Strange Bad Breath

By V Hu

It was very suspicious that Ralph, my cousin, and my sister …people around me had same strong breath odor. It seemed that it all came from the same food poison.

“Ralph, following is the description of the events, which I’ve already told my family members. I didn’t want to tell you then because I didn’t want to hurt your feeling. But after experiencing the poisonous gas and electromagnetic harassment, I have to inform you that you might be another victim of some people’s vicious attack,” I wrote to my supervisor.

我写信通知了我的主管,“Ralph, 以下为具体的情节,我都告知了我家人。我当时不想跟你说起是因为我不想让你不舒服。但是这次经历过毒气和电磁波骚扰后,我必须得告诉你,或许你也是某些人恶毒攻击的受害者。”

My first Learning Tree Hands-on Training one-week course is Programming With .NET taken in the week of October 14, 2007. There I met some seemed friendly people. Steven/Steve, a tall slim African American guy from one government office approached me with handshake at my seat. He didn’t shake hands with other classmates and the instructor. Although felt abrupt, I reached out my hand and shook his. Kim, a well-mannered soft-spoken Vietnamese girl. Tiffany, an oversea Chinese woman used to live in Japan. Timi, an Indian American guy. The instructor Doug was very experienced old programmer. He always gave a straightforward answer in simple words to any programming related question fired at him. Beside the hand out learning materials, he taught us a lot of programming knowledge from his personal practice. He was very friendly, so many of us asked many questions to him although he did have some breath odor.

我的第一次 Learning Tree 一星期实践培训课程是.NET编程于2007年10月14日那个星期上的。在那里遇到了一些看似很友好的人。比如,一个叫 Steven 或Steve 的就职于政府部门的高瘦黑人刻意走到我座位跟我握手。他没有跟其他学员和讲解员握手。即使觉得唐突,我还是伸手与其握手表示友好。Kim, 一个非常礼貌的讲话柔和的越南女孩。 Tiffany,一个曾经在日本生活过的中国女人。Timi,一个印度人。讲解员是一个经验非常丰富的老编程工程师。对任何编程相关的问题他都能简单易懂的针对性的回答。除了发给我们的课程资料,他教了我们很多他自己编程实践经验知识。他很随和,所以很多学员包括我向他问了很多问题即使他说话时确实有不好闻的味道。

Some strange things happened after that. People I worked closely with or socialized with strangely started to have breathe odor too even though they had never had before.


In 2008, Hong Ma in ABE team kept picking on me, which seemed that J Ellen, the manager was behind all of those. I suspect that he was also behind the harassing behavior of a sales person named Patric who put his arms around my shoulder during a business trip. Considering as a wrong way to show his friendliness, I didn’t go after that. The supervisor, M Coleman who was very experienced and constantly giving me technical support had resigned middle of 2008, so I talked with P Smeton to either resign or move to a different team. At the beginning of 2009, I was assigned to a new team to work under Ralph’s wing. Ralph was very easy going and cooperative, but had very strong breath odor. I didn’t mention it to anyone at work. Until 2010, I was assigned to Tony and Ralph had new team members, his bad breath odor then was disappeared.

2008,因为ABE工作组的马红一再刁难,看情势工作组经理在其背后指使。我都怀疑第一次出差销售员Patric把手膀搭在我肩上的骚扰举动也是此经理在背后教唆的。考虑到可能是他表达友好的方式不正确,我没有声张,只是以后尽量避开。经验丰富,一直指导我的主管已在2008年中旬辞职,去了另一家公司。所以我跟软件部的经理提出辞职或换组。2009年初就在新组工作。新的主管,Ralph,人很和善,相处很容易,但是他说话口中味道很严重。我没有说。一直到2010年我被分配到另一个主管Tony手下, Ralph也有了新组员,他的口臭才没有。

About this manager, I heard other things about him.

One mechanical engineer named Daniel D of the ABE team told us that his parents used to be this manager’s classmates and didn’t have good impression about him.

