Murder for Organs

By V Hu

Between 1993 and 1994, while I was working for Quanzhou Artco Arts & Crafts Co. Ltd. the Chinese girlfriend of my boss (Ali Akingilar, the owner of AK International Inc. in USA), Lucy Li (李爱玲) had visited the USA. The boss told me that Lucy worked as a nurse for a private medical clinic in the USA. Lucy’s brother in Guangzhou called in to ask how Lucy was in the USA. I transferred the information that the boss provided to him. However Lucy wasn’t happy about it and blamed me to inform her family members about her. Lucy came back to Quanzhou Fujian during 1994 Christmas, together with the boss, moved the company to Zhuhai Guangdong and registered the company under the ownership of Lucy. Before I left from Zhuhai Artco in 1995, Lucy appeared pregnant and started paying extra attention on her diet. 

1993-1994年间Artco 还在泉州的时候,老板Ali的中国女朋友,李爱玲曾经去过美国,根据老板的聊天内容,李爱玲在美国一家私人诊所当护士,她在广州的弟弟曾经打电话到公司询问她在美国的情况,我就跟他们说了。后来李爱玲怪罪我,说我不应该跟她家人说。1994年圣诞节Lucy 回到泉州,跟老板一起安排把公司搬到珠海,注册到了Lucy的名下。1995年我离开公司前Lucy 看似怀孕了,开始特别注重饮食。 ;

I feel I’m the designated organ, especially the heart donor for those covert directed energy mind control weapon operators. In 2005, when I was still working as a software intern in York International (It was just merged into Johnson Control Inc.) there was an African-American intern named Juwan Arbarjuwan. His father worked for Johns Hopkins Hospital as a cardiologist or heart surgeon. He mentioned to me that AAI Corp. located in Hunt Valley Baltimore County would have a job fair in the coming weekend. I attended the job fair and got the software development job. Juwan had severe allergic reaction or pulmonary problem (I didn’t ask him about it) as whenever the intern room was caught in a tension or any upper level management personnel stood beside him, he would breathe extremely heavily. He was friendly and we got along pretty well.

我想我就是它们的器官储存,特别是心脏器官。2005在York International (当时刚刚被Johnson Control收购)的软件开发小组实习期间,一个黑人实习生,Juwan Arbarjuwan 提示我位于Baltimore 县的AAI Corp. 开招聘会。我去应聘,获得了软件开发的工作机会。Juwan 的父亲是约翰霍普金斯医院(Johns Hopkins)的心脏科医生。Juwan有严重的过敏症状或呼吸问题 (具体我没有问他),每次工作室里的气氛紧张一些或高层领导靠近他,他坐在那里就大喘气。我非常同情他。他性情很随和,我跟他相处得还可以。 

In December 2005, I started working for AAI Corp. as a software engineer. The covert directed energy mind control weapon operators started employing different kinds of methods to make mischief between I and my colleagues, manipulate my emotions ( i.e. one time in a software team meeting with Matt Coleman and Hong Ma, for a little disagreement, inexplicably and uncontrollably tears kept falling down from my eyes as if I got extremely sad.), slander me, motivate colleagues to intimidate me with mean behaviors and nasty words ( i.e. an old female employee named Janet purposely walked by my working cubical and loudly insinuated me that I did something bad.), and make colleagues to insult me (i.e. a male engineer named Sean intentionally threw a candy with the print on one side of the wrapper was a ghost and the other side was a pumpkin and yelling,“Victoria, pumpkin or ghost? Ghost!”, then walked away while laughing. Ghost implies “sneaky” while pumpkin implies “slut”). 

2005年12月我开始在AAI Corp.做软件开发工作,脑控组织就开始用各种手段挑拨离间我跟其他同事的关系,摆布我的情绪(有一次在跟Matt Coleman 和马红商谈软件开发问题中,为了一点小矛盾,莫名其妙地,无法控制地直流眼泪),散布谣言诬陷我,促使同事对我恶言恶语,比如老太Janet,专门跑到我工作隔间旁大声指桑骂槐的讽刺,促使同事侮辱我,比如Sean 故意往我办公桌上扔一颗糖,一面印着小鬼,一面印着南瓜,嘴里还喊着我的名字是小鬼(隐晦sneaky,偷偷摸摸)呢,还是南瓜(隐晦 slut,荡妇,浪)!

