Steven,the Mechanical Engineer

By V Hu

In 2010, I was assigned to work with Stacy’s testing team to develop a software tool.  So Stacy, the Latino supervisor and I contacted each other in daily basis. She provided me with necessary documents and information I needed to develop the software tool, checked my working progress, witnessed testing the software on the actual equipment and etc. We got along well and the project progressed smoothly.

Before Kassandra (a member of testing team)’s rental apartment caught on fire, Stacy informed me that there would be an aircraft launching demonstration in a military base and suggested Kassandra, my supervisor Ralph and I to watch the demonstration during the upcoming weekend as three of us had never done that before. One mechanical engineer named Steven would take us there. But before going to the military base, each of us must do a background check, so we should print out the personal information and hand it to Steven. After handing the personal information printout to Steven, I was informed by Stacy that I could not go in the upcoming weekend as I needed further background check.  There were always other chances in the future. Besides, watching a demonstration impacted almost nothing on my job.
在Kassandra 的租房着火之前,Kassandra 的主管Stacy通知我在一个陆军基地有飞行器发射演示,建议Kassandra, 我的主管Ralph 和我在即将的周末去观摩因为我们三个人从来没有观摩过。一个叫Steven的机械工程师会带我们去的。但是去之前我们必须通过背景调查。每个人必须打印出自己的个人信息 ,然后交给Steven。递交完个人信息后,Stacy通知我说因为我需要比其他两人更加深入的调查,所以这次我就去不了了。以后有的是观摩机会。另外观摩飞行器发射对我的工作没有多大影响。

Several weeks later, after the Kassandra’s rental apartment had fire accident and my working cubical had been moved to the upper level floor, I received an email from Steven saying that he would go to the military base to watch the demonstration again and asking me if I would go along. I called Ralph to ask how the demonstration he and Kassandra watched was. He told me that they’d never been to the demonstration due to the raining weather. Then I asked him if he received the invitation email from Steven. He said no. So I answered Steven that I would pass, as it obviously was not necessary to watch the demonstration for us as software engineers.
几个星期后,Kassandra 的租房发生火灾之后,我的工作隔间搬到了更高的楼层后,我收到Steven的电子邮件说他会再次去陆军基地观摩发射演示,问我要不要跟他一起去。我打电话给我的主管Ralph问他和Kassandra有没有去观摩飞行器发射演示,感觉咋样。他跟我说因为下雨,他们根本没去。我接着问他有没有收到Steven的邀请函。他说没有。很显然对于软件工程师,没有多少必要去观摩飞行器发射演示,所以我回复Steven 说我不去了。

This mechanical engineer named Steven looked same as the guy standing in the food shop (corner store) beside the Linux/Windows labs of Caputo Hall, Department of Computer Science of Millersville University back in the 2001 fall semester  and staring weirdly at me (In my previous article I said this guy looked very like the guy named Andy shouted at by testing team’s manager Bill Wood in the break room later in 2011, now through comparison I felt he looked more like Steven, literally an exact copy of Steven). However the Andy-like guy followed me and B to Puerto Rico and stayed in the same hotel. Steven had the similar body figure and facial looking as Andy. Then there was similar looking old man, definitely older than Steven encountered in Bank of Lancaster Fruitville branch when I worked there as a teller back in 2003, Baltimore Claywork studio in 2008 when I took a pottery wheeling lesson,  and in my house complex of Baltimore county. (See for details)
这个叫Steven的机械工程师跟于2001年秋学季在Millersville大学电脑科学系Caputo 大楼Linux/Windows 实验室旁边的小卖部里站着用怪异的眼光盯着我的男人长得一模一样。(在我以前的记录里,我说这个男人长得很像2011年在休息室碰到的被Kassandra的经理 Bill Wood 喊作 Andy的男人, 现在通过比较我觉得他更像Steven,简直是一个Steven 的复制品)而跟踪我和B去波多黎各,并且住在同一个酒店的男人长得跟Andy 一模一样。Steven的体形和面容接近Andy的。然后就是那个长得相似的老头,绝对比Steven 老,于2003年在Bank of Lancaster 银行Fruitville分行做零时出纳时遇到,于2008年在Baltimore Claywork studio 上陶罐拉胚课时遇到,还有在我住宅区里遇到(阅 了解更多详情)。

