attended couple similar meetings in their office and Min’s home. Lucy Luo invited her recruiters/leaders or friends, Vietnamese-American, African-American, and Chinese-Americans to make speeches in the meetings as well. There were several people did extremely well in the field, i.e. a Vietnamese-American accountant named Andy Nguyen, an African-American veteran named Carl Logan. They bought big houses, personal jets, or went dream vacations. In one meeting, Mr. Carl Logan told us he’s from Philadelphia famous for Phili cheese steak. He asked me to sit at the front roll. I told him that I was fine sitting back beside Min Fang and Janell Lu, a mom with 2 kids who was originally from Suzhou. Janell was extremely excited about the speech.

这以后,方敏拜访了我和我的中国邻居,说服我们加入她们的组织。我去方敏家或公司办公室参加了几个讲座。Lucy邀请了她的上级或朋友来演讲,有几个业绩特别突出。比如,一个越南会计叫Andy Nguyen 的,一个海军退役黑人军人叫Carl Logan的。他们买了大洋房,购了私人飞机,以及度了梦寐以求得假期。那个叫Carl Logan的告诉我们他出生于费城,那里的奶酪牛肉碎片很有名。叫我坐到前排,我说我还是跟陆萍,一个来自苏州的两个孩子的母亲和房敏坐后排。

I attended their nation-wide meeting hosted in Ohio once. It was a long drive. 4 people shared one hotel room. Each of us paid the share of trip expenses. Min Fang, Lucy Luo, Janelle Lu and I shared one hotel room. During the group chat, Janelle complained about her husband and burst in tear for her poor relation with her husband. One day, end of a meeting, I saw Lucy was talking loudly and forcefully with one middle age man to push him to become a member. That guy was standing there quietly most time with his head down.

我参加了一次他们全国性的在Buffalo, Ohio 举行的年会。很长的车程,四人住一个房间,我们房间安排了陆萍,房敏,Lucy,和我。我跟陆萍一张床,房敏和Lucy 一张床。每个人承担各自吃住和交通费用。陆萍不满她和她丈夫的关系在酒店房内对着我们哭了出来。一天会后看到Lucy跟一个中年男人大声说话,要他赶快加入他们。那个男人低着头,大多数时间不滋声。

I attended a gathering in Lucy’s home located in Boyds MD. Couldn’t resist Min Fang’s persuasion and I paid $100.00 to register for the membership. But I realized that there was not much financial stuff to learn except their insurance products. Most of that has been learned in College. Also I didn’t want to give out my friends’ contacting information which was required. So I quit attending their meetings.

我还去Lucy 位于 Boyds, MD 的家参加了聚会。实在推托不了房敏的请求,我交了$100 美元入会费。但是我知道从他们那里没有多少金融知识可学,而且我也不想把朋友的联系信息交给他们。我就没再参与他们的任何活动了。

Nothing was expected when I first time heard about this financial training from Min in the grocery store. But I did meet some Chinese-Amricans living around me. By driving back and forth the meeting places, I got to know the places around me. That was my 1st and half year in Baltimore County.

Later, I acquainted with Kaiyin Duh. She told me that she had deposited her savings with WFG through Ya Men.  In 2009, being laid off, Kaiyin tried to get the fund out, but encountered problems.
后来遇到Kaiyin, 她跟我说经过WFG的梦雅把钱存在了WFG. 2009 年下岗后,想要把钱拿出来很难。

Not contacting for a while, Min Fang called me and wanted to introduce an African-American guy to be my boy friend. I told her I’m not interested in.

In 2010 AAI Corp annual meeting at a big manufacturing workshop, while standing and listening to Ellen Lord, the general manager making speech, there was a skinny short old white man started pacing around me and staring at me. I ignored him. Then an African-American guy looked similar to Carl Logan approached him. They chatted a little and left together.

This old man looked similar to Steven, a mechanical engineer once invited Kassandra, my supervisor and I to watch an aircraft launching demonstration in the military base.

One Friday evening Kaiyin and I went to movie in AMC Theater at Owings Mill. At the lobby, we encountered many strange people likely following us. Among them, there was an African-American guy looked similar to Carl Logan.

Once window shopping in Towson Town Center by myself, there was one Chinese woman with the rounded rectangular face, looked similar to Lucy Luo wearing black cloth followed me around.

Weird things in Yunshuiyao Tour 20170907

By V Hu

September 6th -8th , 2017, in the nights I started lying on the bed, then had to move to the living room because the intensity of the energy pulse zapping at me got increased and it zapped my body from the bottom of the mattress up, so the body parts against the mattress were burned. Sept. 6th–7th, I didn’t sleep whole night. Because of it, the symptoms of motion sickness on the long distance tour bus during the day time of Sept. 7th became severe. Sept.7th-8th, moving around in the living rooms several times, I finally located a pot where I could avoid majority of the zapping pulse (maybe the operator didn’t re-target in time). Around 5:00am of Sept. 8th, the zapping pulse intensified and was targeted on my legs. I moved my body to avoid it, but still had the back of my left thigh zapped and burned into many pairs of red dots. There was no mosquito and I sprayed mosquito repellents several times for prevention.

2017/9/6-9/8,夜里我一开始躺在卧室床上,过一会儿波束刺射开始增强,从下而上刺射我贴着床垫的身体部位,我转移到客厅:9/6-9/7,一整夜未睡,因为晚上没睡觉,9/7白天在长途旅行车上晕车症状更强烈,呕吐完后迷糊一会儿,后来在午餐休息点喝了茶,头晕症状才消失;9/7-9/8,在客厅再次换了几处,总算找到一处能避开大部分波束(或者操控者没有及时定位),5:00am左右波束开始增强,盯着我腿部刺射。我移动身体躲避,但是左腿大腿后面还是被灼伤出一对对 红疙瘩。9/7晚上一日游结束回到住处没有任何蚊子的包,因为期间我喷了几次驱蚊水。所以这些红肿疙瘩只有在9/8凌晨到5:00am期间被聚焦定向能波束猛烈刺射灼伤出来。

Sept.7th, 2017, my elder sister and I took one day tour to Yunshuiyao of Nanjing Zhangzhou from Xiamen Fujian, tasted many different flavors of tea and coffee, tried red bananas, passion fruits, golden passion fruits, baby pineapples and different flavored nougats, visited mountain villages, rectangular or circular enclosed and fortified earth buildings and home of a local tour guide, bought tea, freshly grounded coffee, Pianzihuang pearl cream and etc.

2017/9/7,我和姐姐一起去了漳州南靖云水谣一日游,尝了各种茶,咖啡(第一次了解到漳州自产咖啡,还销售给星巴克和雀巢),美人蕉,百香果,黄金果,小菠萝,牛扎糖,参观了土楼和村庄,去地陪家里喝了茶,……购买了护肝茶,牛扎糖,现磨的碳烤咖啡,皇后牌片仔黄珍珠膏(这次BRICS 送给国际友人的礼品)。导游说网店出售的都是假货,只有一两家知名药店出售正品。或者跟着华侨团去工厂购买。司机以前从厂里购买了几条,转手给我们。在手上试了试,感觉不错!

Surprisingly there were many young girls joined alone to the tour group, also many sister pairs like my sister and I. There was a white couple who joined in this group along with a Taiwanese tour group. Very strangely all sister pairs and singly joined women were arranged at the same dining table with the white couple, so there was only one male at our table and the rest 11 people were all female. A rounded square faced, fair skinned girl with pony tail wearing light blue shirt sat beside the white woman while an owl faced, dark skinned tall girl with bob style hair sat next to the white man.


During the lunch, the white woman repeated several times telling the white man in German that the food was delicious, and then asked in English what name the dish was that she pointed at. The tall owl faced girl answered her in English. A middle aged woman sat next to her, appearing as her mother or aunt echoed her. She mistakenly called bamboo shoots as bamboo several times. I couldn’t stand and corrected her. The white woman pointed at a bowl of stewed pork and dried bean curd stick and asked what it was. The tall owl faced girl was stuck. I helped her out. The white woman dropped food on the table as she tried hard to hold it using chopsticks, and then tried to pick it up and put it to her bowl. The dining tables in countryside restaurants are simply wiped clean with wet dingy kitchen towels and poorly disinfected. I could not bear to look at her and stopped her, also signaled the rounded square faced girl next to her to tell her not to eat it.    

吃饭过程中,白人女的一个劲用德语跟白人男的说菜好吃,指着菜盘,用英文问菜名。高个锥圆脸女孩回答和翻译,她旁边坐着貌似她长辈的中老年妇女应和着她。但是她把竹笋译成了竹子。我忍不住纠正了!接着白人女的又指着 腐竹 问,女孩不知道怎么翻译,我接上了。期间坐在旁边一桌的一个略宽的锥形脸的,圆眼的中年男子和一个中年妇女一个劲往我们这一桌观望。白人女的夹菜掉桌上,使劲夹起来,要放碗里。我实在看不下去,制止了她!

After the lunch, we went to shop at a coffee factory outlet, then separated into two groups; one group of people going to see Tulou (earth buildings) in Yongding while another group, the white couple, most women and young couples visiting Yunshuiyao. The rounded square faced girl with blue shirt accompanied the white couple. The middle aged woman came with the owl faced dark skinned tall girl and disappeared after entering the Yunshuiyao village. She was replaced with a younger long faced woman. Later at the table of tea tasting in the local tour guide’s home, we were told that she was the elder sister of the owl faced tall dark girl.


The white man is very tall, long faced, with glasses, looked very similar to the guy encountered at the Detroit airport in 2000, one in the courtyard of the complex management office of my parents’house in Nanjing 2004, couple in AAI COPR between 2006-2011, i.e. Sean, Peter, and Jim from Joe’s Taxi in Lititz Pennsylvania in 2000… They seemed from the same family tree.

旅游团里的这对白人夫妻,那个高个,长脸,戴眼镜的白人男子其实跟在美国底特律机场,南京我父母所住小区物管办公室门前,AAI Corp.等地遇到的头发微卷,长脸的男子,跟Sean,Peter, Joe’s Taxi的Jim……都长相接近,好似一个家族成员,近亲或远亲……具体描述在:2000年我初次到达美国,在底特律机场被定向能武器(脑控武器)骚扰:

In May of 2000, at one Detroit airport boarding gate of the flight to Harrisburg, there was a tall white guy with white uniform surrounded with 4-5 middle aged white women. Due to heavy storm, many flights were canceled, passengers were told to move to other boarding gates several times and eventually no flight departing at all and everyone was stuck at the airport for the night. During the migration between boarding gates, there was a white woman following me to every boarding gate. Each time after we arrived at the gate, she would turn her head and stare at me. From around 20feet away, I can hear her criticizing me with unfriendly words (microwave hearing). I ignored her.

Now September of 2017, during a day trip to Yunshuiyao, there was similar looking guy with his wife surrounded with many Chinese young women, singly joined girls and sister pairs. The trip tickets for my sister and I were booked by my sister on 1 day ahead. It was a bit weird, as if all women were organized through remote mind control scheme. This guy appeared like a leader of a cult organization and all women surrounded him were the testing objects. White middle aged women were in 2000 and Chinese women were in 2017.


They abused power and directed energy weapons, manipulated and ruined many innocent lives, especially those of young women, causing victims’ lives to be astray and filled with pain. Through diligent study, hard work, strong self control, overcoming normal difficulties in life, I could continually work for Stirling Financial after the graduation from the college, first as a cashier, then IT engineer. My personal life could be a bit smooth, wouldn’t have to fight with these weirdoes, and have better mood all these years.

它们滥用职权,滥用定向能武器,摆弄糟蹋很多人,特别是年轻女性,使受害者的人生在节骨眼上总往负面发展,充满无法言状的痛苦。 通过勤奋努力,自律自强,克服正常的学习工作困难,我本来可以顺顺利利继续在 Stirling Financial 工作,先做出纳员,然后IT工程师,我的个人生活也会更加顺利,不用拼命跟古怪的厄运做斗争,心情也会更开心…

Many innocent people were doomed. I have been forced to the way to death too. In May of 2000, my first time landing on American soil, I had been stalked and harassed with sonic wave. During early years (2001-2002) in college, I had been followed on the way driving back and forth between home and the school and lower back of my head, near medulla oblongata had been zapped by certain directed energy. I had always felt the back of my head so tight as if it was clamped tightly by claws. Frequently I felt heavy pressure on my head and sudden depression. Since July 2011, they aggravated the torture on me using irritating air, and then directed high energy zapping, lashing and burning my body, resulting many burning wounds all over my body, putting me in burning pain 24/7.