During the Christmas holidays in 2006, I caught a severe cough and went to see the doctor in the Padonia clinic beside a MARS grocery store. Instead of asking me how I got sick or other related questions, the male physician asked me whether China is better or USA is better. I didn’t answer him because whichever answer I picked would leave misunderstandings to those extreme nationalists in either countries to attack me. 

2006年圣诞节期间,我咳嗽厉害看医生,医生却来问我中国好还是美国好,不管我怎么回答都会给某些美国和中国的极端分子留下口舌,并且用以煽动攻击我。当时我选择了沉默: 。

One time my supervisor Matt Coleman came to my working cubical and sarcastically said to me that because I could hand write neatly, I should hand write the testing data on the software testing report while I was editing the testing report with Microsoft Word. The day before this incidence happened, while I was testing the software in the lab, Hong Ma came to me and started complaining how awful the supervisor’s hand writing was and she couldn’t read it. She asked me if I could read what the supervisor wrote. I replied her that I could read everything he wrote, but if she couldn’t, she’d better ask him verbally. During the extended conversation I told her that American people seemed not pay too much attention on handwriting like Chinese people do. During working for a bank as a part time teller after school, I once cashed a check for a physician and misread the number 6 as 4. 

Many times when I was testing the software in the lab, Hong Ma would come to me and criticize other colleagues, including Janet and ask for my opinions.

一次主管突然跑到我隔间讽刺意味地叫我手写软件测试报告(我一直用Microsoft Word 填写的),因为我写的字清楚。而这发生在马红跑到实验室跟我抱怨主管写的字潦草不清的事情以后。当时我回答她说美国人不重视书法,我在银行做零时出纳期间收到一个医生开的提款支票,就把6看成4了,我能看懂主管写的内容,所以如果她看不清,还是多询问主管。好多次我在试验室做测试,马红跑来跟我说长论短其他同事,问我的看法,其中包括Janet。 

They insulted me in many different ways and depicted me as an unpardonably wicked useless person who ought to be dead. By doing so they could righteously kill me as if they were helping people get rid of an evil and wouldn’t have to bear the guilty, after all they are some sort of religious believers and need excuses to kill and exculpate themselves from the charge.


They hoped that I would die suddenly either from a sudden cardiac arrest caused by zapping high energy pulse toward my heart or a suicide because I couldn’t bear the electronic torture anymore. They need some mentally extremely unstable persons (they could be easily manipulated and stimulated to act violently) to attack me and kill me. The murderers could get away from the charge because their mental illness. So they created something from nothing, made mischief between me and other people, exaggerated the facts and embellished the truth, and peddled gossips.

它们要的是 我的突然死亡(被波束猛烈刺射到心脏休克,或者我忍受不了,自杀),需要心理缺陷严重的极端思想的人 (他们很容易被操控,激发暴力行为)攻击我,杀死我,杀完人可以借口为精神病患者而脱罪。所用的方法就是无中生有,挑拨离间,添油加醋,搬弄是非。

Using the directed energy weapon to kill me directly or electronically torturing me till I couldn’t bear anymore and kill myself. So they can extract my organs. 

Direct Energy Weapon is the system that operates at the speed of light that can kill, torture, enslave and escape detection. –Harlan Girard   

用定向能武器直接杀死我,或者刺射灼烧酷刑我直到我受不了,自杀身亡。定向能武器是一种武器系统,以光的速度运转,来杀死、酷刑、和奴役人类并逃避检测。最后顺理成章地瓜分我的器官,说不定还会给我冠以 “无私捐献器官”的美名,患渐冻症的北大女博士娄滔去世捐献器官也被冠以美名的。

Early 2010, during my treatment section, acupuncturist Dr. Shi,ChengZhang mentioned to me that there was a 58 years old man named “Wang Shi”, divorced with 2 grownup sons, making living by buying and selling houses, looking for a girl friend. I immediately recommended Kaiying Duh to him. Kaiying was around 48 years old, divorced with 2 grownup sons, and also worked part time as a real estate agent. Her boyfriend just left her for a younger woman. Kaiying got acupuncture treatments from Dr. Shi before me. She was the one recommended Dr. Shi to me. Dr. Shi’s wife came from Wuxi Jiangsu China where I could relate to. Dr. Shi told me that Kaiying didn’t visit him lately. So I agreed to call Kaiying and let Kaiying contact Dr.Shi and his wife directly about dating arrangement. That day after I went back home, I called Kaiying and told her everything. Dr.Shi wanted the dating place to be arranged at the church he and his wife attended while Kaiying wanted to be at the church she visited often. I suggested Kaiying to discuss the matter with Dr.Shi and his wife. Kaiying asked me if I wanted to company her there. I refused. Later in 2010 Christmas holidays I asked Kaiying about this when I met her. She didn’t talk about it. 