During my school years, especially the autumn semester of 2001, often inexplicably my head was congested and my mood was depressed. I walked almost every evening, even in the dark around the residence to relax my mind. I felt often extremely tight at lower back of my head (nearby two FengChi acupressure points), medulla oblongata in medical term as if that part was clinched by an invisible claw. Many times I noticed that there were little red bumps on my scalp over a night.  Later I realized that all these symptoms are part of remote electronic mind control experiments.
在校上学期间,特别是2001年秋季,经常性地,莫名其妙地,我的头发胀,我的心情抑郁。我经常晚上,即使是天黑的时候绕着住宅走路放松精神。我经常感觉到我的脑后勺下面 (两个风池穴附近),医学术语叫 延髓 部位 特别紧, 好像那个部位被一个无形的爪子钳住。很多次发现我的头皮上冒出红色的疙瘩,特别怪异。后来我意识到这些症状都是被远程电子脑控试验造成的。

During 2nd half of the year 2010, I felt lost control of my right arm and some acupressure points around my right scapula were sore as if they were pressed in by extremely heavy force. The right arm was myasthenic that couldn’t even buckle safety belt in a car. I went to see the doctor in the “Patient First” clinic at Green Spring station on December 18th, 2010.  One nurse took the conventional X-rays of my upper body and right shoulder/arm and analyzed them and didn’t find anything abnormal. Then she brought a female doctor named Joanne Watson to me.  The female doctor herself seemed having medical issue as her body was constantly oscillating. She suggested me to see her principle physician, a spinal cord expert named Riley III Lee H. I knew I don’t have any medical issue with my spinal cord and felt very weird about her suggestion. Later I did a lot of massage on my right shoulder and my right arm healed itself.
2010下半年我感觉失去了对右膀子的控制,我的右肩胛骨周围的穴位酸痛,好像被特别重的力量压迫着。我的右膀子无力,连车座位的安全带都扣不了。2010/12/18,我去Johns Hopkins 在 Green Spring的Patient First 门诊部就诊,一个护士拍了我上半身和右肩膀的常规X光片,做了分析,没有发现异样。然后她带来一女医生 Joanne Watson。女医生看起来自己有病症,她的全身不停摆动。她建议我去看她的主治医生,Riley III Lee H,一脊椎科专家。我知道我脊椎没问题,感觉她的建议很奇怪。后来我经常按摩我的右肩,右膀子就恢复正常了。

After visiting my parents (my dad was hospitalized emergently in May 2011 and diagnosed with prostate cancer) in China in June 2011, I’ve been experiencing poisonous air and high energy pulse (electromagnetic pulse) emitted into both my working cube in AAI Corp. (sub-company of Textron In.) and my home in Baltimore, MD USA since July 2011. First there was chemical like irritating air emitted from corners of left side walls of my house during nights at different time from evening to next day morning. The air irritated my nose so severely that I instantly covered my nose, hurt my skin as if it was poked by many tiny needles and left French chalk like substance covering any of my body parts exposed to it (won’t get it if covered with a quilt). Then in my working cubical the same kind of irritating air poured down from ceiling, but much thinner than the irritating air in my house. Every morning after around 9:00am or 10:00am inside the working cubical I felt my head became heavier and heavier as if it’s filled with led. I had to rest my head on the desk. Then I felt some pressure points on my chest were pressed in with heavy force and I had chest tightness and chest pain. However I don’t have cardiac problems or high blood pressure or diabetes. I massaged pressure points on my head, neck, chest, and hands. Eventually I got recovered. On August 11, 2011 inside the working cubical, left side of lower back of my head was zapped and burned by directed energy pulse. On September 18th, 2011 back of my left knee was zapped by directed energy pulse. At the time when both of these two incidents happened, I suspected about being zapped by directed energy pulse, but wasn’t sure, so I went to see physicians and had all kinds of tests.