很多无辜之人被它们糟蹋死了. 我也一直被它们往死路上逼,2000年5月初次到达美国在底特律机场被跟踪和极低频定向能波束骚扰; 2001年-2002年间刚入大学,被定向能心电武器精神折磨和肉体摧残; 自2011年7月开始变本加厉折磨我,它们用刺激性气体和高强高能定向能波束密集刺射冲击灼烧我,烧得我满身灼伤,24/7处于灼痛中: , , 。

很多人受不了,跟刘华茗之一样自杀身亡了: 。






  1. 2012年1月,堪萨斯州安保利亚州立大学(Emporia State University)MBA一年级的26岁中国留学生杨明喧(Mingxuan Yang),先朝自己开枪后,再撞车身亡。
  2. 2012年10月26日,美国MIT麻省理工学院的华人才女Heng Nikita Guo 上吊自杀。她出生于中国兰州,在深圳长大,2001年随父母移民美国,之后在德州农工大学获得电机工程学士学位,2011年入学MIT,预计在2012年毕业: 。
  3. 2013-2016,4年间宾夕法尼亚大学发生10起学生自杀事件: 。
  4. 2014年10月,约翰霍普金斯大学的20岁中国留学生李同学(Yangkai Li)跳楼自杀,生前他备受失眠、焦虑的困扰,曾在日志里写道:“我只想做一个普通的正常的人”。
  5. 2014年8月,加州州立大学富勒尔顿分校中国留学生林同学(Xu Lin)跳楼自杀。
  6. 2015年1月,耶鲁大学的华裔女生王露畅从金门大桥跳海自尽。
  7. 2016年1月,在加州大学伯克利分校就读的研究生张同学疑跳崖自杀,半年后警方才找到她的尸体。
  8. 2016年1月,芝加哥大学的陆同学跳湖自杀,之前她和母亲视频通话三小时,并没有显示任何反常迹象。
  9. 2016年11月,来自上海的留学生陆同学在加拿大多伦多大学求学期间自杀。
  10. 2016年12月10日,俄州州立大学理论物理与天体物理专业大三的学生刘凯风饮弹自尽。他来自中国天津,爱好摄影,向来会和好友分享心事,成绩很好,和女朋友感情也很稳定。自杀前三天,刘同学还和几个好友一起商量去滑雪的行程,怎么看也不像是一个计划结束自己生命的年轻人。
  11. 2017年2月12日,美国加州大学圣芭芭拉分校(UC Santa Barbara)的20岁华人女留学生Weiwei Liu在Santa Cruz宿舍自杀身亡。她出生和成长于中国广州,美丽阳光,2015年入学 UC Santa Barbara 进修德语及心理学专业。2月5日她在脸书上用英文感谢母亲抵美陪伴近一个月,并表示“自己已经长大懂事”。她的新浪微博帐号 @瑋Linka 。这里还列了其他好几个自杀身亡的留学生: 。
  12. 2017年10月1日,美国犹他州大学做导师助理研究生的唐晓琳在金门大桥附近跳海自尽。她是山东龙口人,2004年在北大就读空间物理专业,2008年赴美攻读研究生和博士学位,至今已有9年。 。



《今日俄罗斯,影子揭秘-远程脑神经监控》谈及CIA研创MKULTRA脑控技术;除了科研机构,美国350所大学跟国防部签订了脑研究合同;Obama公布The Manhattan 计划在10年内绘制人脑神经活动图(BAM);DARPA的人造感应技术促使人跟自己的思维交流,而不是跟他人言语交流…

如果用定向能脑控武器发射定向能波束隐蔽酷刑我,逼我自杀的目的是为了掩盖 Lucy Li (李爱玲),那么反而起了反作用:她是珠海市政府人员和珠光公司老总的亲密朋友,是我以前工作所在公司老板的情妇,后来跟老板的朋友,美国的叫 Jim 的白人男子结婚离婚,然后再跟老板的另一个朋友结婚…我本来无意回忆: ; ; 。

Lime Green and Lemon Yellow

By V Hu

During working for the first team in AAI Corp., there was a project manager named Ken Vidmar. He was friendly, had married and divorced several times, then had a knee surgery and married to a nurse who had taken care of him. He was grateful to his wife and treated her very well.
我在 AAI Corp. 第一个小组工作期间,有一个项目经理叫Ken Vidmar,人很随和,离婚结婚一两次,后来做了膝盖手术,跟一个女护理员喜结连理。他对妻子抱着感恩之心,所以对妻子很好。

Then there was a white woman or a woman mixed between white and Asian. She was bad looking. In 2017, during my visit to my parents in Nanjing, I saw some pictures of my younger sister’s family in New York after she gave birth to a kid and noticed that my sister’s neighbor, a woman originally from Taiwan had same shape of eyes as Amy’s. Even their facial expressions were similar.
当时有一个白人(白人跟亚裔混血)女同事叫 Amy,长得不好看。2017年回南京父母家看到妹妹生完孩子后的生活照,发现Amy的眼睛跟妹妹的台湾女邻居的眼睛是一样的,那神情也接近。

Amy tried to be close to Ken. But Ken didn’t want to speak to her much. One time Amy went to ask Ken a question. Ken rushed to my working cubicle and stayed very inside of it while I was sitting in front of my desk and editing software codes. Once noticing the commotion, I stood up and turned back to face toward the entrance of my cubicle. Amy was standing at the entrance. Ken threw the question to me. I answered it. Amy walked away sulkily. Ken then took a deep breath and exhaled, appearing relieved and walked away.
Amy粘着 Ken。Ken 不愿意跟她多说话。有一次,Amy 找他问问题,Ken突然冲进我的隔间最里面,Amy 站在隔间进出口。Ken 把问题甩给我。我站起来回答了他们俩。当时他们俩的表情都是怪怪的。Amy 听到答案后就悻悻离开了。Ken接着也呼了口气,调整好心态离去了。

In 2007, the team members gathered together to have a crab feast in a restaurant. Ken joined in a bit late and first sat near the restaurant entrance, at the end of the long dinner table. At the near end of the feast, some colleagues left and couple seats in the middle of the table were available. Ken moved to a middle seat and chatted with us. After a little moment, Amy and a middle age woman walked in and stood behind Ken. Amy was wearing a tight scarlet low cut short sleeve. When she started speaking, she inclined forward from Ken’s left back side so that her chest became close to Ken’s left side face and shoulder. Ken looked uneasy. I looked at other colleagues and noticed that they all looked weird.
2007年,小组在一家餐厅组织了螃蟹晚餐聚会。Ken 来餐厅比较晚,坐在了靠餐厅进出口的长桌的位置。后来晚餐快结束的时候,一两个同事就离席回家了,靠里面的座位空了出来。Ken 就坐到里面的座位跟我们聊天。没一会儿,Amy 穿着一件紧身袒胸的鲜红色上衣,站在Ken 后侧边上,说话间,身体前倾,前胸靠近Ken的脸和肩。Ken 一脸不自在。我观察了其他在座同事的脸部表情,都有些怪怪的。

The middle age woman came along with Amy looked like Cathy Lopez, a software quality controller, but appeared older. I felt I met her once in the Bikram Yoga center. That was my first day of yoga classes. She stood beside reception desk and chatting with receptionists. I approached the desk to ask where the class room was. She appeared very hospitable and told the receptionist that she would lead me to the class room. She placed my yoga mat at the very first row nearest to the instructor’s podium. After the class started, the instructor showed me a spot at the back side of the room and asked me to move there. Later I hadn’t seen this woman at the yoga center. Students in the class increased rapidly from originally a little over 10, to around 30. Often there was a middle age guy with dark skin took the spot beside me and tossing around a damp dingy towel…Bikram is practiced in an insulated room with temperature above 100 Fahrenheit (38 degree Celsius). When the people are increased, the oxygen inside the room gets thinner. I felt often dizzy and other ill symptoms and stopped taking the classes.
陪着Amy一起来的,站在Amy后面的是一个跟软件质检员Cathy Lopez 很像,偏老一些的中年妇女。我感觉曾经在Bikram瑜伽中心遇到过这个妇女。那是我的第一次瑜伽课,她站在服务台旁边跟工作人员在聊天。我询问教室位置的时候,她显得很热情,带我进了教室,并且把我的瑜伽垫子放在靠老师示范的位置很近的地方。训练课开始后,老师在后排找了位置,叫我转移到那里。后来在瑜伽课上没再见过她。课堂里的学员越来越多,本来10来个,后来近30个,而且我旁边经常出现一个皮肤黑黑的中年男子甩来甩去一条湿答答的脏兮兮的毛巾……Bikram 是高温瑜伽,上课过程中,教室封闭,加温,人多后氧气稀薄,我感觉头晕等不适症状,就停止上课了。

Feeling there was something weird at the table, I said I would go home too. I asked the supervisor where the manager John Ellen was and was going to inform him that I was leaving. The supervisor said he was probably drinking in the bar. I said goodbye to all and left.
感觉餐桌气氛不对劲,我就说自己也要回家了,问小组经理 John Ellen在哪,准备打个招呼就走。主管说他可能在隔壁吧台喝酒。我跟在座的打了个招呼,就离开了。

On August 11th, 2011, inside my working cubicle, the spot at the left lower back of my head around Fengchi acupressure point was zapped by extremely strong focused energy and burned On September 18th, 2011, back of my left knee was zapped by focused energy and burned
2011年8月11日在工作隔间,我脑后勺左下方风池穴附近被定向能波束刺射和 灼伤。2011年9月18日,我左膝盖后面被定向能波束刺射和灼伤。

Since February 2012, I spent most of a year in China, and visited America end or early of a year. Since 2015, during visits to my home in Baltimore for house maintenances , I often encountered some white guys with their hair dyed in yellow (obviously not nature hair color), some time wearing lime green colored shirts.

End of 2008, I was assigned to another working team. One of the colleagues named Tom Conway told me that his favorite color was lime green and his smart phone was lime green. He also said that his Hong Kongese-American fiancée’s favorite color was pink and was a super fan of Hello Kitty, and they were planning a lime green and pink themed wedding.
2008年我被调离到新的工作小组。组员Tom  Conway跟我说他最喜欢柠檬绿(lime green),他的智能手机是柠檬绿的,他的香港裔的未婚妻最喜欢粉色,是Hello Kitty的超级粉,还说要举办柠檬绿和粉色的主题婚礼。

I always feel that these people saying and doing weird things in front of me are remotely controlled or influenced by directed-energy mind control handlers. The reason they kept telling or showing me that they love lime green is that I once picked a small half yellow and half green case of TIC TAC. Back between 2006 and 2007, one afternoon Ken brought a tray of TIC TAC to my cubicle and asked me to pick one. I picked one with the case in half yellow and half green color.
我一直觉得这些人在我面前的言行是受脑控操控畜牲影响而作出的,跟2007年我选TIC TAC 清凉糖有关。一天下午Ken  拿了一盆子小塑料盒装的TIC TAC清凉糖到我隔间,叫我取一盒。TIC TAC盒子五颜六色,我取了一盒一半黄色,另一半绿色的。

Don’t these dilettantish “psychiatrists” within the mind control operator organization think these 2 colors fit for anything and any occasion? Or do they think these 2 colors could provoke me?
这些脑控操控组织的半吊子“心理医生” 不会认为这2种颜色适用于任何东西和场合吧!还是认为这2种颜色可以刺激我?!

A similar case had also incurred between 2009 and 2010. I took pottery making class at Clay Work nearby my home. At the end of the class, every student was assigned to make a mug and pick a color of glaze for the mug. I picked burgundy. Next morning things got weird on the way to work that I encountered many guys wearing burgundy shirts and some of them were my colleagues.  I ignored it. As days go by, this situation disappeared.  
同样事情发生在2009-2010年间:我在家附近的Clay Work陶瓷作坊业余上培训课。结业测试是制作一个水杯,并且选一种颜色的釉彩涂上面。我选了暗红色。第二天怪异的事情就发生了,我上班途中遇到好几个男同事都穿起暗红色寸衫…接着去任何地方,我都会遇到穿暗红色衣服的人,忽略一段时间后,此情况消失!

Since 2000, my first time arriving in U.S., at Detroit airport I had been harassed by directed-energy and a white woman ; during my study in Millersville University, my head had been zapped by directed energy ; then since 2011, I have been tortured by extremely high directed energy and couldn’t sleep, work and live normally; and I encountered many weird people and incidents…as if I have been falling into a trap filled with psychopaths…the right and wrong in ethics are reversed!

Weird Long Faced Tall White Guy and Others Encountered Since I Entered in USA First Time

By V Hu

During organizing some of documents, I found the email about my first day in USA sent to my sister.


Middle of May 2000, after waited in a room for 10 minutes also, while a custom officer who is a white guy, about 5‘4”,over-weighted, with a short rectangular chubby face, double chin, mustache, and thick glasses finished examining my entering paper, I finally passed and my nightmare started from then. (Someone with same looking of this officer appeared on the beach back of the hotel we stayed in Ocean City during my vacation in 2009. We were building a sand sculpture. He walked by with one woman. In front of the parliament building, the same looking guy appeared among the mass for the 4th of July celebration concert in 2010. I was sitting on the parapet at the left side of parliament building. This guy wearing dark green Polo shirt was standing in the passageway behind me. )


It was a disaster when I landed in the Detroit airport. All flights were canceled due to the rainstorm. The airport was crowded with passengers. Never been in such huge airport, I rushed around between different boarding gates while the gate for the same flight to Harrisburg had been changed several times. After settling down in one gate and expecting to depart, I heard the announcement that the flight was canceled at the last minute. I was so depressed for not knowing what to do for a while. There were 4 Philippine women sitting beside. I chatted with them and got the phone number of Northwest airline. I tried to rebook a ticket flying to Harrisburg next morning. All phone booths were occupied with long line of people. I made at least 10 times of AT&T collect calls to the destination and no one answered. Later according to the explanation, strangely the phone had never rung.