2010年初,针灸师施成章在一次就诊过程中提起一个58岁卖房子的人叫 wang shi 的,有2个成年儿子,要找女朋友。我当时立即提出杜凯英也是卖房子的,也有2个成年儿子,年龄在48岁,男朋友刚刚跟她分手。杜凯英介绍了施医生给我做针灸治疗呼吸不畅的问题,他的老婆是无锡人。施医生说杜凯英最近没去治疗。我说我可以打电话询问杜凯英愿不愿意,让杜凯英直接跟他和他老婆联系约会的事宜。我那天回家后就电话给了杜凯英,说明事宜。施医生说是要在他们夫妻俩常去的教堂约会,而杜凯英提出要在她常去的教堂约会。我让她直接跟施医生和他老婆联系商量。杜凯英问我愿不愿意陪她一起去见面。我说我就不掺合进去了!2010年圣诞节前后我和杜凯英见面时谈起此事,她也没说什么。 

In 2010, the acupressure points around my right shoulder blade felt suppressed with extremely powerful force and were sore. I couldn’t assert strength to my right arm, so powerless that my right hand couldn’t even buckle a safety belt of a car seat.  On December 18, 2010, I went to Patient First at Green Spring to see the doctor. A nurse took X-ray pictures of my upper body and right shoulder/arm and analyzed them, then told me that there was nothing wrong. Then she brought a female doctor named Joanne Watson to me. The female doctor herself seemed having medical issue as her body was constantly oscillating. She suggested me to see her principle physician, a spinal cord expert named Riley III Lee H. I knew I didn’t have any medical issue with my spinal cord and felt very weird about her suggestion. Later I did a lot of massage on my right shoulder and my right arm healed itself.

2010年我的右肩胛骨周围的穴位酸痛,好像被特别重的力量压迫着, 我的右膀就使不上劲, 连车座位的安全带都扣不了。2010/12/18,我去Johns Hopkins 在 Green Spring的Patient First 门诊部就诊,一个护士拍了我上半身和右肩膀的常规X光片,做了分析,没有发现异样。然后她带来一女医生Joanne Watson。女医生看起来自己有病症,她的全身不停摆动。她建议我去看她的主治医生,Riley III Lee H,一脊椎科专家。我知道我脊椎没问题,感觉她的建议很奇怪。后来我经常按摩我的右肩,右膀子就恢复正常了。 

Since 2010, there was one short,neither fat nor thin, long faced, narrow long eyed Asian male in his 30s followed me around and appeared at the places I frequently visited. He even appeared inside the working area of a Greek Pizza shop nearby my home. (Normally shops run by Greek Americans wouldn’t hire Asian Americans) 

自2010年开始,经常有矮个长脸狭长眼的华裔男子跟踪或出现在我面前,甚至在我经常去购买PIZZA的靠近我家的 希腊PIZZA店出现(希腊移民开的小店一般不会雇佣亚裔的)。

Strange incidents increased. Early June 2011, I went back to China due to my father’s hospitalization. During my visit to Xiamen, one of my old colleagues from Mandarin Hotel (now C&D Hotel), her husband and her daughter invited me and other two old colleagues for a dinner in a restaurant served Northeast region food in a back alley of Lundu port area, a well known scenic spot in Xiamen (the restaurant wasn’t there anymore in 2012). Not long after all of us sat down at table, the wallet inside my handbag disappeared. With the suggestion of one friend, we went back to my hotel room to check. The wallet was oddly aligned on the nightstand. Nothing inside the wallet was missing. I placed the large bills in the pockets of my handbag and left only small changes and my ID cards and bank cards in the wallet. My driver’s license inside the wallet had sign of “Organ Donor”. 


