Weird things in Yunshuiyao Tour 20170907

By V Hu

September 6th -8th , 2017, in the nights I started lying on the bed, then had to move to the living room because the intensity of the energy pulse zapping at me got increased and it zapped my body from the bottom of the mattress up, so the body parts against the mattress were burned. Sept. 6th–7th, I didn’t sleep whole night. Because of it, the symptoms of motion sickness on the long distance tour bus during the day time of Sept. 7th became severe. Sept.7th-8th, moving around in the living rooms several times, I finally located a pot where I could avoid majority of the zapping pulse (maybe the operator didn’t re-target in time). Around 5:00am of Sept. 8th, the zapping pulse intensified and was targeted on my legs. I moved my body to avoid it, but still had the back of my left thigh zapped and burned into many pairs of red dots. There was no mosquito and I sprayed mosquito repellents several times for prevention.

2017/9/6-9/8,夜里我一开始躺在卧室床上,过一会儿波束刺射开始增强,从下而上刺射我贴着床垫的身体部位,我转移到客厅:9/6-9/7,一整夜未睡,因为晚上没睡觉,9/7白天在长途旅行车上晕车症状更强烈,呕吐完后迷糊一会儿,后来在午餐休息点喝了茶,头晕症状才消失;9/7-9/8,在客厅再次换了几处,总算找到一处能避开大部分波束(或者操控者没有及时定位),5:00am左右波束开始增强,盯着我腿部刺射。我移动身体躲避,但是左腿大腿后面还是被灼伤出一对对 红疙瘩。9/7晚上一日游结束回到住处没有任何蚊子的包,因为期间我喷了几次驱蚊水。所以这些红肿疙瘩只有在9/8凌晨到5:00am期间被聚焦定向能波束猛烈刺射灼伤出来。

Sept.7th, 2017, my elder sister and I took one day tour to Yunshuiyao of Nanjing Zhangzhou from Xiamen Fujian, tasted many different flavors of tea and coffee, tried red bananas, passion fruits, golden passion fruits, baby pineapples and different flavored nougats, visited mountain villages, rectangular or circular enclosed and fortified earth buildings and home of a local tour guide, bought tea, freshly grounded coffee, Pianzihuang pearl cream and etc.

2017/9/7,我和姐姐一起去了漳州南靖云水谣一日游,尝了各种茶,咖啡(第一次了解到漳州自产咖啡,还销售给星巴克和雀巢),美人蕉,百香果,黄金果,小菠萝,牛扎糖,参观了土楼和村庄,去地陪家里喝了茶,……购买了护肝茶,牛扎糖,现磨的碳烤咖啡,皇后牌片仔黄珍珠膏(这次BRICS 送给国际友人的礼品)。导游说网店出售的都是假货,只有一两家知名药店出售正品。或者跟着华侨团去工厂购买。司机以前从厂里购买了几条,转手给我们。在手上试了试,感觉不错!

Surprisingly there were many young girls joined alone to the tour group, also many sister pairs like my sister and I. There was a white couple who joined in this group along with a Taiwanese tour group. Very strangely all sister pairs and singly joined women were arranged at the same dining table with the white couple, so there was only one male at our table and the rest 11 people were all female. A rounded square faced, fair skinned girl with pony tail wearing light blue shirt sat beside the white woman while an owl faced, dark skinned tall girl with bob style hair sat next to the white man.


During the lunch, the white woman repeated several times telling the white man in German that the food was delicious, and then asked in English what name the dish was that she pointed at. The tall owl faced girl answered her in English. A middle aged woman sat next to her, appearing as her mother or aunt echoed her. She mistakenly called bamboo shoots as bamboo several times. I couldn’t stand and corrected her. The white woman pointed at a bowl of stewed pork and dried bean curd stick and asked what it was. The tall owl faced girl was stuck. I helped her out. The white woman dropped food on the table as she tried hard to hold it using chopsticks, and then tried to pick it up and put it to her bowl. The dining tables in countryside restaurants are simply wiped clean with wet dingy kitchen towels and poorly disinfected. I could not bear to look at her and stopped her, also signaled the rounded square faced girl next to her to tell her not to eat it.    