2011年6月回中国探亲(我父亲在2011年5月紧急住院查出得了前列腺癌),7月回美国后,开始有刺激性气体和高强能量波束(电磁波)放射到马里兰州巴尔帝魔自己家里和AAI Corp. (Textron Inc.下属公司) 公司内工作隔间里。一开始化学物质似的刺激性气体从家里左墙角冒出来,每晚 不同时间一直持续到第二天早上。这气体刺激鼻粘膜很强,我一闻到就立即捂鼻子;伤痛我的皮肤,好像很多细小的针扎在身上;在暴露于其中的身体部位表面留下一层像滑石粉似的物质(如果用棉被盖着就不会有)。接着在公司工作隔间里,同样的刺激性气体从房顶倾泻下来,但是比起在家里要稀薄很多。每天早上9:00am /10:00am 点钟以后,我感觉头越来越重,好像被灌了铅似的。我不得不趴在办公桌上休息。后来我感觉到胸口的几个穴位被强力压住了,我胸闷,胸痛。但是我没有心脏病,高血压,或糖尿病。我按摩头,颈,胸和手的穴位,最终得以缓解。2011年8月11日在工作隔间,我脑后勺左下方风池穴附近被定向能波束刺射和灼伤。2011年9月18日,我左膝盖后面被定向能波束刺射和灼伤。两起事故发生时,我怀疑被定向能波束刺射,但是不确定,所以我看了门诊医生,做了一系列体检。

After left side of lower back of my head was heavily zapped and burned by directed energy pulse while I was sitting inside my working cubical in AAI Corp. on August 11th, 2011, I constantly felt discomfort on my left side head, left side ear, and both eyes.  So I went to see the doctor in the Johns Hopkins outpatient center “Patient First” at Green Spring station on August 25th, 2011. Patients First doesn’t require appointment. A patient can register the name and arriving time and wait at the lobby. Then the receptionist calls the patient to fill the medical insurance information and the reason of visiting the doctor, and sign the agreements. Then the patient continues waiting for the turn to see the doctor. 

When I walked out from a small reception room into the hallway and sat down on the chair close to the hallway after I provided the information,  a middle aged female physician stood inner side of the hallway (inside the diagnostic room) that facing to the entrance/exit of the clinic and stared at me for a while. Later the nurse led me inside the diagnostic room to get my usual physical information (height, weight, menstrual cycle, etc.). This female physician again stared at me for a while. This middle aged female physician looked like the male physician in the clinic next the grocery store MARS on the road Padonia who diagnosed me for my severe cough during 2006 Christmas holiday. They looked like the sister and the brother. (

 I was then led to a small cubical to wait for the doctor. On 11:24am Dr.Michael A. Stang, a middle-old aged male physician walked in. He checked my ears and eyes. I told him that I felt mostly wrong about my left eye and ear. But Dr.Stang held a small handheld light converging device targeting at my right eye pupil and examined for a long time. During the examination, I felt piercing pain inside my right eye and tears was coming out constantly. He then examined my left eye with very simple look. He told me that the capillaries on eye ground were broken and concluded that I had Sensory Disturbance. I asked him to write me a MRI prescription. He didn’t approve. Instead he asked me to make an appointment to see a neurology doctor. But the doctor he recommended would not be available until at least 3 months later.

2011年8月11日在工作隔间,我脑后勺左下方风池穴附近被定向能波束猛烈刺射和灼伤。因为耳鼻一直不舒服,我于2011年8月25日去Johns Hopkins 在 Green Spring的Patient First 门诊部就诊。Patients First 不需要预约。病人登记后在大厅等候。然后工作人员叫名填写医疗保险信息,就医原因,和签同意书。然后病人继续等候。在我填写完信息从小接待室出来坐在靠走廊的椅子上时,一个中年女医生站在走廊里端(诊断厅内)对着门诊进出口的位置观望我好一阵。后来护士带我进诊断厅做例行身体状况(身高,体重,月经周期等)信息采集时,这个女医生又观望我好一阵。这个女医生长得跟2006 年圣诞节期间我得了严重的咳嗽,去位于Padonia街的Mars超市旁边的诊所,问诊我的男医生很像。他们俩好似姐弟。(

后来我被领进一个小隔间等待医生。11:24am,一个中老年男医生Michael A. Stang走了进来。Stang 医生检查我的耳鼻。我告诉他最难受的是我的左眼和左耳,Stang医生却用一个手携式的小聚光仪器盯着我右眼检查很久,检查过程中右眼特别刺痛。而左眼他只是很简单地检查了一下。他说眼底毛细血管断裂,写下诊断结果是 “Sensory Disturbance” 感知受扰。我请他给我开MRI处方。他说不行。他让我约见神经科医生。但是打电话询问,最早可见医生的时档也要到两三个月后。

 I visited another physician in another clinic and got the MRI prescription.  On December 7th, 2011 I went through brain MRI scan.