Coming back from Xiamen to Nanjing, I took high speed rail to visit my relatives in Wuxi. When I exited the Wuxi Train station, I noticed there was a middle aged guy standing nearby and staring at me. He was medium height, with pointy chin and round face, double eyelid round eyes and black short hair, looking like mix blooded between Asian and Caucasian. 

End of June 2011, I took flights of United Airline back to the USA. At Chicago O’Hare airport, I boarded the connecting flight to Baltimore airport as the last passenger. When I entered the cabin, a squat male flight attendant with pointy chin and round face, double eyelid round eyes and black short hair took handbags from my hand and led me to my seat. Just before arriving at my seat, I noticed a bright yellow paper shopping bag was missing. It contained a bag of isatis root granules (Chinese traditional medicine for cold), a box of cold medicine bought in a pharmacy beside the shuttle bus station when I was waiting for the bus to the Nanjing airport, a pack of chewing gum and a toiletry bag. I asked him if I could get off the plane to look for the missing bag at the boarding gate. He disapproved and called ground crew to look for it. The ground crew reported back that they didn’t locate the bag. After arriving at the Baltimore airport, I reported the lost paper bag at the United Airline Baggage Service Office. The attendant was a slightly overweight old man who looked very like the boy friend of an old lady with one lame leg lived opposite my home in Baltimore County.

Between 2008 and 2009 an old lady with one lame leg moved in the house opposite my home. Her boyfriend, a medium height, slightly overweight old man with ferocious and vengeful looking once also parked his black sedan in my private parking space. That time the friendly middle aged couple with several kids immigrated from Israel were still living in the house left to mine. Between 2009 and 2010, they had new baby and moved away. Then a young couple with one boy moved in. The young couple kept letting their guests park their cars in my parking space and my right side neighbors’ parking space and created a lot of tension in the neighborhood. Between 2010 and 2011, the old lady with one lame leg was disappeared.  


6月底我从中国乘美联航班机飞回美国,在芝加哥(Chicago) O’Hare机场转机飞往Baltimore机场的班机的时候,我是最后一个登机的。进机舱的时候,一个锥圆脸,双眼皮圆眼,矮胖的航空先生接过我手上的几个手提袋,引领我到座位。快到达座位的时候,我注意到一个装有板蓝根冲剂,感冒西药,口香糖和洗漱用品袋的黄色手提纸袋不见了。我跟航空先生说起。我要下飞机去登机口找。他不同意,而是通知地勤在登机口搜找,结果没找到。到达Baltimore机场后,我在美联航行李处报失,唯一的地勤是一个微胖的中老年男人。他跟住在我家对面的房子里的一个瘸腿白人老太的男友酷似。


After I went back to the states, since July 2011, irritated air started emitting into my home, then my working cubical in AAI Corp. Once the irritated air stopped disturbing me, then directed energy pulse started zapping and burning my body in my home and my working cubical in AAI Corp. Then the pulse zapped me at any place I stayed for a certain period of time, i.e. other people’s homes, hotel rooms, airport boarding gates, domestic flights, international flights, restaurants, new work places in China and etc.

2011年7月回美国,在AAI Corp.公司工作隔间里和自己家里我开始被刺激性气体骚扰,被定向能波束刺射灼烧骚扰酷刑。

Since July 2011, in my home, every night, started from different time, irritating air emitted into the rooms from corners of left side wall of the house and lasted to next morning. I had to leave some windows wide open in the rooms by the left side wall and turn on fans to blow the air out, even during cold winter. My house is adjacent to left and right side neighbors each by a wall. If the air came from the left side wall, must be from left side neighbors’ house. One morning before leaving for work, I saw the left side neighbor, Diana’s husband standing in the front of their house. I complained to him about the irritating air coming into my house from the left side wall. He said he would ask his wife about this. But the irritating didn’t stop coming into my house. I turned on alarm clock whenever I smelled the irritating air coming in to warn the left side neighbors. One weekend day I was sitting on the sofa and eating carrots in the living room, someone knocked the front door. I opened door and saw a male in black outfit and black hat, looked very like Diana’s husband, but appeared a little bit older. He asked me to stop turn on alarm clocks. I asked him to stop the irritating air. Then he threatened me that he wouldn’t let me live peacefully. Also there was irritating air emitted from the ceiling of my working cubical in AAI Corp. I reported all these to the Baltimore County police. It was very hard, but eventually I located a residential air testing company. Following the directions, I collected air sample and sent it to the company. I then sent the air test reports to the designated polices. On December 11th, 2011 the irritating air stopped emitting into my house. But on December 12th, the high energy pulse started shooting into my house, following me, zapping and burning my body. 