我订购的是西北航空公司(Northwest Airline)的跨国联票。我的噩梦从我到达底特律机场开始。因为狂风暴雨,几乎所有美国国内的航班都取消了。机场挤满了乘客。我乘坐去哈里斯堡(MDT) 的航班换了几个登机口。第一次进入这么大的机场,我匆忙的迂回于不同的登机口。后来终于确认在某个登机口等着航班出发,结果航班最后还是取消了。所有公用电话前都排满了长队。通过AT&T倒付我打了至少10次去目的地家里,没人接。根据后来的解释,电话没响。

I felt a little better after I got the ticket departing next morning 6:30am confirmed. I chatted with those Philippines. Back in China, we used to get free accommodation and meal if the flights were canceled for overnight. I was totally disappointed that everyone had to spend the night on the bench in the airport. Many passengers seemed used to this situation and lying on the floor. Luckily the airport gave out small pillows and blankets same as the ones used on the airplane. I got two blankets. Later I gave one of them to an old lady as I felt very sorry for her when she told me she missed chance to get the blanket. I couldn’t imagine if my grandma was in her situation.


Early next morning, from the information board I found out the flight I booked seat on was canceled. There was another flight to Harrisburg that day, which would depart around 9:00am, but no seat left and 42 persons stood by.

第二天早上在航班显示频上看到我订坐的航班(6点半)取消了。当天去哈里斯堡还有一个9点出发的航班,但是没有座位了,并且有42 个人等座。

I made many phone calls to the destination again and finally got answered. With the suggestions, I booked tickets on both flights to Baltimore (BWI) and Philadelphia (PHL). Eventually I arrived in the Baltimore airport that day. If I rebooked the tickets on both flights departing at 6:30am and 9:00am at the first place, I would have arrived at the Harrisburg airport with the 9:00am’s flight. I didn’t know that one passenger could rebook the ticket on more than one flight.  A fall into a pit, a gain in your wit! I learned my lesson.



At the airport, there was one slightly overweight middle aged white woman oddly following me every boarding gate I went. Time by time she turned her head back and stared at me with very weird expression on her face. I would look back at her and could hear some unpleasant comments in English coming out from her toward me. However there was at least 3 meters of distance between her and me. I used to be in the field of arts and crafts business and had traveled a lot domestically back in China. I don’t wear expensive clothes and jewelries, but do dress up fitly. I had met countless strangers in my life. Generally they all appeared friendly toward me. The only explanation for this woman’s odd behaviors  is that she might be part of mind control operators’ organization and the unpleasant words I heard from her might be not from her mouth, but microwave hearing effect (ultrasonic wave or radio wave induced voice), Voice to Skull assault.

Before all these bizarre phenomenon emerged, at the originally assigned boarding gate, there was a tall (more than 1.8m)white guy in middle age, with long face, appeared very tired and weary ( very painful looking)sitting at one end of a line of benches. He was in white military uniform from head to toe.  At least 5 women in civilian outfit surrounded him. They were very appearing that all passengers at the boarding gate turned head toward them. After informed for gate change, all passengers moved to the newly assigned boarding gate. Then I sat beside 4 Philippine women at the same line of benches close to the main walkway. That guy in white uniform and those women were sitting at a corner near the gate. He took down his hat and his slightly curly short hair appeared. Later some guys with similar looking appeared in my life frequently. 


在这怪异现象发生之前,在原定的登机口,有一个长脸,疲惫得显得颓废(很痛苦似的)的高个(1.8m左右) 的中年白人男人坐在同一排靠着带玻璃窗的面向停机场的外墙的座位排的另一头, 他从头到脚穿着白色的军队制服,被好几个普通服装的白人妇女围绕着,特别显眼,在座的乘客都在看他们。被通知更换登机口后,我们都转移到了另一个登机口,我那时就跟4个菲律宾女人坐一排靠走道的座位,而那个穿白色军队制服的高个男人及其陪伴左右的女人就坐到了靠里面的角落的座位上了。他把帽子摘掉后,稍微带卷的短发就显现出来了。长得跟这个长脸白人男人特别相似的男人后来在我以后的生活中频繁出现。


B hired a taxi from Joe’s Taxi located in Lititz, PA to Baltimore airport to pick me up. The driver was tall, with long face and short curly hair. His name is Jim, living in B’s neighborhood. His body shape, height, face shape, and hair style were all similar to the guy in white military uniform encountered at the Detroit airport, but thinner, not upright as him. However Jim didn’t look weary.

B雇佣了Lititz PA当地私人出租车叫 Joe’s Taxi的小巴来接我。出租车司机叫Jim,是白人中年男人,高个,长脸,短发有点卷。他跟在底特律机场遇到的穿着白色部队制服的白人男人体型,个头,脸型,发型都接近,只是稍微单薄一些,没有那么挺拔。Jim 没有颓废的神情。

Jim’s wife was an Asian woman, medium build, sturdy, wearing thick glasses. B told me she was from Shanghai first, then later told me she was from Vietnam. I told him that the woman with sturdy body must be from either Middle West or North of China. In 2010, Kaiying Duh took me to a Chinese grocery store located in Towson MD. The owner worked as a cashier there when we visited it. The owner looked exactly like Jim’s wife. I didn’t think deeply about this then. Since then I had never shopped at this store as it didn’t have much selection as H-Mart does.

Jim的老婆是亚裔,中高个,稍胖,脸肥呼呼的,戴近视眼镜。一开始B告诉我他老婆来自上海,后来又说是来自越南。我跟B 说长得那么壮实,她看起来更像是中国中西部或北方人。2010年杜凯英带我去了一家位于马里兰州涛笋(Towson)县的中国超市。店很小,离我巴尔的摩县的家很近。当时店主在做收银,长得跟Jim的老婆一模一样。当时我没去多想。我后来也没再去那店里采购, 因为跟韩亚龙亚洲超市比较,这个小超市的食品种类太少了。

After arriving in the USA, before getting my driver’s license, I called for taxi several times from Joe’s Taxi. One time they sent their daughter to drive us to the local clinic. She was tall with rounded square face and long straight hair with bangs. Her looking, height, and gestures resembled Lucy Li, a Chinese girl friend of my previous boss, Ali Akingilar who was the owner of A.K.International in Lititz, PA and its invested Quanzhou Artco Arts & Crafts Co. Ltd.

到达美国后,在我取得驾驶执照前,我叫过几次Joe’s Taxi的出租车,他们的女儿曾经送过我们去当地的诊所。他们的女儿高个,齐刘海,长直发,方圆脸,长相酷似我的前老板,美国位于Lititz PA的A.K.International 国际礼品公司和其在中国投资的泉州阿特肯工艺品公司的老板,Ali Akingilar 在中国的女友,李爱玲(Lucy Li)。她们的长相,个头,和举止是一模一样的。

Coincidently Lucy married with an American white guy named Jim and immigrated to the USA. That time she had already a daughter with Ali. However she divorced from Jim after she sued him for raping, then married with a rich old man in California.

蹊跷的是,听说李爱玲(Lucy Li)是跟一个叫Jim的美国白人结婚移民到的美国,当时已怀有Ali的小孩。后来因Lucy起诉Jim 强奸而离婚。Lucy接着嫁给了加利福尼亚的有钱老头。

During the early years in the USA, especially the school years I encountered many strange phenomena and people, i.e. heavy head, sudden depressed feeling, small red bumps appearing on my scalp over night, extreme tightness at the lower back of my head around medulla oblongata, and my car seemed bugged (for this I had called the local police to examine my car). I had a hunch of something abnormal was going on then.  Now I’m 100% sure that I have been targeted by directed energy emitted from some sort of mind control weapon system since then.

在美国的最初几年,特别是上学期间,我遭遇很错怪异现象和人物,比如头重、突然性的压抑感、一夜过后头皮上出现红包、后脑勺底部,延髓处 (风池穴)紧绷感、我的车子被跟踪(为此我还叫当地警察检测我的车子)。我感觉事情不寻常。现在我百分之百确定从那时起我就被某种脑控武器系统发射的定向能波束瞄准刺射了。

In summer of 2004 I visited my family in China. One day after finishing shopping, I went with my mother to the property management office of my parents’ house.  My mother went inside the office. There was a roofless courtyard in front of the office. Inside the courtyard, there were several stone tables. Along the tables, there were many stone stools. So I sat at one table. Then a real-estate agent like Chinese guy lead a middle aged tall white guy and a squat Chinese woman into the area. The white guy walked toward the middle of the courtyard and sat at the nearby table. The Chinese man and woman were standing at the side of entrance and discussing. My mother came out of the office and sat beside me to wait for the property manager giving out certain information. This white guy was more than 1.8meters in height and had long weary face and messy short curly hair. He looked almost same as Sean, a male colleague insulted me with one Halloween candy in AAI Corp on October 31st, 2006.  He looked similar to a white guy companied with a Chinese woman with wheat skin tone, plump awl face and bob hairstyle appeared beside swimming pools in Baltimore Towson MAC gym in 2007.  He also looked like the white guy dressed in white military uniform appeared at the boarding gate in the Detroit airport when I entered in the USA first time in 2000. He also resembled to Jim from Joe’s Taxi in body shape and facial shape.

2004年7月回中国探亲。一天逛街 结束后母亲到物业管理中心办理事务。我也跟着去了。这是第一次去那里,也是最后一次。物业管理处的门面装修得很上档次,接待大厅很宽敞,还有庭院,给我留下了深刻的印象。当时一个中年白人男子带着一农村长相的微胖的中国女翻译站在接待大厅门口偏左拐角处跟貌似房产经纪人的中年中国男人商量事宜。母亲进了大厅后出来和我一起坐在接待大厅外庭院内的围着小桌子的凳子上等回应。那个白人男子走过来坐到靠近的桌边等候。这个白人男子长脸,头发微微卷曲,蓬乱,脸部显得特别颓废,高个(1.8m多) 。他长得跟AAI Corp. 公司里的在2006年10月31日甩给我一颗万圣节糖侮辱我的男同事Sean极其相似。他和那个2007年出现在Baltimore Towson MAC健身房里,伴着高个锥圆脸小麦色肤色的留着bob发型的华裔女人的白人男子和2000年我初次到达美国在底特律机场登机口看到的穿着白色军装的白人男子很接近。他跟Joe’s Taxi的Jim 身材和脸型接近。

After starting working for AAI Corp. in 2006, I had encountered many guys resembling to the white guy in white military uniform encountered in the Detroit airport in 2000, Jim from Joe’s Taxi, the white guy appeared in the property management office of my parents’ house in 2004, i.e.
Sean and Peter from AAI Corp, a white guy accompanied with a Chinese woman with wheat skin tone, plump awl face and bob hairstyle appeared beside swimming pools in Baltimore Towson MAC gym in 2007, guys following us to scenic spots, a guy sat beside me at the boarding gate for the flight of KA616 (CX6740) of Dragon Airline in the HK airport on March 19th, 2013 and etc.

2006年到AAI Corp.工作后,在公司内遇到的几个男员工 (Sean, Peter…) ;
2007年在MAC 健身中心游泳池旁,伴随一个高个,深肤色,短锥圆脸的留着bob发型的女人的白人男子;跟一个华裔女人一起跟踪我们到不同景点游玩的男子;2013年3月19日在香港机场等候港龙航空KA616(CX6740)班机前往中国厦门时坐在我旁边的白人男子等多人长相和个头接近于2000年在美国底特律机场遇到的穿白色部队制服的白人男人,Joe’s Taxi的出租车司机Jim 和2004年出现在我父母家物业管理处的白人男子。

On October 31, 2006, while I was sitting at the desk inside the working cubical in AAI Corp. I heard one guy calling, “Victoria, pumpkin or ghost? Ghost!” I turned my head to the cubicle entrance and saw an engineer named Sean who then sitting 2-3 cubicles away opposite side of the same isle, neighbored to Linda Zimmerman, standing there. I’d never talked with him before. In a flash of second, he threw one shinning object to my desk and walked away toward the opposite direction to his cubicle. I turned eyes to the object on the desk and realized that it was a candy wrapped in shinning material with an animated pumpkin graphic on it. I turned the candy to the other side and saw the animated ghost graphic. Then I heard some people’s laugh, his and couple others. In America pumpkin infers slut and ghost infers sneaky. I thought over a little while and decided to fight back. Seeing him walk back to his cubicle, I took the candy and walked over to his cubicle and asked, “Were you the one threw me this candy?” He stared at me quietly.  A colleague named Steve Marco sitting next to his cubicle was also in his cubicle and sitting face to face with him. Steve Marco was a mechanical engineer and had exchanged emails with me for developing products for our team. Then I continued, “You’d better give this to your kids.” I threw the candy to his desk and walked back to my own cubicle. If he was really trying to be friendly and handing me Halloween candies, there wouldn’t be only one with such specific graphics and he wouldn’t call me those names. 