Started from December 12, 2011 I had been being severely zapped and burned 24/7 by directed high energy pulse coming from left side walls of my house and from the top, first in home, then in my working cubical. I’d reported to the company’s HR, Baltimore County labor department, and Baltimore Police department. But nothing seemed helpful to stop the directed high energy pulse shooting into my house and my working cubical to burn my body. HR specialist Lisa told me this kind of activity was not organized by company’s management therefore they couldn’t stop it. (See for logs) 自12月12日开始每日每夜我身体明显被高强波束刺射灼烧。波束从家里左边墙壁里发射出来,还有从顶上刺射下来。先是在家里,然后在公司工作隔间里。我汇报给公司人事部,巴尔帝魔县劳动部门,巴尔帝魔县警察。但是无法阻止高强的能量波束(电磁波)刺射到我家里或公司工作隔间里灼烧我的身体。人事专员Lisa 回复我说这不是公司管理层组织的,所以他们无法阻止。(阅 详细记录)

In the morning of August 11, 2011, after opening my house front door, I saw a dead cicada lying with its belly up on the left edge of the front door step. At evening I came back from work and couldn’t find it anymore. At work, in the afternoon I felt suddenly a point of burning sensation and strong impact force at the left side lower back of my head (nearby the left side FengChi pressure point), medulla oblongata in medical term, then I felt my head very congested, heavy and tight; my arms and legs trembled little, then numb in a short moment, and back of my ears and eyes distended. Whole experience was like I got an electrical shot. Feeling so bad, I heard behind me John Beasley asked Kyle Willette to ask me some questions about the work. So I turned my head back and saw them standing at the entrance of my cubical. Kyle asked one question. I answered him even though I had hard time to convey my thoughts into the speech (The words coming to the tongue were slowed down). John was walking away and talking loudly to Stephen Brewster.  That time I had already moved my working cubical from the upper lever floor to the lower level floor and settled in front of the lab named SKUNK.
2011年8月11日早上打开大门,我看到一只死蝉肚子朝天躺在正门台阶左侧。晚上下班到家的时候就不见了。当天在公司上班期间,下午我突然感觉到后脑勺左下方(左边风池穴附近),医学术语延髓部位,一个点被灼痛和冲击。紧接着我感觉头部发胀,发重,和发紧;我的四肢抖动,一瞬间麻木;我眼睛和耳朵里面发胀。整个经历很像我被电击了。感觉特别糟糕,我听到背后John Beasley 叫 Kyle Willette 问我工作上的问题。我转过头,看到他们站在我的工作隔间进出口。Kyle 问了一个问题。我回答了他即使我艰难地把我的思想转换成语言(词语传输到舌头的速度缓慢)。John正走开,大声跟 Stephen  Brewster 说话。当时我的工作隔间已经从高的楼层搬到低的楼层,安顿在SKUNK实验室门前。