家里每晚不同的时间,有刺激性气体从左墙角冒出来,一直持续到第二天早上。一天早上离家上班前看到左边男邻居,跟他说起,他说回去问老婆Diana。但是刺激性气体继续每晚排放到我家里。以后每次有气体排放到我家里,我就开闹钟响警示左边邻居。左边邻居Diana的老公威胁我说不让我过太平日子。公司隔间也有类似气体。我报告了警察。通过咨询,我找到一家可以通过搜集气体样本测试空气化学物质的公司,购买了testing kit ,得到测试结果后就发给了指定的警察。12月的时候刺激性气体没了!但是我房子里开始出现定向能波束,跟踪瞄准我刺射灼烧。

After I came back from China to the states, I went back to work in July 2011. Every morning, in my working cubical in AAI Corp. started from the time between 9:00am and 10:00am, I felt extremely heavy on my head as if it was filled with lead. I had to rest my head on the desk many times. Some acupressure points on my chest were suppressed by unknown heavy force. I felt frequently my chest congested, tight, and painful.  However I didn’t have cardiac problems or high blood pressure or diabetes. I massaged acupressure points on my head, neck, chest, and hands frequently for long time. Eventually I got recovered. If the victim was over weighted with cardiac problems would die from heart attacks or arrests when his/her chest was zapped by such high energy pulse. 

从中国回美国后,2011年7月我正常上班,每天早上9:00am /10:00am 点钟以后,在AAI Corp.的工作隔间里,我感觉头越来越重,好像被灌了铅似的。我不得不趴在办公桌上休息。后来我感觉到胸口的几个穴位被强力压住了,我胸闷,胸痛。但是我没有心脏病,高血压,或糖尿病。我按摩头,颈,胸和手的穴位,过了很长一段时间后最终得以缓解。如果受害者本身超重,有心血管问题,胸口被定向能波束刺射,压迫,那么肯定心血管病发作,或者心脏休克死亡。

On August 11, 2011 inside my working cubical, left side of lower back of my head, around medulla oblongata was zapped and burned by one thread of focused high energy pulse. My head got shocked and congested same as my ears and eyes. My left side body, legs and arms were trembling, then went to numb. I felt my mind was blocked and had hard time to speak out fluently at the moment. After I was zapped I turned my head back and saw two of my colleagues, John Beasly and Kyle Willette were standing behind me at the entrance of my cubical. Beasely asked Willette to ask me a question and left. Then Willette asked me a work related question and I struggled to answer him. If my constitution was weak, this electronic attack would paralyze me. 


On September 18th, 2011 back of my left knee was zapped by directed energy pulse.


At the time these two incidents happened, I suspected about being zapped by directed energy pulse, but wasn’t sure, so I went to see physicians and had all kinds of tests. On December 7th, 2011 I went through brain MRI scan. Started from December 12, 2011 I had been being severely zapped and burned 24/7 by directed high energy pulse coming from left side walls of my house and from the top, first in home, then in my working cubical. I’d reported it to the company’s HR, Baltimore County labor department, and Baltimore Police department, FBI, and etc. But nothing seemed helpful to stop the directed high energy pulse shooting into my house and my working cubical to burn my body. HR specialist Lisa Greenhouse told me this kind of activity was not organized by the company’s managements therefore they couldn’t stop it. (See for logs)

After left side of lower back of my head was heavily zapped and burned by directed energy pulse while I was sitting inside my working cubical in AAI Corp. on August 11th, 2011, I constantly felt discomfort on my left side head, left side ear, and both eyes.  So I went to see the doctor in the Patient First at Green Spring station on August 25th, 2011. Patients First doesn’t require appointment. A patient can register the name and arriving time and wait at the lobby. Then the receptionist calls the patient to fill the medical insurance information and the reason of visiting the doctor, and sign the agreements. Then the patient continues waiting for the turn to see the doctor.