吃饭过程中,白人女的一个劲用德语跟白人男的说菜好吃,指着菜盘,用英文问菜名。高个锥圆脸女孩回答和翻译,她旁边坐着貌似她长辈的中老年妇女应和着她。但是她把竹笋译成了竹子。我忍不住纠正了!接着白人女的又指着 腐竹 问,女孩不知道怎么翻译,我接上了。期间坐在旁边一桌的一个略宽的锥形脸的,圆眼的中年男子和一个中年妇女一个劲往我们这一桌观望。白人女的夹菜掉桌上,使劲夹起来,要放碗里。我实在看不下去,制止了她!

After the lunch, we went to shop at a coffee factory outlet, then separated into two groups; one group of people going to see Tulou (earth buildings) in Yongding while another group, the white couple, most women and young couples visiting Yunshuiyao. The rounded square faced girl with blue shirt accompanied the white couple. The middle aged woman came with the owl faced dark skinned tall girl and disappeared after entering the Yunshuiyao village. She was replaced with a younger long faced woman. Later at the table of tea tasting in the local tour guide’s home, we were told that she was the elder sister of the owl faced tall dark girl.


The white man is very tall, long faced, with glasses, looked very similar to the guy encountered at the Detroit airport in 2000, one in the courtyard of the complex management office of my parents’house in Nanjing 2004, couple in AAI COPR between 2006-2011, i.e. Sean, Peter, and Jim from Joe’s Taxi in Lititz Pennsylvania in 2000… They seemed from the same family tree.

旅游团里的这对白人夫妻,那个高个,长脸,戴眼镜的白人男子其实跟在美国底特律机场,南京我父母所住小区物管办公室门前,AAI Corp.等地遇到的头发微卷,长脸的男子,跟Sean,Peter, Joe’s Taxi的Jim……都长相接近,好似一个家族成员,近亲或远亲……具体描述在:2000年我初次到达美国,在底特律机场被定向能武器(脑控武器)骚扰:

In May of 2000, at one Detroit airport boarding gate of the flight to Harrisburg, there was a tall white guy with white uniform surrounded with 4-5 middle aged white women. Due to heavy storm, many flights were canceled, passengers were told to move to other boarding gates several times and eventually no flight departing at all and everyone was stuck at the airport for the night. During the migration between boarding gates, there was a white woman following me to every boarding gate. Each time after we arrived at the gate, she would turn her head and stare at me. From around 20feet away, I can hear her criticizing me with unfriendly words (microwave hearing). I ignored her.

Now September of 2017, during a day trip to Yunshuiyao, there was similar looking guy with his wife surrounded with many Chinese young women, singly joined girls and sister pairs. The trip tickets for my sister and I were booked by my sister on 1 day ahead. It was a bit weird, as if all women were organized through remote mind control scheme. This guy appeared like a leader of a cult organization and all women surrounded him were the testing objects. White middle aged women were in 2000 and Chinese women were in 2017.


They abused power and directed energy weapons, manipulated and ruined many innocent lives, especially those of young women, causing victims’ lives to be astray and filled with pain. Through diligent study, hard work, strong self control, overcoming normal difficulties in life, I could continually work for Stirling Financial after the graduation from the college, first as a cashier, then IT engineer. My personal life could be a bit smooth, wouldn’t have to fight with these weirdoes, and have better mood all these years.

它们滥用职权,滥用定向能武器,摆弄糟蹋很多人,特别是年轻女性,使受害者的人生在节骨眼上总往负面发展,充满无法言状的痛苦。 通过勤奋努力,自律自强,克服正常的学习工作困难,我本来可以顺顺利利继续在 Stirling Financial 工作,先做出纳员,然后IT工程师,我的个人生活也会更加顺利,不用拼命跟古怪的厄运做斗争,心情也会更开心…

Many innocent people were doomed. I have been forced to the way to death too. In May of 2000, my first time landing on American soil, I had been stalked and harassed with sonic wave. During early years (2001-2002) in college, I had been followed on the way driving back and forth between home and the school and lower back of my head, near medulla oblongata had been zapped by certain directed energy. I had always felt the back of my head so tight as if it was clamped tightly by claws. Frequently I felt heavy pressure on my head and sudden depression. Since July 2011, they aggravated the torture on me using irritating air, and then directed high energy zapping, lashing and burning my body, resulting many burning wounds all over my body, putting me in burning pain 24/7.