One time on the business trip, at the restaurant table, young mechanical engineer Juash L told us with questioning tone that if we saw newly joined young Korean descent colleague named Kim wearing a sexy pink dress at work, and the manager handed out a coat to her to cover up or change it. I replied with “Never seen that”. I told him that the other Chinese descent colleague named Hong M once asked me if Kim was my close friend. I denied it. Kim and I sat one cubical away. Then I said that although Kim was Korean descent, she was native-born American just like them.


一位ABE 组的机械工程师告诉我们他的父母亲是这位经理的同学,对其没有好映像。


In February 2010, my cousin and his wife attended the Las Vegas fashion show to sell the clothes made in their factory. B and I went there to help around. I wanted to bring B and my cousin to work together on the clothing business. My cousin could be responsible on manufacturing and supply, and B could be responsible on sales in the USA. Everything seemed fine first couple days, and then something weird happened. One noon my cousin’s wife brought a box of lunch, rice and vegetables, which was bought from a temporary Chinese food supply station within the show building.  My cousin ate it and started to have strong breath odor. I didn’t tell him then because I didn’t want to hurt his feeling, but I did hand out chewing gum to him.

2010年2月,我堂弟到拉斯韦加斯参加服装展。我和B 一起去帮忙。我想促成堂弟和B能在服装生意上合作。堂弟负责生产供货,B负责在美国销售。一开始几天还好,后来中午堂弟吃了展馆提供的中餐饭盒(他老婆去买的),米饭和蔬菜,口中异味很严重。我不好意思跟他说,怕伤了他的自尊心。我一个劲递给他口香糖。

Strolling around the streets the day before the show formally started, at the entrance of a casino, a middle aged oval faced black woman approached us and asked what we did or were about to do in Las Vegas. We had a short friendly chat. This woman looked like Linda, the office clerk sitting in the main working area next to the intern room during my internship in York International Inc. There were two African-American colleagues, one is Linda, and the other is Donavan, a help desk technical assistant. The rumor about the supervisor having herpes told by Xiaowen Chen to Chinese colleagues sitting at the same dining table during a lunch break was from these two colleagues.

展会正式开始前一天逛街,穿过一家赌场,在门口一个椭圆脸黑人中年妇女迎上来询问到拉斯韦加斯干吗。和气得跟她聊了一会。她长得与York International 空调系统公司的办公室职员Linda特别像,在York实习期间旁边工作间里有两个黑人,一个Lucy,一个Donavan, 客户服务技术员。陈晓雯中午吃饭时告诉同桌的中国裔同事关于主管有疱疹的谣言是从他们俩那里听来的。

The electrician came to the show booth to add additional power outlets looked exactly same as an Asian guy appeared in the elevator of the building 100 in AAI Corp. One day after work I got into the elevator at the 4th floor. Then a bulky Asian guy around 1.70m tall with square face wearing glasses came out from a lab room beside the elevator and walked in.

来摊位安装额外的电源插座的电工跟我在AAI 公司100号楼电梯里遇到的亚洲男人一模一样。一天下班后我走进4楼的电梯。一个差不多1米70高粗壮的戴眼镜的亚洲男从电梯旁的实验室出来,也进了电梯。

Some visitors to the booth appeared not after the business, but something else.


One morning, cousin’s wife brought in a short skinny young Chinese guy and told us he was a local official and came to inspect the show. So we warmly welcomed him. Just after the greeting, he popped out toward me: “Are you married?” “What does my marital status have anything to do with you or the show?” I thought and ignored. Seeing his face at the first moment I had the image of the squid, the character in the cartoon named “Sponge Bob, Square Pants” popped into my mind. His rude question just made him uglier.

一天早上,堂弟老婆带来一个中国男的,说是领导视察。热情迎接,刚说了几句客套话。这个男的脱口而出, “你有没有结婚了?”“我结没结婚与你何干?!”我心想。就当作没听见闪开了。此人嘴脸第一时间让我联想起的就是海棉宝宝(Sponge Bob, square pants) 里的乌贼,这一来感觉更加丑陋了!

