Gossip of Having Herpes

By V Hu

During my internship in York International Inc. USA in 2005, there was something really weird happened.


Our intern room in York International Inc. (now part of Johnson Control) was so big that accommodated not only 7 interns, Jessi, Joseph, Jeffery, Clayton, Juwan, Christal, and etc., but also 3 – 4 contractors like Xiaowen Chen, an India guy and a white guy.

York International Inc. (现在Johnson Control 的分公司) 的实习生工作室很大,不仅可容纳7-8个实习生,象Jessi, Joseph, Jeffery, Clayton, Juwan, Christal, 和其他记不起名的同仁,而且3-4个合同工象陈小文,一个印度人和一个白人。

Clayton got married and located new job. Jeffery also got married and enrolled in the college for further study on law and waited for the semester to be started.

Clayton 结了婚,找到了新工作,Jeffery 也结了婚,报考了大学的法律专业,等着学期开始。
Then our supervisor, Tabitha was also preparing for the wedding. One day she brought two wedding cake boxes to the intern room enthusiastically and asked us to taste the cakes and tell her which one was better. Jessi and I were so happy for her and went forward. But unexpectedly the rest of people in the intern room didn’t even move a step( before everyone would rush forward to the spot when the food was presented). I felt it was odd, but didn’t think further. Inside the cake boxes, there actually were not full round cakes, but many cake slices with different flavors. All flavors of cakes tasted good and hardly could tell which one was better than the other, however both Jessi and I each picked one.

接着我们的主管,Tabitha也在准备婚礼。一天她兴奋的带了两盒结婚蛋糕到实习生工作室让我们尝尝,告诉她哪个比较好。我和 Jessi 很为她高兴,上前尝了蛋糕。而同一个工作室里的其他同事都坐着没动。我当时觉得奇怪,但没有去多想。盒内装的其实是不同风味的蛋糕丫,并不是完整的圆形的整蛋糕。味道都不错,很难说哪个更好。不过Jessi和我各自还是选了一种。

During the lunch time, all employees with Chinese background (Xiaowen Chen, her husband ZhiLin Wang, Angie Wu, Sherry, Joe, etc.) sat in one table inside the cafeteria as usual eating and chatting. I happily mentioned the wedding cake tasting. Xiaowen popped out that Tabitha had herpes (she said herpes in English and I wasn’t sure what exactly it was in Chinese then, but felt it must be something really bad and realized what it was later). Except Jessi and I, the rest in the intern room knew about it. That’s why they didn’t taste the cakes. Xiaowen kept telling us that one day Tabitha burst into cry in her working cubical when she received some notices.  Two African-American colleagues, Donavan and Linda sitting nearby her over heard that Tabitha was talking about herself contracting Herpes. They told Xiaowen about it, and Xiaowen then told us about it. After hearing all that, I felt pretty disturbed.

吃中饭的时候,跟平时一样所有有中国背景的员工(陈小文和她老公王智龄,安基,乔忠根,Sherry,另一对夫妇,和一个香港人,一个马来西亚的女的)坐在食堂的同一张桌子吃饭和聊天。我开心的跟大家提到尝蛋糕的事。陈小文接着说 Tabitha 得了 herpes (她用英文说了这个单词,我不知那确切是什么病,但是感觉到是很严重的)所以其他人都没有尝她的蛋糕,只有我和Jessi 尝了。她接着说有一天 Tabitha 看了邮件或通知在办公室隔间里大哭,坐在旁边的黑人同事Donavan 和 Linda 听到主管说得了Herpes。他们告诉了陈小文。陈小文现在告诉了我们。我听了后心里真不是滋味的。

Xiaowen Chen also told us that she had started taking weekend Christian group study sessions organized by Taiwanese Christians and the instructor was pretty good on preaching.


Next morning, the tallest intern named Jeffery brought a book to my desk and told me that he was reading it. Before leaving my desk, he threw a question to me, “Do you know herpes?” I didn’t reply.


I went along with Jessi to attend weekend bible study hosted in Jessi’s friend’s house several times. One time Tabitha also joined in. Jessi told me that just like me, Tabitha was then not a Christian, but would help her to become one.

我跟Jessi 去她朋友家参加过几次周末圣经学习活动。一次Tabitha 也参与了。Jessi 跟我说Tabitha 跟我一样不信基督教,会慢慢带动她信。

Later Tabitha got married. She and her husband first rent a room in Jessi’s house, then moved into their own house and had a baby.

Tabitha 后来结了婚,先在 Jessi 家租了一个房间,后来自己和老公买了房子,生了小孩。

I left York International end of 2005 as there was no hope to settle down a full time job while many software engineers were either leaving or laid off due to the merge of York International to Johnson Control. I left a pot of cactus set in front of my computer monitor and the office supplies to Angie Wu. Angie told me later that she gave the cactus to her friend and colleague sitting next to her since she had already one pot of plant for herself.

2005 年底,York International 合并到Johnson Control ,很多软件工程师要么自动离开,要么下岗了。看着没希望被雇佣为正式员工我就离开了。我把桌上电脑显示屏前的仙人掌和其它办公用品给了吴安琪。她后来跟我说她自己已有一盆花草,就把我给她的仙人掌送给了坐在她隔壁的好朋友兼女同事。

A lot of time, when we hear something, we ought to use our brain to analyze it and take action according to the facts. Otherwise a lot of innocent people would be hurt for no reasons, but someone’s intense jealousy or desire to reach ulterior objectives.