2006年10月31日当我在工作隔间伏案工作时突然听到一个男人的喊声,“维多利亚,南瓜还是小鬼?小鬼!?”我转过头朝隔间进出口看去,一个叫Sean的男工程师站在那里,他坐在同一个走廊对面的两三个隔间外,与Linda Zimmerman相邻。我从来没跟他说过话。紧接着他往我工作台上摔了一个亮晶晶的东西就往他座位的反方向走掉了。我朝台上的东西看去,才知道是一颗包的亮晶晶的糖,上面印着卡通南瓜图案。我把糖转了个身,看到卡通小鬼的图案。我听到一些人的笑声,他的和其它人的。在美国,南瓜含有浪的意思,小鬼有偷偷摸摸的意思。我想了一会,决定对抗。看到他回到自己的隔间,我拿起那颗糖走到了他的隔间,问“是不是你给我的这颗糖?”他看着我愣着。当时他隔壁的男员工 Steve Marco也坐在他的隔间里,面对着他。Steve Marco 是机械工程师,为了开发我们组的产品,曾经跟我有邮件来往。我继续:“你最好把这给你小孩。”我把糖扔到他桌上,转身走回了我的隔间。如果是真心实意表示友好给我鬼节的糖,那将不会仅一颗印有那特别图案的,他也不会喊我那些名称。

During 2006 I enrolled in a belly dance class instructed by Jill in her home located in Timonium MD. One day after work, when entering Jill’s home, I saw a skinny weary old man sitting in the living room. Except many deep wrinkles on his face, the old man looked very close to the guy in white military uniform encountered in the Detroit airport back in 2000 and a white guy companied with a Chinese woman with wheat skin tone, plump awl face and bob hairstyle appeared beside swimming pools in Baltimore Towson MAC gym in 2007.

2006我上了Jill教的肚皮舞课。Jill在Timonium的家里教肚皮舞课程。一天下班后我走进JIll家门的时候,就看到一个干瘦颓丧的老头坐在她家客厅。除了脸上布满深深的皱纹,这个老头长得很象2000年在底特律机场遇到的穿着白色部队制服的白人男人和和出现在Towson MAC 健身中心游泳池旁,跟一个华裔女人在一起的白人男子。

In 2007, Maggie suggested to excise in Mac gym at Towson. We applied for the membership.  Maggie received a discount for the referral. With the agreement between AAI Corp. and Mac, I received a big discount on membership fee.

One night I came out of the warm water pool and headed to the hot Jacuzzi. I saw a tall white guy and a Chinese woman sitting on the side of the pool. The guy resembled to the white guy dressed in white military uniform appeared at the boarding gate in the Detroit airport when I first time entered in the USA in 2000, and looked close to the white guy appeared in the property management office of my parents’ house in 2004, Jim from Joe’s Taxi and Sean from AAI Corp. The Chinese woman was with wheat skin tone, plump awl face and bob hairstyle. Then the guy jumped into the pool to swim. While swimming, he chatted with the woman on the side of the pool. The woman stood up, appearing pretty tall, at least 1.65m in height. A little while later the guy came into the hot Jacuzzi and sat diagonally opposite to me. Oddly the woman didn’t come to the Jacuzzi, but stayed at the side of pool the whole time I was there.  They were very appearing that drew attention from everyone present.

2007 年李玲( Maggie Li )建议去Towson 的MAC 健身房锻炼身体。我们俩一起去办了健身卡。AAI Corp. 公司跟MAC 有协议,公司员工享受会员特价。一天晚上我从温水游泳池出来,准备进入高温的冲浪按摩浴缸(hot jacuzzi),看到一个白人男人跟一个华裔女人坐在泳池边上。白人男子长得跟AAI Corp.公司里用Halloween 鬼节糖侮辱我的男同事Sean 和2004年7月在我父母家物业管理处出现的白人男子一模一样。而华裔女子脸型是饱满的锥圆脸,小麦色的皮肤,留着bob型短发。后来这个男的下水游泳,一边游,一边跟岸上的女的攀谈。女的站起来,个子挺高的,1.65m 以上。后来男的也进入高温的冲浪按摩浴缸,坐在我斜对面。那个女的一直呆在游泳池那边,至少我在场的时候,她没有靠近高温的冲浪按摩浴缸。他们俩很显眼,在场的人都不时看他们。

I strongly believe that this tall, wheat skin toned, plump awl faced young woman with bob hairstyle is one of Elena Zhang’s best friends from Philadelphia. She and her husband, a white guy with medium build had attended the house warming party hosted by Elena and Elena’s wedding back in 2007.


Elena had once asked me to be her bride’s maid. Not long before the wedding, Elena phoned me that she would hold her wedding ceremony in California where her close relatives resided at and her best girl friend from Philadelphia, the tall, wheat skin toned, plump awl faced young woman with bob hairstyle would accompany her there. I told her that I had to work and couldn’t go. After that I stopped concerning about being her bride’s maid. However she held her wedding ceremony in Baltimore at the end. Eric Nie’s girl friend, Jia Chen and several girls I had never met were her bride’s maids. Her best girl friend from Philadelphia, the tall, wheat skin toned, plump awl faced young woman and her husband attended the wedding as guests just like me.

张鸿雁曾经邀请我做她的伴娘。婚礼举行前不久她电话给我说她要在加利佛尼亚举行婚礼,因为她的亲戚住那里。她的费城的闺密,这个高个,深肤色,短锥圆脸的留着bob发型的女人会陪她一起去。我跟她说自己要上班,去不了。这以后我就没再把做伴娘的事放心上了。不知咋的,最后张鸿雁的婚礼还是在Baltimore 举行。聂驼的女友,陈佳和几个我没见过的女孩做了她的伴娘。跟我一样,她费城的闺密和她老公一起受邀参加了婚礼。

One Friday afternoon before Elena’s wedding, I was on the way back home from a business trip, Elena phoned me asking me to accompany her to try out wedding gowns next day (Saturday). I replied with “OK”. After arriving at the residence, I carefully check my schedule and noticed that I had an appointment with an auto body shop to fix my car on Saturday. The left front of the car had been collided into a big dent. It had been like that for a while and must be taken to auto body shop to have the front bumper replaced. I made phone call to Elena. No answer. I left the message on her phone to inform her that I wouldn’t be able to accompany her on Saturday and explain the reason.

婚礼前的一个星期五的下午,我出差回家途中, 张鸿雁电话给我邀请我第二天(星期六)陪她去试婚纱。我答应了。可是回到住处,仔细察看了日程安排,我星期六约了修车子。车前侧处被撞,凹陷变形有一段时间了,必须去车体修理店更换保险杠。 我就电话给张鸿雁 ,跟她说星期六不能陪她去试婚纱,但是没人接电话,我就留言说明了情况。

In 2013, while I was in Xiamen China, one day I went to Metro located at 8 Changhao Rd., I encountered the same Chinese woman as the one companied with the tall white guy encountered in Towson Mac gym.  She was companied with a middle aged woman and a middle aged man as if they were her parents. Both of the woman and man were around 1.7m tall, with chiseled rectangular shaped faces. The man was very dark in skin tone.


One afternoon in 2017, B and I were standing outside the entrance of the building where our rental apartment was at. The right side neighbor, a short old woman with plump rectangular face, around 1.5m in height, between 60 and 70 in ages, retired stay-at-home walked toward the entrance side by side with the same Chinese woman as the one encountered in Xiamen Huli Metro  and  Baltimore Towson Mac gym. The young woman was pushing a baby scooter where a little boy was riding on. The right side neighbor told us the little boy was her grandson. The young woman didn’t say a word.


On July 9th, 2017, the right side neighbor hired XiaoYuJia moving service to move their belongings to another apartment at the phase II housing complex they newly bought. The woman told us that they were going to rent out the current apartment.

On July 16th, 2017, at 9:40am, I was walking down the steps with our dog. A young woman with a lantern jaw, thin face, extremely pale skin tone, and bob hair were walking up, followed by a lanky old woman. The young woman called the old woman mother. They entered into the apartment right to ours. This young woman had exactly same hairstyle as the woman encountered in Towson MAC gym, Xiamen Metro and in front of the current building, looked similar as well. But they were obviously different persons. This mother and daughter came to the right side apartment once again later, and then had never appeared. This  young woman resembled to the host of the right side apartment, a lanky light skin toned old man, with a lantern jaw, around 1.7m in height.


A tall, wheat skin toned, plump awl faced young woman with bob hairstyle has also appeared in a one-day tour group to Yunshui Yao Zhangzhou Fujian province that my elder sister and I enrolled on September 7th, 2017. It was extremely odd that all young women and sister pairs in the group have been arranged sitting at the same dining table with a foreign white couple during lunch time so that one tall(more than 1.8m), long faced, white guy wearing glasses ate lunch with 11 women at one table.  One fair skin toned, square faced young woman with pony tail and light blue blouse sat beside the white woman and accompanied the white woman rest of the trip. The dark skin toned, plump awl faced young woman with bob hairstyle sat beside the white guy. The other side of the dark skin toned young woman was a middle aged woman who accompanied the young woman. After we arrived at the Yunshui Yao village, the middle aged woman left the group and was replaced with a younger woman who accompanied the dark skin toned young woman back to Xiamen.

相似的高个,深肤色,短锥圆脸的留着bob发型的女人还出现在 2017年9月7日,我和姐姐参加漳州云水谣一日游团队里。非常怪异,团队里大多数年轻女人和姐妹对被安排跟一对白人夫妇同坐一张桌子吃饭。这样,一个高个(1.8m多),长脸,戴眼镜的白人男子和一群女人围坐一桌。一个单独参团的穿着淡蓝色上衣的扎着马尾辫的方圆脸的女孩坐在在白人女的旁边,后来一直陪伴左右。而高个,深肤色,短锥圆脸的留着bob发型的年轻女人坐在白人男子旁边,年轻女人另一边坐着中老年妇女, 后来中老年妇女不知去向,一个长脸中青年妇女陪伴这个年轻女人。

The white guy looked similar to the white guy dressed in white military uniform appeared at the boarding gate in the Detroit airport when I first time entered in the USA in 2000; the white guy appeared in the property management office of my parents’ house in 2004; the white guy companied with a Chinese woman with wheat skin tone, plump awl face and bob hairstyle appeared beside swimming pools in Baltimore Towson MAC gym in 2007; Sean and Peter, colleagues in AAI Corp. and Jim of Joe’s Taxi and etc. They seemed descended from the same blood line.
白人男子跟在美国底特律机场,南京我父母所住小区物管办公室门前,Baltimore Towson MAC 健身房里,AAI Corp.公司里等地遇到的头发微卷,长脸的男子,Sean,Peter, Joe’s 出租车公司 的Jim…都长相接近,好似一个家族成员。 �

The tall, dark skin toned, plump awl faced young woman encountered in Towson MAC gym, Xiamen Metro and in front of the current building was more likely the sibling of tall awl faced Chinese guys encountered in both USA and China.

There was a tall, sturdy, dark skin toned, awl faced young Chinese guy sitting on the aisle seat along the right side of the flight from Chicago to HK while I was sitting on the window seat on the left side of the flight.  He kept staring at my sitting area. Beside me there was a Chinese woman and an empty seat.

The woman told me she and her husband used to own a Chinese restaurant. After the restaurant was closed, she started working for a Hair air-conditioning factory. She was originally from Guangzhou and planned to visit Suzhou expecting to meet with her first love. When she was young, she had met a handsome guy during her touring trip with her female friends there. She asked me to publish her love story in my social media account. I didn’t agree, instead,  instructed her to setup an social media account and publish her story herself.

This same young Chinese guy also stood beside the entrance of the Chuangye building where Tainetech Technology Co. Ltd I worked for was located at in Chuangye Industry Park Xiamen China in April 2012.

There was a tall, very skinny, sallow skin toned, awl faced young Chinese guy appeared in the little park inside Boshi ShanZhuang residential complex where I rent the apartment at between 2012 and 2014. On March 13th, 2017 around 11:30am, in Lititz Pennsylvania, at the first crossing after I drove out from the residence, I stopped. There was the skinny sallow skin toned Chinese guy sitting inside a car crossing the road in front of me.  I kept driving and stopped at the end of the road and was ready to turn right. The engine of my car suddenly stopped itself that I didn’t even realize it at the moment.  Because the road was slopping, once my foot released the break pad, the car moved back down itself.  It stopped when it hit on the curb and stuck beside an ambulance station.  Luckily there were neither pedestrians nor vehicles behind me.  A police car came right away. The policeman recorded my driver’s license and questioned me about the incidence. Then another police car arrived at the scene as well. The 2nd police had round Asian face, round eyes with double eyelids and looked similar to the host of my left side neighbor in Baltimore.  He exchanged some information with the 1st policeman and drove away. The 1st policeman called a tow truck from a garage. The technician examined my car and moved it away from the curb. He drove my car around and told me there was nothing wrong with my car.