One day a tall white guy,more than 1.75m and a very short white guy, around 1.30m walked into our booth to pick samples and ask for prices. The tall guy leaned at the entrance. The short guy’ hair was dyed and parted in the middle (runway hair) and looked very funny. He picked many samples for pricing, but could not be reached after the show.

一天一个高个的白人男的,超过1米75,陪着一个很矮的白人男的,大约1米30 来展位选样报价。高个站摊位进口边观望。矮个头发中分,染色。发式看起来特别滑稽。他一下选了很多款式让我们报价,但展览结束后都联系不上。

One short skinny awl faced (V shaped) Jewish boy (he wore black Yamaha) walked by our booth with disoriented looking on his face. He asked me how to get to somewhere in the building once he saw me. Oddly this same looking boy appeared in front of Haitian hotel located at Hubin North Road Xiamen in summer of 2012. There were one white couple walking out first, and then this boy and a young oval faced tubby white guy trying to get into a black car.


In the afternoon of the final day of the show, when we were about to leave for the day, a medium height, tubby middle aged black guy and a young black girl were approaching the booth while eating Pizza. While chewing the food the guy pointed to the pink T-shirt worn by the girl and asked us to figure out the material and offer the price of it. After getting the approval, my cousin pinched the edge of the T-shirt and quoted the price.


It got puzzling when all things were put together. I sent emails about this to my cousin later.


In 2007, I flied to Ohio to attend my younger sister’s graduation of Master Degree. She wasn’t in good mood, her Jewish boy friend didn’t attend the event and she too had same strong breath odor. I didn’t tell her for the sake her feeling, but kept handing out chewing gum to her. I left a bottle of Listerine in her dormitory.


In 2007 during my younger sister’s stay with me in Baltimore, she kept arguing with her boy friend on the phone and her boy friend kept hanging up the phone. She then had same strong breath odor too.


I couldn’t stop wondering if my younger sister’s breath odor was related to her quarrel and separation with her Jewish boy friend. Otherwise he would inform her about this since they had been so closely together for so long.


I wish everything happened in coincidence. The suspicious black guy named Steven/Steve appeared in Learning Tree class later instructed the lunch seminar regarding proprietary right and security in our company. I noticed an exactly same looking guy followed us around (at ice cream stand, in restaurant, etc) in Inner Harbor for couple weekends. Melinda and Lucy from World Financial Group tried to introduce a black guy to be my boy friend. There were other weird guys popped in front of me accompanied with some unknown women. I ignored all that. Some vicious people spread rumors that I liked people with bad breath. So I suspect that the people with bad breath must be poisoned by someone.

我希望这些都是意外.那个可疑的在Learning Tree遇到的黑人Steven/Steve,后来出现在我们公司午间无型财产权保护/保密的培训课上。两三个周末在 Inner Harbor 溜达时,我也注意到一个长得一模一样的男的跟随我们(在冰激凌摊子旁,在餐厅里等)。WFG的房敏和Lucy 又把黑人介绍给我做男朋友。其他怪里怪气的男人也有别的女人带到我面前。我都忽略了和拒绝了。有些恶毒之人造谣说我喜欢跟有口臭的人在一起。所以我怀疑周围口中有异味的人可能是被人下毒了。

Since July 2011, the pesticide like irritating air started to emit from the corners on the left side wall of my house into the house, and high energy pulses started to shoot from the left side wall or above into the basement, first and second floors causing burning pain and skin burns. My house shares the left side wall with my left side neighbors’ house. The left side neighbors are Jewish with connection to the local police and AAI Corp. The same energy pulse was zapped at the back of my body (from head to toe) while I was sitting at the desk inside the working cubical of AAI Corp.

2011年7月我家里杀虫剂似的气体从左边墙角里散出来,生疼的高强波束从左墙或上方射到地下室,一二层房间,厨房,客厅。我家和左边邻居的房子共享左墙。左边的邻居是年轻的犹太夫妇,并且跟当地的警察有来往。在AAI Corp. 公司工作隔间内,当我坐在桌前工作时,同样的能量波束从我的背后方向刺射到我身上,从头到脚。