Weird Behaviors of Hong Ma

By V Hu

In 2007, I was working for the 1st team. The team manager introduced a Shanghainese woman named Hong Ma into the software sub-team. Rarely seeing a Chinese face in our company, I was very happy that I could chat with someone in Chinese. Soon I realized that she was a telltale, good with creating conflicts and misunderstandings between people. So I started to speak English only with her in necessary for the work to prevent growing of suspicion among other colleagues.


Hong Ma told me her husband was a manager working for Honeywell if I didn’t remember wrong. After having kids, her husband had been treating her coldly. She told me her neighbor, a woman also from Shanghai had a fair with someone from China and that woman’s husband found out through phone records and they were divorcing.

如果我没有记错,马红跟我说她老公在Honeywell 做经理,生完孩子后对她非常冷淡。她跟我说邻居,另一个来自上海的女人跟国内的一个男人出轨,被她老公通过查阅电话记录发现,正在闹离婚。

She asked me how I thought about other colleagues in the team. I just replied her with general information and told her to talk with them or work with them closely to get to know the personalities. One time she came to me to ask if I had read some news/family information regarding the AAI Corp.’s general manager reported by Baltimore Sun. I told her I didn’t and said that we were just base-level employees and it’s not our concern.

她一个劲问我对公司其它员工的看法,知到她的德行后,我只是泛泛而谈。有一次甚至来跟我谈AAI Corp.公司老总的家事(她说她在地方报纸上看到有关报道)。我回答她,我没有,我们只是底层打工的,不管此事。

One time in the lab room,she told me that she had a friend running a company in California. This guy was extremely short, but his business had been very well. I replied to her that might be a short guy shrewd on business. Then I left the lab.


She told me Matt Coleman, the supervisor had Lasik, the surgery worked well and he didn’t have to wear glasses anymore. She asked me if I wanted to have Lasik too. I told her that I didn’t mind to wear glasses to correct my vision, if the surgery went wrong, I would lose the eyesight which was the risk I couldn’t afford to take.

她跟我说主管Matt Coleman 做了Lasik手术,很成功,不用戴眼镜。她问我要不要也去做一下。我跟她说自己不反感戴眼镜,如果手术失败,眼瞎了,我可受不了。

One day I went to her cubicle to hand her some documents. She wore a regular dark brown T-shirt with very wide round opening collar that both of her bra stripes were showing out on her shoulders. I tried to ignore it at first, but felt pressure to inform her, so I mentioned half jokingly to her that if she was trying to be sexy and let both of the bra stripers showing out. After finishing the work related discussion, I left the cubicle. Next day on the way to the conference room she said to me that I always pulled the zipper up to the collar of my shirt and covered overly just like her daughter.


One time I was doing some tests in the lab, she came to me and complained about the supervisor’s handwriting and asked me if I could read it. I told her that I could read what he wrote to me and she could always ask him if she couldn’t understand anything. Properly completing a task was the most important; of course a good handwriting was a plus. In America people wouldn’t pick on others for their handwriting much like in China. Then I told her my experience of misreading 4 as 6 on a withdraw check written by a physician during my work as a bank teller. Next day, the supervisor suddenly came to me and asked me to hand write the tests report while I was editing it with MS Word. I told him that I always edited the report with MS word because it made the report clear and easy to read. Then he replied sarcastically: “Your hand writing is good, definitely can be read easily.”

一次在实验室做实验,她突然走进来跟我抱怨主管写的字看不清,问我有何看法。我说还好。然后就泛泛谈了美国人对书法不像中国人那样重视。跟她谈了在银行做临时出纳时把一个医生写的支票数字4 看成6的经历。第二天,主管跑突然到我跟前带着讽刺意味的对我说要我手写测试报告数据,当我跟他说考虑清楚易看我一直用MS Word 编写时,他回了一句“你的字写得好,肯定可以看得清”

One time, again in the same lab, she came to me and asked about Janet, an old woman sitting next to the supervisor and opposite to my cubicle. She asked me if that woman had tuberculosis since she coughed a lot. I replied that I did notice that she coughed a lot, but wasn’t sure if she had the illness mentioned and it might be smoke related. One time I did see Janet smoking outside the building in the parking lot.

又一次在同一个实验室,她过来问我坐在我和主管附近的一个叫 Janet的老太是不是有肺结核因为她咳嗽很厉害。我说我也注意到她咳嗽很多,也许是因为吸烟太多了。一次在公司外停车场看到她吸烟的。

Janet, for unknown reasons, had been appearing unfriendly to me although we hadn’t even known each other then. Once she purposely walked by my cubicle and loudly insinuated me that I did something bad. However in 2008, after the supervisor quit the job, she changed her attitude toward me. One time one manager from other team came to the supervisor’s working cubicle to look for something while the supervisor had already left the company middle of 2008. I was helping him to look for it since I sat opposite the supervisor’s cubicle. Janet came to help me around. She told me that Doug Jones, a dead colleague had resigned once, then had come back to work for AAI Corp. again. She suggested that the supervisor might come back too.