而先前出现的锥圆脸深色皮肤的高个女子更像是在美国和中国都经常出现的高个深色锥子脸的华裔男人的姐妹或女儿。比较壮实的高个锥子脸深肤色的华裔男人在我乘坐的美国芝加哥到香港的航班上出现过,还盯着我;于2012年4月某天下班的时候,在我所就职的厦门Taine Tech.公司所在创业大楼门口站着。非常瘦的高个锥子脸蜡黄色皮肤的华裔男人(病态的感觉),于2012-2014年间,在我租房所在的厦门博士山庄小公园里出现过;于2017/3/13,美国宾州,11:30am左右我开车出门经过第一个十字路口时,他从我右侧的路口开车从我面前通过。我车子开到路的尽头踩刹车等待时,车子突然歇火。 高瘦的锥子脸深肤色的华裔男人于2011年6月底某个雨天,站在南京我父母家附近小店门口观望;于2017年1-2月间,在租房的楼栋铁门外斜靠在电动自行车上歇息,看到我们走近,他立刻闪进楼栋铁门,我进门后看到203室的防盗门关闭。

In June 2007, at the beach of Atlantic City New Jersey, I encountered a younger version of the white guy dressed in white military uniform appeared at the boarding gate in the Detroit airport when I first time entered in the USA in 2000 and the white guy appeared in the property management office of my parents’ house in 2004. He and a plump Asian woman with oval face walked close to us and settled nearby. They asked me to take joint photo of them.

2007年6月在美国新泽西州的大西洋城的沙滩上,长相和个头酷似 Jim的青年白人男的伴着一个胖胖的椭圆脸的亚裔女的跟随着停歇在我们附近。还拿了相机让我给他们拍照。

End of 2008, software department manager named Pat Smeaton approved me to be switched to a different working team, but asked me to talk to an upper level manager. The manager resembles to the white guy dressed in white military uniform appeared at the boarding gate in the Detroit airport when I first time entered in the USA in 2000 and the white guy appeared in the property management office of my parents’ house in 2004, but much younger.


In September 2009, at different scenic spots of Puerto Rico, a younger version of the white guy dressed in white military uniform appeared at the boarding gate in the Detroit airport when I first time entered in the USA in 2000 and the white guy appeared in the property management office of my parents’ house in 2004 followed us around.  He was companied with a woman.

2009年9月在波多黎哥的景点,长相和个头酷似 出租车司机Jim的中青年白人男的伴以不同的女的跟随我们走动。

On December 25th, 2009, when Kaiying Duh and I waited in the line to use the rest room after the opera was ended in the Lincoln Center, a skinny weary old man and an oval faced guy in 30s/40s standing aside staring at us. The old man was wearing old wrinkled dress suit acting like a zombie in a horror movie. Except many deep wrinkles and weary looking on his face, the old man looked almost same as the guy in white military uniform encountered in the Detroit airport back in 2000 and the white guy companied with a Chinese woman with wheat skin tone, plump awl face and bob hairstyle appeared beside swimming pools in Baltimore Towson MAC gym in 2007.


The oval faced guy in 30s/40s entered/exited into/from the ChuangYe building of ChuangYe Industrial Park in Xiamen in April and May of 2012. I worked for Tainetech Technology Co. Ltd to develop website and POS software since March 8, 2012. The office of Tainetech was located inside the ChuangYe building. After this guy appeared in the building, I felt strong electronic pulse shooting/zapping me while I was sitting at the computer desk beginning of May.


One morning in 2010, when I drove to work, an old style car cut in and blocked me with slow speed. Looking through the rear window of this car I noticed that the driver resembled to the weary old guy encountered in belly dance instructor, Jill’s house. The most eye-catching part of this car was the bumper sticker stating: “Army beats Navy.”

2010年某个早上我开车去上班,一辆老款的旧车插到我前面,开得很慢挡住我。从此车后窗往前看,我觉察到那个驾驶员特别像那个在肚皮舞老师 Jill 家遇到的颓废老头。车子最醒目的部分是贴在汽车后保险杠上的贴纸,写道:“陆军战胜海军。”

On May 28th, 2012 I arrived in HK airport on the way from USA to Xiamen China and waited at the boarding gate of the Dragon airline’s flight from HK to Xiamen. A skinny old man sat down at the seat beside me. There was a squat Asian young guy sitting two rows away facing at us and constantly stared at us. I stood up and got into the check-in line. Then this old man followed and stood behind me. During the check-in process, the stewardess told me there was an issue with my ticket and let me stand beside the counter while she was verifying my ticket. Another stewardess checked in this old man and couple people behind me. I felt relieved then. This old man resembled to the old man seen in the Lincoln Center back in 2009 in body shape and temperament.


Since 2009, I started working for a new team. There was a very tall guy named Peter looking very like Jim from Joe’s Taxi. Peter left AAI Corp. early 2011.

自2009年我换到新的小组工作,新组里有一个叫Peter 的男员工跟Jim 长得也很相似,2011年早期离开了AAI Corp.。

On February 9th, 2013, I took flight from HK to Chicago. On the plane, a white guy looked exactly like Sean, a male colleague insulted me with one Halloween candy in AAI Corp on October 31st, 2006, sat at a seat front of me. Time by time he stood up to get his bag from the overhead luggage compartment and took some pills out from it and ate. In this flight, I felt strong electro-magnetic pulse zapping from the left back side, hit some time on my left shoulder, some time left side of  my waist, and some time my  left leg.


I sat at window seat 34K. Seat 34J was empty. Most middle seats (J) of the 3-seat (IJK)  along the window side of the airplane were empty. At first an Asian guy with glasses occupied the aisle seat 34I. He was very skinny and weak. His legs were trembling when he started to walk as if his brain couldn’t control his legs. He pulled a middle size suitcase and carried a fully loaded backpack. He couldn’t push his suitcase into the overhead luggage compartment. A tubby black guy sat behind our seats helped him. This Asian guy sat on 34I for a while, and then left for a back seat. A tubby white guy took the seat 34I after the Asian guy left. After the flight landed at the Chicago airport, the black guy walked behind the Asian guy to the exit. Before getting out of the airplane, the black guy stopped and chatted with a black stewardess for a while as if they knew each other.

34J空着,大部分靠窗的三列座位(IJK) 中间的座位(J)基本都空着。


One day in March of 2013, two helpers and I were loading furniture to the truck and moving them from my Baltimore home to the residence in PA. I saw a white guy exactly same as Sean, a male colleague insulted me with one Halloween candy in AAI Corp on October 31st, 2006 delivering mails to the cluster mailboxes of our street.

2013年3月装卸家具到货车上准备搬家,我看到长得跟男同事Sean几乎一模一样的人在我Baltimore 家门前的邮箱旁递送邮件。

On March 19, 2013, at the boarding gate 507 in the North Satellite Concourse building of HK airport, couple familiar faces popped in. I took the flight of American United Airline and arrived in HK airport and waited to fly to Xiamen China. The boarding gate for the flight KA616 (CX6740) had been changed several times and the boarding time had been delayed until next day (20th) early morning. A guy resembled to the white guy in white military uniform encountered in the Detroit airport back in 2000 and a white guy companied with a Chinese woman with wheat skin tone, plump awl face and bob hairstyle appeared beside swimming pools in Baltimore Towson MAC gym in 2007, approached me and sat on the seat left to me. He started chatting with an Asian woman with short hair in a black short coat sitting on the seat two rows front of us. I sat for a while, and then left for the rest room. When I came back, all passengers had already lined up for boarding the flight.

At the luggage pick-up belt of Xiamen airport, 4 to 5 white guys, old and young that appeared at the 507 boarding gate of HK airport,  picked up their belongs. All of their suitcases were similar, small size of Samsonite Oyster Cartwheel, grayish black hard side, sleek at both wide sides, with a handle located at the top corner of one narrowed side.

2013年3月19日我乘坐美联航班机到达香港机场,等候乘坐港龙航空KA616班机前往中国厦门。飞机误点到20日凌晨出发,登机口更换了几次,最终定下在北卫星客运廊的507登机口。好几个面熟的白人男人(在Baltimore见过)也到了登机口。一个长相和个头酷似Jim的中青年坐到我的左边,跟坐在前面隔着一排的穿着黑色棉袄的短发亚裔女人笑谈。我坐一会儿就去了卫生间,回来时大家一排队登机。到达厦门机场后在行李领取输送带旁边,我又见到这4/5个白人男人,有老有少,箱子是同一种的,类似小型的Samsonite Oyster Cartwheel,灰黑色硬塑箱子, 两面平滑, 侧面上方有拉手。

Weird People Encountered at Lincoln Center 2009 Christmas

By V Hu

During 2009, Kaiying felt pretty down due to breaking up with her boy friend of more than 3 years. Bad things come one after the other. Both of her desktop and laptop had broken down. One day she called me and asked if I wanted to watch an opera in NYC. According to Kaiying, the 2 tickets were from her colleague, Wei Yang from ShenYang. Wei Yang and her husband couldn’t go because they had to visit her family in ShenYang, LiaoNing China. Her father in law was a lawyer and their family was pretty rich. She had given Kaiying expensive tea as a gift and invited her and Daner Lee to their house to eat lobsters. She and her sister in laws had tradition to watch operas in NYC during Christmas holidays.  

They bought the tickets 1 year ahead with the discounted price of $44.5. I was not that into Italian opera because I didn’t understand the language, but felt it could be a good activity to visit NYC with Kaiying during the weekend. It would help her to get over of her ex-boy friend. In addition I myself needed some outdoor activities, so I happily agreed to buy the ticket.

I bought the bus tickets online. We finally made the trip on December 25th, 2009. It was chill on the NYC streets in December, but was bustling with people. The excitement lifted me, once we got off the bus. Kaiying seemed cheered up too. We didn’t have time to stroke around, but rushed to the Metropolitan Opera in Lincoln Center. Unfortunately we were 10 minutes late and had to watch the opera on TV screen in a coatroom until the next intermission. We didn’t feel too bad because there were many people sharing the same room with us. LOL!

The title of the performance was IL Trittico. It consisted of three plays, Il Tabarro, Suor Angelica, and Gianni Schicchi.

The first one was a story of the wife having a fair and the husband killing the lover ( in today’s world, it seems totally different, the husband having a fair and the wife living with it).

The second one was about a suicidal nun. The young woman from an upper class family lived in a convent after having an illegitimate child and killed herself after heard from her visiting aunty that her son had died. The scene moved almost everyone in tear.

The third one was comedy showing how greedy relatives reacted when a rich old man died. It is pretty much the same as in today’s world.

There was a digital text displayer in front of every seat. The lyrics of opera were translated and displayed on the screen in English, German, or Spanish. My eyes were busy switching between the stage and the screen during the play. However I did enjoy the performance very much.

During the exit, I saved one old lady in front of me from falling down when she accidentally made false step. It was a great catch as the guy beside mentioned.

The trip backing home seemed much shorter as always. We had a great day!

One thing really bothered me was  that a skinny listless old man and an oval faced guy in 30s/40s standing aside staring at us when Kaiying and I waited in the line to use the rest room inside Lincoln Center after the opera was ended. Kaiying told me that she wanted to tour around the opera building, agreed to meet me at the entrance of the building at the first floor, and then left.

The old man was wearing old wrinkled dress suit acting like a zombie in a horror movie.

He looked alike Sean, a tall, long faced, tousle-haired, middle aged engineer sat next to Steve Marco in AAI Corp. when I was working for the 1st team. October 31, 2006, Sean insulted me by intentionally throwing a Halloween candy to my desk with a ghost printed on one side of the wrapper and a pumpkin on the other side and yelling, “Victoria, pumpkin or ghost? Ghost!”, then walked away toward the direction opposite to his working cubicle while laughing. I had never talked to him nor had any problem with him before. A little while later, seeing him walk back to his cubicle, I took the candy and walked over to his cubicle and asked, “Were you the one throwing this candy to me?” He looked at me quietly.  Steve Marco was in his cubicle, sitting face to face with him. Steve Marco was a mechanical engineer and had exchanged emails with me for developing products for our team. Then I continued, “You’d better give this to your kids.” I threw the candy to his desk and walked back to my own cubicle. If he was really trying to be friendly to me by giving me Halloween candies, there wouldn’t be only one with those specific patterns on the wrapper and he wouldn’t call me those names. 

However this old man was skinny having a lot of wrinkles on his face and his hair was grayish.

The oval faced guy in 30s/40s later entered/exited into/from the ChuangYe building of ChuangYe Industrial Park in Xiamen between April and May of 2012 after I had been suffering from the electronic torture, moved to Xiamen China and located a software programming job in Tainetech Technology Co., a website and POS software developing company. I started working for this company on March 8, 2012. Tainetech was located inside the ChuangYe building. After this guy had appeared in the building I started feeling intense electronic pulse shooting/zapping/burning me while I was sitting in front of the desk at work.