On September 18th, 2011, Sunday afternoon around 16:00pm, still in day light, I put on sneaker and walked along Smith Avenue nearby my house to limber up my body. On the way back home, I walked through the yard of Mt. Washington Conference Center and reached to the side entrance. The entrance was very wide which was convenient for cars to enter and exit. At that time, the entrance was blocked with “X”shape cross fence gate. The gate is low, which could be easily step over by a person, but enough to stop a car passing through. I stepped over with my right leg first, and then was folding my left leg to cross over. Suddenly I felt a point of sharp pain back of my left knee. The pain was focused on one point deep inside of knee tissue. This type of pain was definitely not caused by pulled muscle or tendon. After I fully crossed over the fence gate, I stuck my head up and looked straight ahead. I saw a tall and heavyset white guy standing on the lawn in front of a cottage opposite the street. He had round face and black curly hair, looked very like one overweight white boy worked in the same lab room with Tom Conway for our working team in AAI Corp., except that this guy was much taller than my colleague. He was leading almost 10 dark brown Pomeranian dogs in leash. I turned back, lifted my left leg and stepped on a block of stone with elevated height. Then I bent over to examine my left knee. I massaged the back of the left knee a little bit and didn’t get any improvement. However I did manage to walk back home. I sent an email to my supervisor at work to ask for a sick leave on the coming Monday. I spent whole day home lying somewhere and massaging the left knee time by time on Monday. At the evening of that day, the pain was gone away, but there was still discomfort which last for couple days. I went to work anyway. I always feel this pain came in strangely. After my whole body had been radiated and burned by electromagnetic radiation (I can distinctly recognize the pulse pressing and piercing into my body), I confirmed that the strange pain behind of my left knee was caused by directed energy (non-ionizing radiation below the visible range, the microwaves and radio waves that are used in mobile phones and telecommunications) zapping and burning.
2011年9月18日星期天下午16:00pm左右,天还亮着,我就穿上跑鞋沿家附近的Smith Avenue 走路活动胫骨。转回家时,穿过Mt. Washington Conference Center 会议中心的院子,走到侧门。进出口很宽,便于车辆进出,当时被大叉杠的栅栏门挡着。栅栏门低矮,人可以很容易跨过,但足够挡住车辆进出。我右腿已跨过,正弯曲左腿要跨过时,突然左腿膝盖后面一阵刺痛,那疼痛感聚焦在一个点上,而且位于组织很深处。这种疼痛绝对不是肌腱拉伤造成的。我跨过大叉门后抬头往前看,看到一个高个子,大块头,圆脸,黑色卷发的白人男的站在路对面小别墅门前的草坪上。他长得很像AAI Corp.公司我们工作小组在实验室跟Tom Conway一起工作的白人胖男孩。只是这个男人比我的同事的个子要高很多。他手里牵着近10只深棕色博美狗。我转过身把左腿抬起踏在稍高的石墩上,弯腰检查膝盖。我揉搓膝盖后面,没有多大改善。但是我还是支撑着走回家里。我发了电子邮件给我的主管请一天假在家养伤。星期一一整天我呆在家里躺着,时不时按摩左膝盖。到了晚上的时候,疼痛感消失了,但是仍然有不适感。这种不适感持续了几天。我坚持去上班了。我一直觉得那伤痛来得非常奇怪。后来我全身被电磁疼痛射线辐射和灼烧后(我可以明显地识别到波束压到和刺入我的身体),我确定膝盖后的怪异伤痛是定向能波束(低于可见光区域的非电离辐射,微波和手机和电信用的无线电波)刺射和灼烧导致的。

I quit the job at the start of January 2012, as I couldn’t stand being zapped and burned with directed high energy pulse while sitting in the working cubical.

I moved to Xiamen China on January 26, 2012.  I stayed in one rental apartment for a little over one month without any high energy pulse harassment. Then right side apartment was occupied with a white guy with oval shaped plump face from Colorado, USA and the building where I stayed suddenly had black out (other buildings in the same complex didn’t have the same problem). Then the high energy pulse started to emit into the apartment. I moved to a different apartment located at the different district.

On March 8th, 2012 I started working for a Chinese website/cashier software development company in Xiamen. A little over one month later, my feet and legs started swelling each day I worked. On May 10th, and 11th, 2012, I started experiencing the same strong electromagnetic pulse zapping at my chest and back at the work place. Same time the pulse had been zapping into my new rental apartment. I quit the job again. I noticed there were some people seen in Baltimore appeared vicinity of my work place and rental apartment complex in Xiamen. By early 2013, the stalkers were disappeared, but the high energy pulse has never stopped zapping at me while I’m in my rental apartment.

I strongly feel that there are people wanting to paralyze me and lead me to see the spinal cord experts. This also may relate to Johns Hopkins hospital. Heavily impacting the connection between brainstem and spinal cord at back of a head using directed high energy pulse can cause general paralysis.
我强烈地感觉到有人刻意要致我于瘫痪,然后去看脊椎科专家。这还跟Johns Hopkins 医院有牵连。高强定向能波束猛烈撞击脑后,脑干与脊椎连接点,可以造成人体瘫痪。