很多无辜之人被它们糟蹋死了. 我也一直被它们往死路上逼,2000年5月初次到达美国在底特律机场被跟踪和极低频定向能波束骚扰; 2001年-2002年间刚入大学,被定向能心电武器精神折磨和肉体摧残; 自2011年7月开始变本加厉折磨我,它们用刺激性气体和高强高能定向能波束密集刺射冲击灼烧我,烧得我满身灼伤,24/7处于灼痛中: , , 。

很多人受不了,跟刘华茗之一样自杀身亡了: 。






  1. 2012年1月,堪萨斯州安保利亚州立大学(Emporia State University)MBA一年级的26岁中国留学生杨明喧(Mingxuan Yang),先朝自己开枪后,再撞车身亡。
  2. 2012年10月26日,美国MIT麻省理工学院的华人才女Heng Nikita Guo 上吊自杀。她出生于中国兰州,在深圳长大,2001年随父母移民美国,之后在德州农工大学获得电机工程学士学位,2011年入学MIT,预计在2012年毕业: 。
  3. 2013-2016,4年间宾夕法尼亚大学发生10起学生自杀事件: 。
  4. 2014年10月,约翰霍普金斯大学的20岁中国留学生李同学(Yangkai Li)跳楼自杀,生前他备受失眠、焦虑的困扰,曾在日志里写道:“我只想做一个普通的正常的人”。
  5. 2014年8月,加州州立大学富勒尔顿分校中国留学生林同学(Xu Lin)跳楼自杀。
  6. 2015年1月,耶鲁大学的华裔女生王露畅从金门大桥跳海自尽。
  7. 2016年1月,在加州大学伯克利分校就读的研究生张同学疑跳崖自杀,半年后警方才找到她的尸体。
  8. 2016年1月,芝加哥大学的陆同学跳湖自杀,之前她和母亲视频通话三小时,并没有显示任何反常迹象。
  9. 2016年11月,来自上海的留学生陆同学在加拿大多伦多大学求学期间自杀。
  10. 2016年12月10日,俄州州立大学理论物理与天体物理专业大三的学生刘凯风饮弹自尽。他来自中国天津,爱好摄影,向来会和好友分享心事,成绩很好,和女朋友感情也很稳定。自杀前三天,刘同学还和几个好友一起商量去滑雪的行程,怎么看也不像是一个计划结束自己生命的年轻人。
  11. 2017年2月12日,美国加州大学圣芭芭拉分校(UC Santa Barbara)的20岁华人女留学生Weiwei Liu在Santa Cruz宿舍自杀身亡。她出生和成长于中国广州,美丽阳光,2015年入学 UC Santa Barbara 进修德语及心理学专业。2月5日她在脸书上用英文感谢母亲抵美陪伴近一个月,并表示“自己已经长大懂事”。她的新浪微博帐号 @瑋Linka 。这里还列了其他好几个自杀身亡的留学生: 。
  12. 2017年10月1日,美国犹他州大学做导师助理研究生的唐晓琳在金门大桥附近跳海自尽。她是山东龙口人,2004年在北大就读空间物理专业,2008年赴美攻读研究生和博士学位,至今已有9年。 。



《今日俄罗斯,影子揭秘-远程脑神经监控》谈及CIA研创MKULTRA脑控技术;除了科研机构,美国350所大学跟国防部签订了脑研究合同;Obama公布The Manhattan 计划在10年内绘制人脑神经活动图(BAM);DARPA的人造感应技术促使人跟自己的思维交流,而不是跟他人言语交流…

如果用定向能脑控武器发射定向能波束隐蔽酷刑我,逼我自杀的目的是为了掩盖 Lucy Li (李爱玲),那么反而起了反作用:她是珠海市政府人员和珠光公司老总的亲密朋友,是我以前工作所在公司老板的情妇,后来跟老板的朋友,美国的叫 Jim 的白人男子结婚离婚,然后再跟老板的另一个朋友结婚…我本来无意回忆: ; ; 。