The oval faced guy in 30s/40s with large body build also appeared as flight attendant on the flight UA624 from San Francisco Airport (SFO) to Chicago O’Hare Airport (ORD) on 2017/2/28. I was sitting on 48G and zapped extremely severely by the energy pulse from the above. The left side of my neck had been already burned badly. I had smeared burn ointment on the wound and covered it with gauze. I used my palm to cover the wound area, but didn’t help much. On the same role 48, but far left, there was a white woman with glasses. This oval faced large male attendant brought beverage and food to her several times.

2017/2/27-28(USA 2/27),UA858 PVG-SFO,37A,脑后勺左边风池穴被连续波束刺射,接近SFO后停下,接着往我膝盖后面刺射一阵,比起在以前的国际航班上,强度要低很多。UA624 SFO-ORD,48G,波束从上一直猛烈刺射下来,身体被刺射,主要灼烧颈部,到达目的地后掀开创面敷贴,增加了很多灼伤疙瘩。UA4545,ORD-MDT 15A,冷空气和波束刺射混在一起,刺射膝盖疼痛。这次 旧金山(SFO) 到芝加哥(ORD)的航班上我被波束刺射 最严重;以前是在上海(PVG)(香港 HKG )到芝加哥(ORD),或芝加哥到上海(香港)之间的航班上被刺射特别严重。在芝加哥机场登机口等待上前往香港,上海,或北京的国际航班时也经常被波束猛烈刺射灼烧。

I recalled that this skinny listless old man had also appeared in the living room of Jill’s house in Baltimore county MD, USA. Jill was a belly dancing instructor. I took her classes after work. One evening I entered in Jill’s house, this old man was sitting beside a table facing toward the entrance. Jill’s husband was sitting beside as well. I had chills down my spine when I saw his face and walked straight to the dancing room at the basement.

I met a skinny old guy with a similar looking to this listless old man at the boarding gate of #501 for Dragon Airline in the HK airport on May 28th, 2012. I arrived in HK airport from USA and waited to board on the airplane flying to Xiamen China. This guy came and sat down at the seat beside me. There was a squat Asian young guy sat two rows away facing at us and constantly stared at us. I stood up and got into the check-in line. Then this guy followed and stood behind me. During the check-in process, one stewardess told me that there were some issues with my ticket and let me stand aside while she was verifying my ticket. Another stewardess checked in this guy and couple people behind me. I felt instantly relieved then.

2009年期间,由于她谈了3年以上的男朋友跟她分手了,朋友凯因心情很不好。坏的事情接二连三。她的台式机和笔记本电脑都坏了。有一天,她打电话给我,问我是否希望到纽约市看歌剧。她来自沈阳的女同事,杨威,不能去看,因为这对夫妻需回中国辽宁省沈阳。他们1年前就预订了入场券,价格相当不错,44.5美元。我对意大利歌剧不是太感兴趣(听不懂语言),但觉得周末跟她一起去纽约是一个很好的活动– 帮她忘了心痛,我自己也需要户外活动,所以我愉快地答应了买那歌剧票。




一次在香港机场港龙登机处遇到跟这个颓丧的老头长得很接近的老年白男人,瘦高,蓬松的头发。 2012年5月28日我从美国回中国途径香港机场,在港龙航空的登机口501,等候班机飞往厦门。这个瘦高个老人在我旁边坐下。当时有个稍胖的亚裔年轻男人坐在隔着的两排座位外,面对着我们,并不断观望。我提前排队检票,他也跟着排到我后面。检票时,空姐说我的机票信息有问题,让后面的人先检票入舱。等了两三个乘客通过,另一名空姐查询完我的机票后,我才通过,如释重负。当时心里很感激这两位港龙航空的小姐在查询我机票时出错。

Kaiying Duh and Weird People

By V Hu

In a house warming party hosted by Elena Zhang, I met Taiwanese-American Kaiying Duh and her boyfriend Chester Huang. Kaiying’s kids were all grownups and her life and work appeared stable, therefore I felt we could get along as friends, and could hang out together on weekends or holidays. Also it would be great to have an additional friend to share lives with —-It is always great to make more friends while away from home.


Besides working full time as a software engineer in a company, Kaiying had been doing part time real estate businesses. She told me that she had helped Elena and her fiancé (a Vietnam-American Christian) to buy a new villa along the side of Stone Cliff Dr. in the deeply discounted price. Elena told me she comes from Fuqing Fujian China and had converted into Christianity.

After the Elena’s wedding, Kaiying called me and asked me that if I saw Elena’s elder brother, a very short guy in the wedding. I told her that I didn’t see. Then she told me that Elena’s brother gifted her with large amount of Tibetan caterpillar fungus, very expensive traditional Chinese medicine to thank her for the huge discount on the house she helped Elena get. She asked me if I knew how to cook/eat/use this tonic. I told her I’d never tried it and had no idea how to use it.

凯英跟我说她帮助Elena和她未婚夫(越南籍的美国基督徒)找到和购买了新房,大大地打了折扣。Elena 来自中国福建,已经皈依基督教。Elena的婚礼结束后,凯英电话给我问我有否看到Elena的矮个子哥哥。我回答说没注意到。她接着告诉我Elena的哥哥送给她大量的冬虫夏草,以示感谢她帮助Elena 买房子过程中获得的大折扣。她问我怎么吃这种滋补品。我回答她说自己从来没有尝过,根本不知道怎么使用。

Some morning after the Elena’s wedding, while I was at work, Elena called me to ask how I like the wedding. I told her it was great, especially the dinner prepared by the French chef. She asked me if I took the bouquet flowers centered at the dinner table that guests with Chinese background sat at. I told her that I remembered after the dinner, Kaiying approached me and told me that the wedding moderator told her that the flowers could be taken home. Then she and her boy friend went to get the one on our table. Not sure if she did actually take or not. The rest of us on the table, each just took a little square red gift candle with double happiness Chinese words on it and a glass coaster specified as take-home gift. Maggie drove Wenbing Song, May Wang, and me away from the wedding. From the Maggie’s residence I drove May Wang back to my apartment. May Wang was Elena’s long time close friend and was living in NYC. Per Elena’s request, she stayed temporarily in my apartment. She left for NYC next day.

Elena婚礼结束后一天早上上班时, Elena 打电话给我问我喜不喜欢她的婚礼。我说很不错,特别是法国大厨准备的晚宴。她问我有没有拿走我们就坐的婚宴桌子(所有中国人坐在一起)中心的花束。我告诉她宴席结束后Kaiying 特别走到我面前跟我说婚礼主持告诉她桌上的花束可以拿走。她和Chester准备带回家。但是我不清楚他们俩最后是不是拿了。我们其他人只带回家了指定的礼物,一个小小的四方形的红色双喜婚烛和一个玻璃杯蹀。 Maggie 开车带Wenbing Song, May Wang, 和我离开了婚礼场所。从李玲的住处,我开车带May Wang 到我的租房。May Wang 是Elena的长期的闺密。她住在纽约市。在Elena的请求下,暂住我的租房。她第二天开车回了纽约市。

Kaiying told me that her former husband’s family used to live in Shanghai, then moved to Chongqing, and eventually fled to Taiwan. Her former husband had been working almost all year long in Mainland China, her in-laws treated her badly, and her sister-in-law also excluded her very much. After giving birth to two sons, her physical condition was getting worse and worse, and couldn’t stand her family, she filed for divorce, moved out to live alone. Her boyfriend Chester was a US green card holder, also from Taiwan. He then found a younger Taiwanese woman around 28 years old to marry with and separated from Kaiying.  Her life stories appeared very touching.


Kaiying told me that she had illnesses or ill feelings all over her body, the fingernail, shoulder, urinary system, and so on. In particular, her stomach had been often in scorching pain, which caused insomnia. She had been overindulging in Japanese sashimi and sushi. She said that an old Japanese lady living opposite to her apartment in Mays Chapel invited her to eat those together.


Kaiying had asked me to become a Christian. I told her that I could occasionally company her to participate in church activities, but I couldn’t join in any religious organization as I don’t really believe it. Back in China, I had friends both in Christianity and Buddhism …One man’s meat is another man’s poison! I respect everyone’s beliefs, and at the same time hope that others respect my choice.


Kaiying once asked me why not be obedient. I answered, “I observe disciplines and obey laws, and work diligently on my job, what else I should submit to?”


Kaiying asked me if I knew Ethan Jin, Lu Ming, and etc. I told her that I did not. Then she asked back: “Didn’t Elena introduce them to you?” I assured her that I really didn’t know these people. Then he asked whether I often went to Philadelphia. I answered that I visited there couple times for filing some personal documents in the Immigration Department, and once took relatives to tour the city.

凯英问我认不认识Ethan Jin,Lu Ming,我说我不认识。她又反问:“难道Elena没有介绍过吗?”我说确实没见过此人。又问我有没有经常去费城,我说我去过几次都是去移民局办理个人文件,一次是带亲属观光。

Kaiying asked me at which parking lot I had usually parked my car nearby the Baltimore airport during business trips. She also asked me which building in AAI Corp. my working cubical was located at. Although I did answer her with the general information, but still felt fishy about that. Why did she want to know all these?

凯英问我出差的时候一般把车停在Baltimore机场附近的哪一个停车场。还问我工作隔间在AAI Corp.公司的哪一栋大楼里。即使大概地回答了她的问题,我还是觉得很怪异。她为什么要知道这些?

In 2009, the previous left side neighbors had moved out and the house was on sale. Kaiying called me and told me that Maggie Li’s aunty who worked for CVS pharmacy asked her to help them to buy several town houses. She asked the information about my house, and then asked me if I knew any houses similar to mine for sale. I told her that the house on the left side was available. I gave her my address. I told her about my breathing problem. She recommended Dr.Shi, the acupuncturist to me. She visited the left side house while I was working and left the Dr.Shi’s name card in the crack between the front door and its frame of my house.


Later Kaiying asked me the information of Dr. Gaozhongliang, an acupuncturist practiced in Rockville MD. I had been visiting him many times to treat my breathing problem. She told me that one of her relatives there needed to have acupuncture treatments. I provided the information to her. Then something weird happened. I visited Dr. Gao again during one weekend. He had a short young guy with a long face and slit eyes assisting him. However the assistant seemed unwilling to serve the patients. His registrar was not there. Different than before he was not happy and appeared to estrange me. I didn’t visit him anymore after that.


How odd! Each time going out to some places with Kaiying, we would encounter weird people.


On December 25, 2009 in the Lincoln Center theater of New York City, after finishing watching the operas, when I got into the waiting line in front of the female rest room, there was a skinny and weary old white man dressed in wrinkled old tux companied by an oval faced white guy in his 30/40s stood nearby staring at us. Kaiying said that she wanted to tour around the theater and went away. After finishing using the rest room I rushed to the ground floor and waited at the main entrance/exit of the building as agreed. It was long waiting. Kaiying eventually walked into the building from the outside. The oval faced white guy appeared in Xiamen Chuangye business Park where the company (Tainetech Technology Co. Ltd.) I worked for was located at. After suffering from the electronic torture in USA since July 2011, I moved to Xiamen China end of January 2012 and started to work Taine Tech Ltd early March 2012. Working for the company a little over one month, the same kind of directed high energy had started zapping and burning me at the work place. I quit the job again.

在2009年12月25日跟凯因在纽约林肯中心剧院看戏结束后排队上女厕所时会有一个干瘦颓丧的老头穿着旧礼服和30/40岁左右的椭圆脸的白人男人站在旁边盯着我们。凯因说要去看看剧院其它地方,就走开了。等我用完洗手间,跑到约好的在一楼进出口碰头地方又等了好久,才等到凯英从剧院外走进来。这个椭圆型脸的年轻白人男子也在厦门创业园出现过。我就职的泰纳科技有限公司就位于创业园里的创业大厦里。 2011年7月开始在美国被电子酷刑后,我在2012年1月底搬到厦门,于2012年3月初开始在泰纳公司打工。在公司工作了一个月多一点,同样的定向能波束开始在工作点刺射和灼烧我。我再次辞职。

On December 24, 2010, Kaiying and I went to the Baltimore White Marsh Mall. Many times Kaiying went to try her clothes or use rest rooms for oddly long time. While waiting for her I frequently encountered some peculiar Asian Women and Men with devilish looking on their faces that deliberately approached to observe and follow me. Also there was a  middle aged stout white woman with a round face with pointed chin and black short hair (similar hair style as Kaiying’s) stood inside the clothing store and watching us.  

2010年12月24日,我和凯英去巴尔的摩地区(Baltimore) White Marsh Mall 逛,好多次凯英花了超常时间去试衣或上厕所,经常有行为诡异的,面带邪气的亚裔女人和男人刻意靠近观察,跟踪。另外还有一个矮胖的,锥圆脸,黑短发的中年白人妇女站在服装店里观望我们。

On December 25, 2010, Kaiying, DanEr, Mr. and Mrs.Jin, and their friends, young Zhou (a software engineer) and a couple with kids from Tianjin, and I gathered together in Hunan Taste to have a lunch. The restaurant was next to H-Mart, a Korean grocery store located at Route 40 Baltimore. There were a tall middle aged white guy and a middle aged stout white woman with a round face with pointed chin and black short hair (similar hair style as Kaiying’s) followed me into the restaurant and sat at the table beside ours.