When I walked out from a small reception room into the hallway and sat down on the chair close to the hallway after I provided the information, a middle aged female physician stood inner side of the hallway (inside the diagnostic room) that facing to the entrance/exit of the clinic and stared at me for a while. Later a nurse led me inside the diagnostic room to get my usual physical information (height, weight, menstrual cycle, etc.). This female physician again stared at me for a while. This middle aged female physician looked like the male physician in the clinic next the grocery store MARS on the Padonia road who diagnosed me for my severe cough during 2006 Christmas holiday. They looked like the sister and the brother. (

I was then led to a small cubical to wait for the doctor. At 11:24am Dr.Michael A. Stang, a middle-old aged male physician walked in. He checked my ears and eyes. I told him that I felt mostly wrong about my left eye and ear. But Dr.Stang held a small handheld light converging device targeting at my right eye pupil and examined for a long time. During the examination, I felt piercing pain inside my right eye and tears was coming out constantly. He then examined my left eye with very simple look. He told me that the capillaries on eye ground were broken and concluded that I had Sensory Disturbance. I asked him to write me a MRI prescription. He didn’t approve. Instead he asked me to make an appointment to see a neurology doctor Bruce Rabin or anyone in his team. But the doctor he recommended would not be available until at least 3 months later.

2011年8月11日在工作隔间,我脑后勺左下方风池穴附近被定向能波束猛烈刺射和灼伤。因为耳鼻一直不舒服,我于2011年8月25日去Green Spring的Patient First 门诊部就诊。Patients First 不需要预约。病人登记后在大厅等候。然后工作人员叫名填写医疗保险信息,就医原因,和签同意书。然后病人继续等候。

在我填写完信息从小接待室出来坐在靠走廊的椅子上时,一个中年女医生站在走廊里端(诊断厅内)对着门诊进出口的位置观望我好一阵。后来护士带我进诊断厅做例行身体状况(身高,体重,月经周期等)信息采集时,这个女医生又观望我好一阵。这个女医生长得跟2006 年圣诞节期间我得了严重的咳嗽,去位于Padonia街的Mars超市旁边的诊所,问诊我的男医生很像。他们俩好似姐弟。

后来我被领进一个小隔间等待医生。11:24am,一个中老年男医生Michael A. Stang走了进来。Stang 医生检查我的耳鼻。我告诉他最难受的是我的左眼和左耳,Stang医生却用一个手携式的小聚光仪器盯着我右眼检查很久,检查过程中右眼特别刺痛。而左眼他只是很简单地检查了一下。他说眼底毛细血管断裂,写下诊断结果是 “Sensory Disturbance” 感知受扰。我请他给我开MRI处方。他说不行。他让我约见神经科医生Bruce Rabin 或他带领的小组中的任何一员。但是打电话询问,最早可见医生的时档也要到两三个月后。

I went to another clinic and saw another doctor and got the prescription of MRI for brain. On December 7th, 2011 I went through the MRI scan. The analyst told me there was nothing abnormal. I got a CD copy of MRI scan.


Following the prescription, on November 30th, 2011 I had a blood test. There was only one item abnormal and the amount of 6.64 for Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) is a bit high.

2011年11月30日,我按照医嘱,做了血检,只有一个问题,甲状腺激素 (TSH)偏高6.64。

On December 30th, 2011 I had 2nd blood test. There was only one item abnormal and the amount of 9.19 for TSH is high.

2011年12月30日,再次按照医嘱做了血检,也只有一个问题,甲状腺激素 (TSH)高9.19。

On January 6th, 2012 I had 3rd blood test. There was only one item abnormal and the amount of 6.2 for TSH was a bit high.

2012年1月6日,第三次做血检,也只有一个问题,甲状腺激素 (TSH)偏高6.2。

The level of Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) in my body had been higher and changed bizarrely within a little over 1 month, rising from 6.64 to 9.19, and then dropping to 6.2. An elevation of TSH level and a normal Free Thyroxine 4 (FT4) in the absence of anti-thyroid peroxidase antibody are suggestive of Subclinical Hypothyroidism. Obviously my Thyroid gland function had been damaged by directed energy pulse zapping me 24/7 and directly connected to the strength and amount of pulse zapping me. My condition is similar to what the 12 years old boy studying in private Fay School located at Southborough Massachusetts had. He had been radiated by electromagnetic pulses and suffered from nosebleeds, nausea, headaches, dizziness, memory loss, tremors, exhaustion, and heart and thyroid problems.  