不清楚具体原因,自我在AAI Corp. 工作,Janet 对我的态度一直不好,即使我们互相还不了解。一次她刻意走到我隔间外大声指桑骂槐,好似我做错了什么,对不起她。 但是2008 我的主管辞职离开后,她的态度发生大转变。我的主管在2008年中旬辞职离开后,一次一个其它小组的经理到我的主管工作隔间找东西。我帮他寻找。。Janet 主动来隔间帮忙。她还跟我说,自杀去世的同事,Doug Jones 曾经也辞职过,后来回AAI Corp. 公司继续工作。我的主管也许也会再次回公司工作。

Doug Jones committed suicide early 2008. He had appeared very happy during a Friday’s team meeting and shot himself with pistol during the weekend. All team members were shocked when heard the bad news on the Monday morning. During one business trip, through a group chat, Doug told us that both he and his wife suffered from migraine headaches and many times couldn’t suppress the pain even by taking a lot of pain killers.

Doug Jones 于2008 初自杀声亡。他在星期五的小组会议上表现得很高兴,然后周末持枪自杀了。星期一早上听到坏消息,所有组员都震惊。一次出差,几个同事一起聊天中,Doug 跟我们说他和老婆都被强烈的头痛折磨,很多时候吃了大量止痛药都无济于事。

Once in a team meeting, both Hong Ma and I sat at the last row. Suddenly she asked me to look at the shoes wearing by Stephanie,a young white girl who was sitting at the first row. She exclamatorily told me that how high the heels they were. I glanced over and saw a pair of regular black working pumps and nothing special. I switched the topic.


After the supervisor had resigned the job, Hong Ma started acting really aggressively toward me. She hosted meeting with me after the supervisor’s resignation and assertively said: “people can move away, but knowledge must be left behind!” I thought myself even if others left the knowledge behind, you might not learn it. I had hard time to cope with her and took two weeks of vacation leave. Then I received the some weird text messages and voice messages from her on my cell phone and asked me how I was, if I needed her to come to my house to help me cleaning and cooking. I ignored her. I didn’t take sick leave. Why did she leave such messages to me?  It was really insulting. Through software engineers’ manager, I requested to be switched to a different working team or I intent to quit the job end of 2008. Pat Smeaton assigned me to a different team. At the beginning of 2009 I started to work for a new team. The supervisor, manager, and other team members appeared friendly and cooperative.

2008年主管辞职后,马红真的咄咄逼人的对待我。找我开会谈及主管离职,她横横地说:“人可以离开,知识必须留下!” 我心想,即使别人把知识留下了,你也不一定能吸取。实在受不了就请了两个星期假期。然后我就收到她发给我的一些恶心的手机短信和留言。问我咋样,需不需要她来我家帮我收拾和煮饭。我又不是请的病假,她发这种内容的信息给我干吗?我没理她。2008年底我要求辞职或更换岗位,2009年我开始在另一个小组工作,周围同事都挺友好,互助。

When the supervisor was with us, she didn’t care about the work and even said that I was too earnest. After the supervisor left, she acted as if she was on top of everything, asking me to do some weird things not related to the work as if she intentionally upset me. Not sure who was behind that, maybe her husband since he was a son of some retired government official from Beijing, or maybe the manager since he married to a Japanese woman and was familiar with Asian culture and the way Asian people treating each other. Whatever she did just destroyed relationship between team members and bad for all of us including herself. Our supervisor was very competent technically and willing to help for work, but novice on reading people’s mind.


Team manager brought a conflict creator to the software team purposely creating rumors, conflicts, misunderstanding, misconception…damaging my credibility, stirring hatred toward me. This is part of mind control experiment although at first it didn’t appear related to it.

Now I suspect that the misunderstanding among employees was purposely created to make us to hate each other, therefore to isolate each of us. I had never said/done anything offensive to Janet. She shouldn’t have any reason to attack me unless she had been told lies by others. Maybe she was a victim of mind control as well. Whatever Hong Ma had done wasn’t her ideal, but ordered by someone from the upper level management.

My colleagues and I were all objects of mind control experiments, including Janet, Stephanie, Matt, Doug and Hong Ma.  Similar to that someone using drug would become a drug dealer, Hong Ma helped the mind control operators to manipulate me. Therefore she could deliberately pick on us. When the high energy pulse pierces into a person’s throat, he/she would cough due to the irritation. The mind control scheme makes the weak willed persons deny themselves, i.e. changing suddenly on dressing style, trying to lose weight while not fat, undergoing many plastic surgeries and etc.


同事和我都是活体试验品!Janet, Stephenie, Matt, Doug… 马红自己也是受试者,跟一些人吸毒后开始贩毒一样,她变成了帮凶,所以才会以得意的口吻挑剔他们。定向能波束刺射喉咙会引起干咳(我也经历过),思维控制可以诱发意志薄弱的人的价值观的自我否定(比如,突然性的改变穿着风格,不胖还减肥,疯狂地整容),可以引起自杀和杀人的行径,奴役员工(即使辞职了,被迫回来)。janet (咳嗽,莫名攻击我,不友好), stephenia (穿着改变,当时马红知道的,但我没注意到), matt(辞职,猜忌我), doug(辞职后回公司,头疼,吃止痛药不管用,持枪自杀)