2010年12月25日,跟凯英,单尔,小周夫妇及其他们的朋友,男软件员小周和一对天津的带小孩的夫妇去巴尔的摩地区(Baltimore) 40号公路的韩亚龙(H-Mart)旁湖南餐馆聚餐。

On that same day, Kaiying asked me if I was still visiting Dr. Shi for Chinese acupuncture. Dr. Shi had been converted to Christianity and was introduced to me by Kaiying.  I told her that my breathing/throat problem was cured and had stopped seeing the doctor. During the final visit Dr. Shi asked me about Kaiying.  He told me that he knew one guy named WangShi, a 58 years old real estate agent with two grow up sons was looking for a girl friend.  I told him that this guy seemed matching for Kaiying, who was in her late 40s, having two grow up sons (living with her ex-husband), and did part time real-estate selling as well.  I promised Dr. Shi that I would inform Kaiying about this matter. On the way back home, I made phone call to Kaiying and left the message on her phone. She called me back. I told her everything Dr.Shi told me.  I told her if she was interested in that guy, she’d better contact with Dr. Shi. Dr. Shi and his wife might arrange the meeting in the church near by Dr. Shi’s house.  Kaiying said she wished that guy to visit her church instead. So I asked Kaiying if she visited Dr. Shi recently. She replied that she didn’t either.


In a Friday afternoon Kaiying called me to watch a movie together at the Baltimore Owings mill AMC cinema. The company Kaiying worked for was nearby, so she would first window shop in the Mall close by, then went to the cinema. I drove directly to the cinema. I arrived first and bought the tickets. When Kaiying came to the cinema, a medium-sized Asian guy in middle age, with wide face, slit eyes companied with two devilish looking Asian women followed her in. They looked like gangster guy and girls. After the movie was finished, one of two women went into the rest room. Kaiying followed her in. It took really long time for two of them came out of the rest room same time.

一次约好跟凯英到美国巴尔的摩地区(Baltimore)  Owings mill AMC电影院看电影,她公司就在附近提前在附近的Mall里闲逛吃饭。我开车过去,但是到达影院时,她没到。她到来时,就有一个中高个,宽脸,细眼的亚裔中年男带着两个满脸邪气的女人跟进,感觉跟太保太妹似的。其中一个女的进了女厕所,凯英也进去了。我在外面等了好长时间,她们差不多时间走出来。

One day in 2012, after I walked out the residential complex in Xiamen, in front of a hair salon, a short skinny old man with owl face and a teenage girl approached arm in arm to me. The man said that they had lost their wallets, needing bus fares to travel back to home in Tongan , a town outside of Xiamen island. He said the total fare was 6RMB. I handed him 10RMB. This same old man also stood behind a car parked in front of the management office of the apartment complex where I rented my apartment at and stared at me when I walked out to catch a bus to work around 7:15am one morning. He also appeared in front of Chuangye building of Chuangye business Park where the company I worked for was located at. It was about 8:00am, I rushed to the building to go to work. This old man was dressed in pink shirt and walked ahead of me. We arrived at the entrance almost at the same time. While I was continuing to head inside the building, he walked toward a woman standing beside the door.  This woman was the same woman that appeared in Baltimore Owings mill AMC cinema and went into the rest room with Kaiying.

2012年某天刚走出在厦门的住宅区,一个矮瘦,锥形脸的老头挽着一个女孩迎面走来,老头说,他们钱包丢了需要6元车费回同安。我给了10元。此老头也在我小区管理处门口轿车后观望,当时早上7点15分左右我走向汽车站上班,那是我必经之路。他也出现在厦门创业园创业大楼门口,当时早上快8点,我大步流星冲进大门上班,他穿着粉红色寸衫本来在我前,后来我们几乎同时到达门口,他走向大门口站着的一个女人。那女的就是在美国巴尔的摩地区(Baltimore) Owings mill AMC电影院,跟凯英一起进厕所的那个女的。

One night of 2012 on the street of Shenzhen, I encountered a middle-aged man walking hand in hand with an old woman. They called me from the side, “Miss, can you give us 9RMB for bus fare, we are not baggers, we lost our wallet! ” I handed him 10RMB. The man said it cost 9RMB for a person. So I handed him another 10RMB bill.


Electronic Tortured Since July 2011

By V Hu

After visiting my parents (my dad was admitted to hospital emergently in May 2011 and diagnosed with prostate cancer) in China in June 2011, I’ve been experiencing poisonous air and high energy pulse (electromagnetic pulse) emitted into both my working cubical in AAI Corp. (sub-company of Textron In.) and the residential house in Baltimore, MD USA since July 2011. First there was pesticide like irritating air emitted from corners of left side walls of my house during nights at different time from evening to next morning. The air irritated my nose so severely that I could feel burning sensation in my nasal passages, hurt my skin as if it was poked by many tiny needles and left French chalk like colorless substance covering any of my body parts exposed to it. Then in my working cubical the same kind of irritating air poured down from the ceiling, but much thinner than the irritating air in my house. Every morning after around 9:00am or 10:00am, inside the working cubical I felt my head become heavier and heavier as if it’s filled with led. I had to rest my head on the desk. Then I felt some acupressure points on my chest were pressed in with heavy force causing chest tightness and chest pain. However I didn’t have cardiac problems or high blood pressure or diabetes. I massaged acupressure points on my head, neck, chest, and hands. Eventually I got recovered.

On August 11, 2011 inside the working cubical, left side of lower back of my head was zapped and burned by directed energy pulse.

On September 18th, 2011 back of my left knee was zapped by directed energy pulse.

At the time when both of these two incidents happened, I suspected about being zapped by directed energy pulse, but wasn’t sure, so I went to see physicians and had all kinds of tests.

On December 7th, 2011 I went through brain MRI scan.

Started from December 12, 2011 I had been being severely zapped and burned 24/7 by directed high energy pulse coming from left side walls of my house and from the top, first in home, then in my working cubical. I’d reported to the company’s HR, Baltimore County labor department, and Baltimore Police department. But nothing seemed helpful to stop the electronic torture on me. HR specialist Lisa Greenhouse told me this kind of activity was not organized by AAI Corp.’s management, therefore they couldn’t stop it. (See for logs)

If any employee or employee’s immediate family had died, all the employees in AAI Corp. would receive an obituary in email. From 2010 to 2011, I received one after the other the obituary of some male employees dying from cardiac arrest. Their ages ranged from 20 to 40 years. I have been suspecting that they may die unnaturally after I myself experienced chest pain for no health issue and invisible energy beaming and piercing through my body.

Early 2008, Doug Jones, a middle aged electronics engineer in our team suicided with a gun in a weekend.  On the Friday of that week, we had team meeting. He appeared happy and told us he would be soon transferred back to the military. However he did have a heated argument about the work with another engineer. The news of his death came into the office on Monday morning. Then all the team members attended his funeral. During one of the business trips with him and other team members, he told us that he and his wife had been suffering migraine headaches and taking a lot of pain killers wouldn’t ease the pain. I suggested him to try Chinese acupuncture treatments. I had been suspecting that he and his wife may be electronic tortured by directed energy from unknown sources just like me.

Through discussing with Ralph, my supervisor I learned that AAI Corp. did receive orders of developing and manufacturing directed energy weapons and test them. However the tests were taken place before I had been zapped by high energy. The symptoms caused by directed energy zapping described by him are same as mine.

I quit the job at the beginning of January 2012, as I couldn’t stand being zapped and burned with directed high energy pulse while sitting in the working cubical.

I moved to Xiamen China on January 26, 2012.  I stayed in one rental apartment for a little over one month without any high energy pulse harassment. Then right side apartment was occupied with a white guy with oval shaped plump face from Colorado, USA and the whole building suddenly had black out (other buildings in the same complex didn’t lost the electricity). Then the high energy pulse started to emit into the apartment. I moved to a different apartment located at the different district after I got a job in Taine Tech. Ltd.

On March 8th, 2012 I started working for a Chinese website/cashier software development company in Xiamen. A little over one month later, my feet and legs started swelling each day I worked. On May 10th, and 11th, 2012, I started experiencing the same strong electromagnetic pulse zapping at my chest and back at the work place. Same time the pulse had been zapping into my new rental apartment. I quit the job again. I noticed there were some people seen in Baltimore appeared vicinity of my work place and rental apartment complex in Xiamen. By early 2013, the stalkers were disappeared, but the high energy pulse has never stopped zapping me while I was in my rental apartment.

This is the website describing the symptoms of electronic torture:

2015/12/22-12/23, the energy zapping became milder around 1-2:00am, and then around 8:30am intensified again. In the morning of 12/23 I was testing and troubleshooting the laptop at the desk. The energy beamed down to my head and burned my face:


2015/12/23-12/24, the energy zapping became milder around 1-2:00am, and then around 6:30am it intensified again. My face, neck and chest were burned by the energy.

2015/12/24-26, the energy zapping had been really intense.




Since August 2016, the high energy had also intensely zapped and burned my dog too.

2011年6月回中国探亲(我父亲在2011年5月紧急住院查出得了前列腺癌),7月回美国后,开始有刺激性气体和高强能量波束(电磁波)放射到马里兰州巴尔帝魔自己家里和AAI Corp. (Textron Inc.下属公司) 公司内工作隔间里。一开始化学物质似的刺激性气体从家里左墙角冒出来,每晚 不同时间一直持续到第二天早上。这气体刺激鼻粘膜很强,我一闻到就立即捂鼻子;伤痛我的皮肤,好像很多细小的针扎在身上;在暴露于其中的身体部位表面留下一层像滑石粉似的物质(如果用棉被盖着就不会有)。接着在公司工作隔间里,同样的刺激性气体从房顶倾泻下来,但是比起在家里要稀薄很多。每天早上9:00am /10:00am 点钟以后,我感觉头越来越重,好像被灌了铅似的。我不得不趴在办公桌上休息。后来我感觉到胸口的几个穴位被强力压住了,我胸闷,胸痛。但是我没有心脏病,高血压,或糖尿病。我按摩头,颈,胸和手的穴位,最终得以缓解。2011年8月11日在工作隔间,我脑后勺左下方风池穴附近被定向能波束刺射和灼伤。2011年9月18日,我左膝盖后面被定向能波束刺射和灼伤。两起事故发生时,我怀疑被定向能波束刺射,但是不确定,所以我看了门诊医生,做了一系列体检。2011年12月7日,我做了脑磁共振成像扫描。自12月12日开始每日每夜我身体明显被高强波束刺射灼烧。波束从家里左边墙壁里发射出来,还有从顶上刺射下来。先是在家里,然后在公司工作隔间里。我汇报给公司人事部,巴尔帝魔县劳动部门,巴尔帝魔县警察。但是无法阻止高强的能量波束(电磁波)刺射到我家里或公司工作隔间里灼烧我的身体。人事专员Lisa 回复我说这不是公司管理层组织的,所以他们无法阻止。(阅 详细记录)

公司内员工及其直系亲属死亡,其死亡讣告会以电子邮件方式发给所有员工,自2010年到2011年间,接二连三有男员工死于突发性心脏病,年龄都在20,30,40 多岁段,等我自己经历无缘无故的胸痛和无形波穿过胸部后,我终于明白那些人可能死于非命。2008年初,我先前的工作小组内一位中年男电气工程师突然持枪自杀,自杀前那个星期五小组开会还开开心心的,说是要被调迁到边防服役。过了周末星期一上班就听到他的噩耗,接着参加了他的葬礼。之前一起出差偶然几个人聊天中,他说他和老婆都头痛难忍,吃很多止痛药都无济于事,我还建议他们试试中医针灸。现在我怀疑那夫妻俩是不是也遭受到电子酷刑。





下面我是翻译的有关电子酷刑的网页,很多灼痛,瘙痒, 和电流在皮肤上跳动的感觉与我的经历雷同。


(2015/12/22-12/23)波束刺射到凌晨1-2:00am,变缓和,早上8:30am 左右又开始猛烈刺射。


(23-24)波束刺射到凌晨1-2:00am,缓和,早上6:30am 左右又刺射。胸颈脸被灼伤出很多红疙瘩 

2015/12/24-26 刺射不停,26号2:00am被刺射得实在躺不下起身

2015/12/28,1.42am,最近晚上1-2:00am,卧室内的波束开始增强了,这跟12/24前的刺射时间安排有区别了!以前2:00am 后开始减弱。晚上19:00 – 20:00pm 胸前又被刺射得多出来很多疙瘩。感觉发射口是两个圆形,每个口波束的量大,聚集成一块圆形红肿块,波束量少,10多个疙瘩不成圆形,但互相靠近。

2015/12/29 10:20am,同样的波束又开始猛烈刺射上身



2011年8月11日在AAI 公司工作间脑后勺被重重的能量波击中的是左边风池穴附近 左边的头顶也是被经常刺射灼烧的,波束从头顶刺射下去,不适的感觉一直传到左脚趾,很多时候感觉左腿会残废 左边的脸也是经常被刺射灼烧的(摄于2015/12/26) 颈子左边被重叠的疙瘩覆盖,肿出一圈(摄于2015/12/31)

刺射一直进行着,2015/12/31 下午17:30pm 躺床上小憩,结果还是被波束刺射灼烧醒了。本来红肿消退了很多,刚在客厅坐了一两个小时,脸部,颈部,和胸部现在肿得更厉害了–比较25号拍的胸口照片(第三张)

2016/1/1, 已经一天一夜没睡着了,一躺下,波束一会儿刺射这,一会儿刺射那。现在我的颈部和胸部覆盖了一层疙瘩,刺痒,刺痛;脸部一直是不同程度的红肿。

2016/12/10 我从厦门湖里区兴隆路314号402室(博士山庄)搬到新住处,因为原住处的房东,江西南昌陆霞因为在老家南昌买房,就把厦门的房子卖了。


自2016/12/20日以来, 刺射到住处的波束强烈,频繁,持续时间很长,整个晚上和大部分白天。我的颈胸背被灼伤严重。小狗躺在床上经常突然间腾起来,然后舔肚子和搔背,跳下床转移躺的地方。它的背上和肚子上出现怪异的类似灼伤的红色块,然后红色退掉,脱掉一层皮就恢复正常了。它身上一直保持很干净的。

Strange Bad Breath

By V Hu

It was very suspicious that Ralph, my cousin, and my sister …people around me had same strong breath odor. It seemed that it all came from the same food poison.