甲状腺激素分泌过多,而且变化里奇,从6.64,升到9.19,再降到6.2,血清游离甲状腺素分泌正常,缺乏甲状腺过氧化酶抗体,是临床甲状腺功能减退症状。很显然,我的甲状腺功能受到定向能波束刺射损害,而且影响的程度跟刺射的定向能波束强度和数量直接成正比。我的症状接近于马萨诸塞州 Southborough 镇的私立费伊中学(Fay School)的12岁男生的症状。他也抱怨和投诉自己被无线电信号辐射,造成鼻腔出血、恶心、头痛、眩晕、记忆丧失、震颤、疲乏、心脏和甲状腺问题。

Since December 12th, 2011 every day and night my body had been profoundly zapped or pierced by high energy pulses. The pulses emitted from the left side wall, the front and back windows, and the ceiling top of my home. Then at my working cubical inside AAI Corp. the pulses pierced into back of my body from head to toe. I reported the electronic torture to AAI Corp.’s HR, Baltimore County Labor department, Baltimore County Police and etc. But it had never stopped. The HR specialist Lisa Greenhouse told me that the torture wasn’t carried out by the company’s managements therefore couldn’t stop it. So I quit the job in January 2012.

自2011年12月12日开始每日每夜我身体明显被高强波束刺射灼烧。波束从家里左边墙壁里发射出来,还有从顶上刺射下来。先是在家里,然后在公司工作隔间里。我汇报给公司人事部,巴尔帝魔县劳动部门,巴尔帝魔县警察。但是无法阻止高强的能量波束(电磁波)刺射到我家里或公司工作隔间里灼烧我的身体。人事专员Lisa Greenhouse 回复我说这不是公司管理层组织的,所以他们无法阻止。所以2012年1月我辞职。 

End of January 2012 I went to Xiamen China to escape the zapping and burning of directed energy pulses on me. There was no electronic torture for a little over 1 month. I thought it wouldn’t happen again and was very happy. Late a tenant, white oval faced, plump, medium height, middle aged white male came back to the left side apartment. He was originally from Colorado USA and worked in the field of anthropology. He rent the apartment two months ago and went away to visit other places in China. After he came back, one night the fuse of master electricity switch broke and whole building went into dark while other buildings in the same community still had electricity. Next day, the pulses started shooting into my apartment and zapping my body, especially when I lay down on the bed.


In March 2012, I started to work for a website and cashier software development company, Taine Tech. Ltd. in Chuangye industrial park Xiamen China. To comply with the regulations, I had to get a working permit. In order to apply for it, I went through a physical examination in the bureau of Exit-Entry Administration in Xiamen and didn’t detect any disease. 

2012年3月在厦门创业园的Taine Tech.公司找到一份网页和出纳软件开发的工作。按照要求需要办理就业证,我先去出入境管理局进行体检,没有查出疾病。

On March 8th, 2012 I started working for Xiamen Taine Tech. Ltd. to develop websites or cashier software. I moved to another apartment at different location. There were light pulses zapping my body during night time 3 days after I moved in. Luckily there was no pulse zapping my body at the work place for about one month. In order to continue to work for the company, I went through a physical examination and prepared documents to apply for a working permit. Starting from the end of April, every day at the work place, both of my ankles would be suppressed by certain force and both of my shanks would swell significantly end of day. But I didn’t feel obvious pulse zapping. On May 10th and 11th I felt high energy pulses zapping and burning my body. On May 10th, the pulses pierced into my chest. On May 11th, the pulses pierced into my back and left and right sides of my body. After that, everyday at desk my body had been enveloped in, zapped, burned, harassed by high energy pulses, so that I couldn’t bear anymore, then quit the job again.  