“Ralph, following is the description of the events, which I’ve already told my family members. I didn’t want to tell you then because I didn’t want to hurt your feeling. But after experiencing the poisonous gas and electromagnetic harassment, I have to inform you that you might be another victim of some people’s vicious attack,” I wrote to my supervisor.

我写信通知了我的主管,“Ralph, 以下为具体的情节,我都告知了我家人。我当时不想跟你说起是因为我不想让你不舒服。但是这次经历过毒气和电磁波骚扰后,我必须得告诉你,或许你也是某些人恶毒攻击的受害者。”

My first Learning Tree Hands-on Training one-week course is Programming With .NET taken in the week of October 14, 2007. There I met some seemed friendly people. Steven/Steve, a tall slim African American guy from one government office approached me with handshake at my seat. He didn’t shake hands with other classmates and the instructor. Although felt abrupt, I reached out my hand and shook his. Kim, a well-mannered soft-spoken Vietnamese girl. Tiffany, an oversea Chinese woman used to live in Japan. Timi, an Indian American guy. The instructor Doug was very experienced old programmer. He always gave a straightforward answer in simple words to any programming related question fired at him. Beside the hand out learning materials, he taught us a lot of programming knowledge from his personal practice. He was very friendly, so many of us asked many questions to him although he did have some breath odor.

我的第一次 Learning Tree 一星期实践培训课程是.NET编程于2007年10月14日那个星期上的。在那里遇到了一些看似很友好的人。比如,一个叫 Steven 或Steve 的就职于政府部门的高瘦黑人刻意走到我座位跟我握手。他没有跟其他学员和讲解员握手。即使觉得唐突,我还是伸手与其握手表示友好。Kim, 一个非常礼貌的讲话柔和的越南女孩。 Tiffany,一个曾经在日本生活过的中国女人。Timi,一个印度人。讲解员是一个经验非常丰富的老编程工程师。对任何编程相关的问题他都能简单易懂的针对性的回答。除了发给我们的课程资料,他教了我们很多他自己编程实践经验知识。他很随和,所以很多学员包括我向他问了很多问题即使他说话时确实有不好闻的味道。

Some strange things happened after that. People I worked closely with or socialized with strangely started to have breathe odor too even though they had never had before.


In 2008, Hong Ma in ABE team kept picking on me, which seemed that J Ellen, the manager was behind all of those. I suspect that he was also behind the harassing behavior of a sales person named Patric who put his arms around my shoulder during a business trip. Considering as a wrong way to show his friendliness, I didn’t go after that. The supervisor, M Coleman who was very experienced and constantly giving me technical support had resigned middle of 2008, so I talked with P Smeton to either resign or move to a different team. At the beginning of 2009, I was assigned to a new team to work under Ralph’s wing. Ralph was very easy going and cooperative, but had very strong breath odor. I didn’t mention it to anyone at work. Until 2010, I was assigned to Tony and Ralph had new team members, his bad breath odor then was disappeared.

2008,因为ABE工作组的马红一再刁难,看情势工作组经理在其背后指使。我都怀疑第一次出差销售员Patric把手膀搭在我肩上的骚扰举动也是此经理在背后教唆的。考虑到可能是他表达友好的方式不正确,我没有声张,只是以后尽量避开。经验丰富,一直指导我的主管已在2008年中旬辞职,去了另一家公司。所以我跟软件部的经理提出辞职或换组。2009年初就在新组工作。新的主管,Ralph,人很和善,相处很容易,但是他说话口中味道很严重。我没有说。一直到2010年我被分配到另一个主管Tony手下, Ralph也有了新组员,他的口臭才没有。

About this manager, I heard other things about him.

One mechanical engineer named Daniel D of the ABE team told us that his parents used to be this manager’s classmates and didn’t have good impression about him.

One time on the business trip, at the restaurant table, young mechanical engineer Juash L told us with questioning tone that if we saw newly joined young Korean descent colleague named Kim wearing a sexy pink dress at work, and the manager handed out a coat to her to cover up or change it. I replied with “Never seen that”. I told him that the other Chinese descent colleague named Hong M once asked me if Kim was my close friend. I denied it. Kim and I sat one cubical away. Then I said that although Kim was Korean descent, she was native-born American just like them.


一位ABE 组的机械工程师告诉我们他的父母亲是这位经理的同学,对其没有好映像。


In February 2010, my cousin and his wife attended the Las Vegas fashion show to sell the clothes made in their factory. B and I went there to help around. I wanted to bring B and my cousin to work together on the clothing business. My cousin could be responsible on manufacturing and supply, and B could be responsible on sales in the USA. Everything seemed fine first couple days, and then something weird happened. One noon my cousin’s wife brought a box of lunch, rice and vegetables, which was bought from a temporary Chinese food supply station within the show building.  My cousin ate it and started to have strong breath odor. I didn’t tell him then because I didn’t want to hurt his feeling, but I did hand out chewing gum to him.

2010年2月,我堂弟到拉斯韦加斯参加服装展。我和B 一起去帮忙。我想促成堂弟和B能在服装生意上合作。堂弟负责生产供货,B负责在美国销售。一开始几天还好,后来中午堂弟吃了展馆提供的中餐饭盒(他老婆去买的),米饭和蔬菜,口中异味很严重。我不好意思跟他说,怕伤了他的自尊心。我一个劲递给他口香糖。

Strolling around the streets the day before the show formally started, at the entrance of a casino, a middle aged oval faced black woman approached us and asked what we did or were about to do in Las Vegas. We had a short friendly chat. This woman looked like Linda, the office clerk sitting in the main working area next to the intern room during my internship in York International Inc. There were two African-American colleagues, one is Linda, and the other is Donavan, a help desk technical assistant. The rumor about the supervisor having herpes told by Xiaowen Chen to Chinese colleagues sitting at the same dining table during a lunch break was from these two colleagues.

展会正式开始前一天逛街,穿过一家赌场,在门口一个椭圆脸黑人中年妇女迎上来询问到拉斯韦加斯干吗。和气得跟她聊了一会。她长得与York International 空调系统公司的办公室职员Linda特别像,在York实习期间旁边工作间里有两个黑人,一个Lucy,一个Donavan, 客户服务技术员。陈晓雯中午吃饭时告诉同桌的中国裔同事关于主管有疱疹的谣言是从他们俩那里听来的。

The electrician came to the show booth to add additional power outlets looked exactly same as an Asian guy appeared in the elevator of the building 100 in AAI Corp. One day after work I got into the elevator at the 4th floor. Then a bulky Asian guy around 1.70m tall with square face wearing glasses came out from a lab room beside the elevator and walked in.

来摊位安装额外的电源插座的电工跟我在AAI 公司100号楼电梯里遇到的亚洲男人一模一样。一天下班后我走进4楼的电梯。一个差不多1米70高粗壮的戴眼镜的亚洲男从电梯旁的实验室出来,也进了电梯。

Some visitors to the booth appeared not after the business, but something else.


One morning, cousin’s wife brought in a short skinny young Chinese guy and told us he was a local official and came to inspect the show. So we warmly welcomed him. Just after the greeting, he popped out toward me: “Are you married?” “What does my marital status have anything to do with you or the show?” I thought and ignored. Seeing his face at the first moment I had the image of the squid, the character in the cartoon named “Sponge Bob, Square Pants” popped into my mind. His rude question just made him uglier.

一天早上,堂弟老婆带来一个中国男的,说是领导视察。热情迎接,刚说了几句客套话。这个男的脱口而出, “你有没有结婚了?”“我结没结婚与你何干?!”我心想。就当作没听见闪开了。此人嘴脸第一时间让我联想起的就是海棉宝宝(Sponge Bob, square pants) 里的乌贼,这一来感觉更加丑陋了!

One day a tall white guy,more than 1.75m and a very short white guy, around 1.30m walked into our booth to pick samples and ask for prices. The tall guy leaned at the entrance. The short guy’ hair was dyed and parted in the middle (runway hair) and looked very funny. He picked many samples for pricing, but could not be reached after the show.

一天一个高个的白人男的,超过1米75,陪着一个很矮的白人男的,大约1米30 来展位选样报价。高个站摊位进口边观望。矮个头发中分,染色。发式看起来特别滑稽。他一下选了很多款式让我们报价,但展览结束后都联系不上。

One short skinny awl faced (V shaped) Jewish boy (he wore black Yamaha) walked by our booth with disoriented looking on his face. He asked me how to get to somewhere in the building once he saw me. Oddly this same looking boy appeared in front of Haitian hotel located at Hubin North Road Xiamen in summer of 2012. There were one white couple walking out first, and then this boy and a young oval faced tubby white guy trying to get into a black car.


In the afternoon of the final day of the show, when we were about to leave for the day, a medium height, tubby middle aged black guy and a young black girl were approaching the booth while eating Pizza. While chewing the food the guy pointed to the pink T-shirt worn by the girl and asked us to figure out the material and offer the price of it. After getting the approval, my cousin pinched the edge of the T-shirt and quoted the price.


It got puzzling when all things were put together. I sent emails about this to my cousin later.


In 2007, I flied to Ohio to attend my younger sister’s graduation of Master Degree. She wasn’t in good mood, her Jewish boy friend didn’t attend the event and she too had same strong breath odor. I didn’t tell her for the sake her feeling, but kept handing out chewing gum to her. I left a bottle of Listerine in her dormitory.


In 2007 during my younger sister’s stay with me in Baltimore, she kept arguing with her boy friend on the phone and her boy friend kept hanging up the phone. She then had same strong breath odor too.


I couldn’t stop wondering if my younger sister’s breath odor was related to her quarrel and separation with her Jewish boy friend. Otherwise he would inform her about this since they had been so closely together for so long.


I wish everything happened in coincidence. The suspicious black guy named Steven/Steve appeared in Learning Tree class later instructed the lunch seminar regarding proprietary right and security in our company. I noticed an exactly same looking guy followed us around (at ice cream stand, in restaurant, etc) in Inner Harbor for couple weekends. Melinda and Lucy from World Financial Group tried to introduce a black guy to be my boy friend. There were other weird guys popped in front of me accompanied with some unknown women. I ignored all that. Some vicious people spread rumors that I liked people with bad breath. So I suspect that the people with bad breath must be poisoned by someone.

我希望这些都是意外.那个可疑的在Learning Tree遇到的黑人Steven/Steve,后来出现在我们公司午间无型财产权保护/保密的培训课上。两三个周末在 Inner Harbor 溜达时,我也注意到一个长得一模一样的男的跟随我们(在冰激凌摊子旁,在餐厅里等)。WFG的房敏和Lucy 又把黑人介绍给我做男朋友。其他怪里怪气的男人也有别的女人带到我面前。我都忽略了和拒绝了。有些恶毒之人造谣说我喜欢跟有口臭的人在一起。所以我怀疑周围口中有异味的人可能是被人下毒了。

Since July 2011, the pesticide like irritating air started to emit from the corners on the left side wall of my house into the house, and high energy pulses started to shoot from the left side wall or above into the basement, first and second floors causing burning pain and skin burns. My house shares the left side wall with my left side neighbors’ house. The left side neighbors are Jewish with connection to the local police and AAI Corp. The same energy pulse was zapped at the back of my body (from head to toe) while I was sitting at the desk inside the working cubical of AAI Corp.

2011年7月我家里杀虫剂似的气体从左边墙角里散出来,生疼的高强波束从左墙或上方射到地下室,一二层房间,厨房,客厅。我家和左边邻居的房子共享左墙。左边的邻居是年轻的犹太夫妇,并且跟当地的警察有来往。在AAI Corp. 公司工作隔间内,当我坐在桌前工作时,同样的能量波束从我的背后方向刺射到我身上,从头到脚。