我于2012/3/8 开始在厦门Taine Tech. 网页和收银软件开发公司工作。我搬到了新的租房里。租房里晚上有波束轻微刺射我。但是在公司,没有被波束骚扰,我平静地工作了一个多月。为了长期在这个公司工作,我去做了体检,准备好相关文件准备办理外籍人员就业证。4月底每天上班期间,我的脚踝处被能量刺激,一天下来小腿就肿起来很多,但是没有感觉到明显的波束刺射。5/10, 5/11, 我在厦门Taine Tech. 工作台周围也体验到了高强定向能波束刺射灼烧, 5/10,从正面刺向我胸口,5/11,从背后/侧面。这以后每天上班坐在电脑桌前,我被强烈的定向能波束笼罩,刺射,灼烧,骚扰,实在干不下去,我辞职了。

From 2011 to 2014, I had been zapped and burned by extremely high energy pulses day and night and 24/7. After I quit the job 2nd time in May 2012, I spent most days in parks, wooded areas, and on beaches to escape pulses and get some sleep. Started from 2015, the frequency of pulse zapping me during the day time was reduced, but during the night time the zapping was continue to be heavy. Between December 2015 and February 2016, the pulses were extremely strong, my face and body were burned severely into biggest burning wounds. Between December 20th, 2016 and February 2017,my neck and chest were burned severely again by extremely strong pulses. My pet dog had been burned severely by the pulses as well. Its hair fell off at the burning wounds and formed many hollows.


The pictures of burning wounds are listed at:

2015年12月底,身体被严重灼伤, 照片列在: 

The links of more pictures of wounds including the wounds of my pet dog are listed at the bottom of this blog: 

更多的灼伤照片,包括我的小狗的灼烧照片的博文链接 列载于这片博文的底部: )。

I visited several physicians in Xiamen to cure the severe wounds. The physicians prescribed herbal medicines to stop pain and itch and bottles of growth factor spray to heal my skin.


I realized that since 2010, I’d had been tortured by high energy pulses. In 2010 the zapping had been scattered, pinpoint and stopped instantly (i.e. suppressed acupressure points around my right shoulder blade to make my right arm strengthless) therefore not obvious. However since July 2011, the zapping has been prolonged for 24/7 and the pulses have been in high energy and frequency. I went to see the doctors in Patient First at Green Spring, but the doctors talked and acted strangely, not only didn’t help me, but gave me exaggerated suggestions, probably would give me over treatments. I’m glad I didn’t follow their suggestions. They possibly work with direct energy weapon abusers and each specializes on specific process.

1.     Weapon abusers use high energy and high frequency pulses to zap, burn, and injure victims. The victims visit doctors. The“Doctors”treat victims invasively to cause irreversible injuries, even paralyzed, so the victims have to rely on medical treatments rest of their lives and became the life testing objects of medicine.

2.     Weapon abusers use high energy and high frequency pulses to zap victims, resulting in the death of victims. The “Doctors”extract and collect the body parts and organs from the dead victims.

a.     Died from sudden cardiac arrests (many young people died from energy zapping induced cardiac arrests or heart attacks).

b.     Died from auto accidences (My car frequently behaviors abnormally on the roads and one time the car engine stopped abnormally since I was electronically tortured).

c.     Suicide ( With high energy pulses zapping and burning the body, a victim feels burning pain, piercing pain, splitting headache and etc. and can’t bear it physically; With low frequency pulses or ELF zapping the brain, a victim has nightmares, illusions, mood swings, and hears voices inside the head (V2K), can’t bear it mentally).

d.     Died from non-ionizing radiation related disease, i.e. leukemia, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS).

自2010年被高强高频定向能波束摧残(2010年零零散散,2011年7月后24/7),我去Johns Hopkins 在 Green Spring的Patient First 门诊部就诊过程中,遇到的医生言行诡异,不仅没有帮助我,而且给我的感觉是他们在给我夸张的建议,从而进行夸大的治疗,亏巧我没有听从他们。他们很大可能跟定向能武器滥用者是一伙的,而且分工明确。

  1. 武器滥用畜牲用高强高频定向能波束灼伤受害者,受害者就医,“医生”进行高损伤治疗,造成无法扭转的肌体损伤,造成受害者终身残疾,余生依赖于医疗,成为医疗活体试验品。
  2. 武器滥用畜牲用定向能波束刺射受害者,造成受害者突发死亡(很多人年纪轻轻休克死亡),车祸死亡(我的车子在行驶中经常出现怪异症状和故障),自杀死亡(被高强高频定向能波束灼烧得灼痛,刺痛,脑袋被劈开似的剧痛,受不了自杀;被极低频定向能波束刺射产生的颅内语音骚扰得精神崩溃自杀 的受害者不在少数) ,被长期非电离辐射疾病缠身 (白血病,渐冻症 (ALS)) 死亡,这些“医生”负责采集人体器官。